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Thalatta is a 25,000km wide orb of water collected from the ancient flood waters from Naaglok. Its spherical shape is maintained by a population of siren-like predators who influence the currents by 'swimming' in an intricate pattern. This forces multiple bands of water into a neat, and interlaced, alignment that forms a pattern that wraps around the core; reminiscent of a fist knot.


Surface Layer

Roll for Rain Effects Roll for Waves Height Effects
1 - 5 No Rain 1 - 10 10ft Swells
  • On a roll between 1-2, succeed a DC 15 DEX save to grab a crew member as they fall over
  • 6 - 10 Heavy Rain
  • -1 all checks
  • -4 Perception
  • visibility reduced by half
  • 11 - 15 20ft Swells
  • On a roll between 5-9, (only after 10 hours), crew morale bonus is halved and requires a DC 15 CHA save to negate
  • 11 - 20 Blinding Rain
  • -2 all checks
  • -6 Perception
  • visibility reduced to ¼
  • 16 - 20 30ft Swells
  • On a roll between 18-20, all not tied down must make a DC 15 DEX or STR save or be thrown around
  • Ecosystem Cycles

    Crisscrossing Currents

    In essence, this globe is a series of rotating rings meticulously layered to create a compact structure that goes on several leagues deep without inflicting higher than normal pressure at the lower layers.  
    Potential crash victims must succeed on a DC 20 PER save. On a fail, must then succeed a DC 22 DEX save or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage from impacting the surface layer.   The following is the series of challenges a trapped ship has to go through in order to escape the global currents. Note that it takes damage every time it crosses between layers, so that even when backtracking, the ship would have to take damage every time. Two exceptions to this are when entering the empty center or leaving the first layer.  
    First Layer
    Any medium or smaller vessel that fails its first DC 23 save to escape must succeed on a second DC 20 or be pulled into the torrent and held suspended (restrained) in its powerful currents, taking 1d8+5 damage every round on your turn with no saves allowed.   You may direct the whirlpool to eject any carried NPCs whenever you wish. If a vessel's length that is shorter than the vortex's width takes 6d6 damage and is grappled by the current. The ship makes a DC 25 WIS check. If the vessel is longer than the current's width, it takes only half damage and is not caught up by the vortex.
    Second Layer
    Entering the boundary layer: Succeed a DC 20 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct. On a fail, succeed a DC 24 or take d8+4 damage and enter the second layer.   Striking the sides: Succeed a DC 15 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct.   On a fail, succeed a DC 20 or take d4+3 damage, followed by d8+12 bludgeoning damage from a rapid change in direction due to entering another stream.
    On a success, take d4 damage and stay in your current stream.   Existing the boundary layer: Succeed a DC 22 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct. On a fail, succeed a DC 22 or take d8+5 damage and enter the third layer.
    Third Layer
    Entering the boundary layer: Succeed a DC 15 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct. On a fail, succeed a DC 18 or take d8+5 damage and enter the third layer.   Striking the sides: Succeed a DC 10 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct.   On a fail, experience a rapid change in direction due to entering another stream and must succeed a DC 15 or
  • take 2d4+3 damage
  • followed by 2d12 bludgeoning
  • on a 1 are struck by 3d12 lightning damage
    On a success, take 2d4 damage and stay in your current stream.   Existing the boundary layer: Succeed a DC 11 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct. On a fail, succeed a DC 11 or take d8+7 damage and enter the fourth layer.
    Fourth Layer
    Entering the boundary layer: Succeed a DC 10 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct. On a fail, succeed a DC 10 or take d8+7 damage and enter the fourth layer.   Striking the sides: Succeed a DC 5 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct.   On a fail, experience a rapid change in direction due to entering another stream and must succeed a DC 10 or
  • take 3d4 damage
  • followed by 3d12 bludgeoning and 3d8 cold damage
  • on a 1 are struck by 3d12 lightning damage
    On a success, take 3d4 damage and stay in your current stream.   Existing the boundary layer: Succeed a DC 11 PER check to notice the incoming layer and course correct. On a fail, succeed a DC 11 and enter the core.
  • Localized Phenomena


    A moon-like body spun off from Thalatta's waters, 5,000km wide, that orbits the larger source and habours a renege population of friendly meridians.


    The water rings of Thalatta encircle an empty core, 6-7,000km wide. The currents surrounding its outer layer make it difficult for any non-meridian to escape.



    The surface of the water world is in a perpetual state of motion. There are no solid masses to break up the waves causing frequent and intense storms on the surface, driven primarily by complex oceanic currents and circulation patterns.
    DC Description Vessel Handling Effects
    10 Heavy Gale
    15 Strong Storm Scudding
  • -1 penalty to physical checks
  • -5 penalty to handle the ship
  • 20 Typical Hurricane On Course
  • -2 penalty to physical checks
  • 25 Overwhelming Hurricane Improve Status/Hold
  • Push back 25ft and deal 2d10 + bludgeoning damage.
  • To take half damage, make a DEX saving throw against a DC 10 + WIS, CHA or INT modifier + proficiency bonus
  • One piece of major damage when the ship ends abreast of the waves
  • Fauna & Flora

    Through a profound connection with the ocean's energy. Meridians possess remarkable abilities, harnessing the power of currents and tides to shape the very fabric of their underwater realm.
    With streamlined features, they effortlessly navigate their artificial sea, embodying essence of marine elegance.
    — Time Mage's admiration


    Thalatta Flood

    A long time ago, an ungodly amount of water flooded out of Rasatal and eventually collected together into Thalatta.
    It is known from the meridians; that this torrent, and the meridians with it, were forcibly ejected from an entirely liquid realm called Naaglok.   Thalatta is their attempt to recreate home.

    Ecological Influence

    For one thousand years in the distant past, this globular sphere was used to lay siege to the Nonantum route between the laplwyd capital and the Moirai burrows.   The end result of which was:
    1. the drowning of the Everdark
    2. the great species interchange
    3. the mass bleeding of the ocean orb that reduced its current mass by 3


  • +2 per crew member
  • +4 per Officer
  • +5 for Captain
  • -5 for every major ship damage
  • DC 15 Climb: +2 for a PC (Falls if fail by 5)
  • DC 10 STR: +1 for a PC
  • See Disaster Table for further storm-derived rules

    Trapezus Conspiracy

    Reputable cruise operators with experience around Trabzon, the orbitary path Tassa travels, sell vacation packages to adventurous travelers seeking off-the-beaten-path experiences.   Of course, they carried inherent risks. Passengers are responsible for their own comfort, safety precautions, and travel advisories before embarking on these journeys.
    Cruises consult with Thessaly advisories, obtain appropriate travel insurance and prepare for unexpected situations during a typical 6-day voyage revolving around Thalatta.
    Most are hoping to catch sight of the meridians' kolossa. And though rare, a passenger may be attacked by a meridian for their dignitas.
    — travel representative

    Under the Sea Flash Challenge Entry
    This article is an entry to the unofficial Under the Sea Flash Challenge.
    Alternative Name(s)
  • Spherical Sea
  • Misty Ocean
  • Type
    Location under
    Related Tradition (Primary)
    Inhabiting Species
    Related Plots
    Prince of Patanal
    Item | Jun 15, 2024
    Red glitterings, scattered like liquid stardust, remain a tantalizing secret.   The Meridians' intricate web of luminescent patterns only appear in the waters when large schools culminate; casting an enchanting glow that captivates all who witness it.
    — Witnessing the kolossa phenomenon

    Cover image: Magnetic Waterbending by David Reiter


    Author's Notes

    Under the Sea Flash Challenge
    Generic article | Mar 6, 2024

    Unofficial Flash Challenge. I want to hear about your oceans, lake monsters, merfolk and anything related to bodies of water in this short one week flash challenge DUE: 29th of May, 2023

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    Jun 1, 2023 17:43 by Rin Garnett

    This is such a cool visual to imagine, and says a lot about the meridians that they take the time and effort to maintain such a massive knot of water. Also love how you included the gameplay mechanics, complete with button click dice rolls. Checking the rules can be a mood killer, but you've made it so easy here!

    Jun 15, 2023 14:13

    Thanks for taking part in the unofficial challenge!   Creativity: 7,5 Verisimilitude: 4 Presentation: 4,5   The main thing you could improve about Thalatta is to add detail and expand on what you have. Right now, it is a series of really interesting ideas, but there’s not enough meat on the bone for a reader to really learn all that much about Thalatta. What does the water look like? What lives there besides Meridians? What kind of ancient debris did those floods sweep with them and remains yet inside Thalatta?   Who goes here, and why? You mention tourism, which sounds very hilarious to me, but it needs some more details. And why is it called a conspiracy?   All in all, there are plenty of interesting pieces that you could expand into a really cool, really unique piece of worldbuilding.   I would also encourage you to think a bit about your formatting, and especially how and where you add your tables. It helps when you have a bit of writing to give context to a table, like you do before the turbulence table.You could consider moving all the tables to the bottom of the article. This will make it easier for people to read about Thalatta and it will make it quicker for DMs who want to use the tables.  

    Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.