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Basic Information

Biological Traits

Streams of Steam

A meridian's default shapes is as a gaseous sphere or when at rest, much like the ocean itself. But when triggered, wisps of a liquidy gas would emerge from the center and coil around a target to swipe portions of normally intangible dignitas away for itself.
While in this incorporeal form:
  • Half movement speed
  • Advantage on DEX checks
  • Attacks against it are made with disadvantage
  • Cannot be grappled
  • Cannot be prone
  • Can move through a 1 inch space
  • Take d10 damage per 5ft into an unoccupied space, whenever they end a turn in a space too small
  • Genetics and Reproduction

    Integration and Assimilation

    When one meridian looks for dignitas to procreate, shards of the preys' personality and values can linger within their offspring and can influence their behaviour before and after the 'game'.
    A grappled target must succeed a DC 16 CON saving throw or else temporarily gives up half their hp to the attacking meridian.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Murky environments with little visibility appear to be their favourite haunts.

    Dietary Needs and Habits


    By stealing the dignitas of their prey, meridians can strengthen their own abilities in the spectral realm.   Meridians can also feed on the electrical impulses of machines to serve as randomizers used in conjunction with a meridian's collection of previous dignitatic meals for reproduction.

    Additional Information

    Social Structure


    Tribes cohabitate in hunter groups of three to five with mostly nomadic lifestyles, occasionally changing their home, within the misty ocean.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Misty Ocean

    The ocean is a sphere of water floating in the Manidweepa salvaged from the hurriedly collected water that poured out with the meridians from the portal that connected to Naaglok.

    Average Intelligence


    Meridians live in groups that make complicated decisions to adapt their activities to other meridians and their prey.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities


    Meridians communicate telepathically and empathically, receiving thoughts and emotions from others while perceiving what others think as they feel it. This is also the means by which they track their prey.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Community Names

    For the majority of their early lives, meridians lived fiercely independent lives. Once they start condensing in their tribes, they collectively decide on how they would identify each other and themselves.

    Relationship Ideals


    Meridians do not procreate through flesh like organic beings. But when they do, how they do it, they emerge in clutches of dozens to hundreds.
    After hatching, there is a sibling culling where they hunt and feed for one another's little dignitas, in a long survival game. The entirety of the misty ocean is their arena. The individual serpent-like children start off driven by food seeking instincts before rapidly gaining a greater awareness to design ambushes, strategize attack and devise deceptions.   As they get bigger, the 'game' slows down and they start grouping together in small tribes. At this time, the strongest and most cunning form a pact that recognizes that they are now too dangerous to hunt, so lets become brothers and sisters instead.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    Charm Songs

    While undoubtedly intelligent, their language is as mysterious to outsiders as a dimension's mitial. In fact, many have started to suspect that their abilities are more intrinsicly tied to their manner of speech than other local species.

    Common Taboos

    Insulting Relations

    Meridians do not have familial relations as we understand it. Because every birth is fathered via electrons torn from biotic or abiotic systems, every meridian is as distinct amongst their own kind as between other species.
    The relations that form after the 'game' are the strongest possible. They love each other because they chose to. Meridians do not normally bother communicating with those outside their species as they would not leave their ocean, even for the pursuit of dignitas. But offensive comments directed to one's sibling(s) inspires heighten aggression as if they were insulted.

    Common Myths and Legends


    The original liquid home of the meridians.
    No one knows where the original portal opened, but that's really irrelevant. More than likely, it was a random portal that sucked an unfortunate sampling of the liquid meridians into this other place.

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions


    A paraphilia by which meridians collectively attract their prey through projected scenario reenactments involving sexual encounters.
    A target must succeed a DC 20 WIS save or fall unconscious until the start of the meridian's next turn. Anything within 60 ft of the scenario, moves at half their normal speed and must succeed a DC 20 STR save or have 0ft speed.   On a second pass, the target must succeed a DC 14 WIS save or take d4+1 WIS damage. If WIS drops to 0, then higher mental functions are impeded and become reliant on more instinctive reflexs:
  • Cannot cast spells
  • Disadvantage on attack rolls
  • Cannot partake in speech or understanding speech
    Targets may repeat the WIS save at the start of each turn. If they are unable, the effects fade after 4 rounds.

  • Conservation Status
    Mahatal Naaglok is a sub-region of Mahatal forbidden to human travelers
    Average Physique
    No discernable shape.   They are able to alter their size and shift back and forth between being solid to being gaseous.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Melting green and blue film for skin flecked with liquid scales.
    Geographic Distribution
    Related Organizations
    Related Ethnicities
    Related Myths
    Discovered by
    Related Materials

    STR (Choose the lowest roll as modifier)
    Armour 2d6
    HP 3d6+6 ([min+max]/2)
    Speed 2d10+10 ft

    Cover image: Water Woman by Benjamin Funk


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