The Chronicle of Kelbonnar

The chronicle of the major events that have taken place across the planes of existence that make up the world of Kelbonnar.

  • 3000 DP

    1 Hemtal

    The Awakening of Orivious

    As told in the Origin of the DivinesOrivious, the first of the Divines awakens and sets to work creating his children from whom all of the other gods and goddesses of Kelbonnar would stem.

    More reading
    The Origin of the Divines
  • 2175 DP

    27 Grental

    The Binding of Orivious

    After nearly a millennia of toiling under Orivious overbearing, callous rule, the other Divines overthrow Orivious, trapping part of his soul in the Orb of Orivious and banishing the rest of the first Divine to a demi-plane prison.

    More reading
    The Orb of Orivious
  • 1984 DP

    4 Kultal

    The Foundation of Thaleros

    Settlers from Sparos who had travelled south, over the Dragons' Tears Mountains and taken up residence in the Wyld Woods, formally and amicably separate from their brethren to the north and found the Kingdom of Thaleros

    The Wyld Woods
  • 1543 DP

    43 Quental

    Foundation of The Kingdom of Destra

    Following a campaign to unit the various Human tribes dwelling in and around the Destra Wetlands, Nebuchadnezzar I is crowned as the first king of Destra.

    Destra Wetlands
  • 1503 DP

    3 Yultal

    Creation of the First Vampire
    Life, Supernatural

    During her quest for true immortality, the Elven mage Istar strikes a bargain with the malevolent Divine Hissh, which warps and transforms her into the first Vampire.

  • 1497 DP

    23 Kultal

    Istar begins her War of Conquest Against Sparos
    Military: War

    Having spent years testing the limits of her new found power, Istar, supported by the Divine Hissh reveals herself and begins her war of conquest over Sparos, founding in the process the Vampire nation of Ymeris.

  • 1425 DP

    42 Yultal

    Beginning of the Sparite Counter Attack against Ymeris
    Military: War

    Having regrouped from the initial onslaught of the Vampires, the Elves of Sparos, bolstered by the receipt of the divine gift Kamon's Light begin their counter attack, forcing their way back into the territory of Ymeris and eventually to the walls of the Vampire's capital Vonstorm.

  • 1423 DP

    39 Quental

    The Fall of Sparos
    Military: War

    Despite the bravery of their counterattack, the forces of Sparos are forced back by the overwhelming strength of the Vampires of Ymeris, who force the Elves back to the walls of their mountain capital Penelionar. Thanks to treachery within the Sparite ranks, which leads to the failing of Kamon's Light, the city is sacked and all within it are killed or enslaved.

  • 564 DP

    19 Grental

    Founding of the City of Meltaro

    The city of Meltaro is founded as the first permanent home of the Turelite people and along with it the city-state of Turelion is created, the ancestor of what would become the Empire of Turelion several hundred years later.

  • 460 DP

    46 Grental

    Destruction of the city of Deseera
    Disaster / Destruction

    Following the beginning of the mages' revolt, Deseera, tha capital of the Kingdom of Destra is destroyed and King Nebuchadnezzar XXXVII killed.

    Ruins of Deseera
  • 427 DP

    27 Ultal

    Destruction of the Kingdom of Destra
    Disaster / Destruction

    After years of fighting a guerilla warfare against the mages who had taken rebelled against their father, Prince Asurraynaar is captured and the remains of their forces are destroyed along with their hideout in the Spears of Astartes mountains. Following this, the Ancient Kingdom of Destra was finally considered to be destroyed beyond all hope and was consigned once and for all to the chronicles of history.

  • 390 DP

    21 Jantal

    Foundation of the Hastellion Trading Company

    Caspar Macheniolli purchases his first trading vessal and establishes the Hastellion Trading Company based out of the city of Hastellion.

  • 365 DP

    31 Frantal

    Creation of the Merchant Princedom of Hastellion
    Diplomatic action

    With the Hastellion Trading Company's meteoric rise to success, Ramaz VI, realising that he could not maintain his position as king any longer accepted the proposal and pay off offered to him by Caspar Macheniolli.   With this aggreeement, the kingdom was reformed as the Merchant Princedom of Hastellion.

  • 353 DP

    1 Hemtal

    Coronation of Machestaro I
    Political event

    Having conquered more of the known world than any other Turelite in the name of the Divine Astartes, Machestaro, king of Turelion is crowned as Machestaro I 'the Founder', the first Emperor of the newly formed Empire of Turelion.

    More reading
    Machestaro I
  • 352 DP

    19 Ultal

    Construction begins on the Grand Imperial Palace
    Artistic creation

    Construction begins on the Grand Imperial Palace in Meltaro

  • 306 DP

    38 Ultal

    Death of Machestaro I
    Life, Death

    Machestaro I, the first Emperor of Turelion dies in his bed of natural causes.

  • 306 DP

    18 Ioantal

    Coronation of Machestaro II
    Political event

    Machestaro II is crowned as the second Emperor of Turelion.

  • 304 DP

    27 Ioantal

    Commodore Bramilo Deserts from the Imperial Navy
    Criminal Activity

    Commodore Bramilo deserts from the Imperial Navy with his fleet of 10 ships and founds the Kelrik Pirates.

    More reading
    The Kelrik Pirates
  • 300 DP

    19 Frantal

    Founding of the Imperial College of Arcanists

    Wanting to have more control over the training and regulation of magic users across the Empire of Turelion Machestaro II founds the Imperial College of Arcanists and orders the construction of their headquarters in Allerium .

  • 293 DP

    32 Yultal

    Coronation of Orthax I
    Political event

    Orthax I is crowned as the third Emperor of Turelion.

  • 291 DP

    6 Quental

    Coronation of Belliotrix I
    Political event

    Belliotrix I is crowned as the fourth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 277 DP

    44 Kultal

    Coronation of Tasbal I 'the Huntsman'
    Political event

    Tasbal I, known as 'the Huntsman' is crowned as the fifth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 275 DP

    21 Frantal

    Founding of the Lodge of Imperial Hunters

    Following the crowning of Tasbal I, 'the Huntsman', the Lodge of Imperial Hunters was founded to protect the Empire of Turelion from the numerous monstrous creatures that preyed on the Emperor's subjects across their dominions on Kelbonnar's Material Plane.

  • 264 DP

    17 Trelltal

    Coronation of Orthax II 'the Pious'
    Political event

    Orthax II, known as 'the Pious' is crowned as the sixth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 255 DP

    26 Grental

    Coronation of Machestaro III
    Political event

    Machestaro III is crowned as the seventh Emperor of Turelion.

  • 221 DP

    28 Kultal

    Coronation of Borial I 'the Miser'
    Political event

    Borial I, known as 'the Miser' is crowned as the eighth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 179 DP

    11 Ultal

    Beginning of the Triplet's Interregnum
    Military action

    When Borial I, 'the Miser', died in 179DP without declaring who his heir and successor would be the Empire of Turelion descended into a period of civil war as his three sons, the triplets Tamen, Kelbon and Mallenar fought for the Imperial throne. Unfortunately for them, none of triplets would survive the conflict, which spilled over into the next generation and was fought on their behalf by their immediate descendents.    This period was marked by strife throughout the Empire, with many factions across Kelbonnar taking advantage of the interregnum to make political, territorial and economic gains against the Empire of Turelion.

  • 137 DP

    7 Quental

    The Battle of Vorcastle and the End of the Triplet's Interregnum
    Military action

    After 42 years of gruelling war, Renovationia, daughter of Mallenar, son of Borial 'the Miser' defeats her last rival Citrio, son of Tamen, son of Borial 'the Miser' following a the storming of Citrio's stronghold at Vorcastle in Norgantho Province.

  • 137 DP

    6 Trelltal

    Coronation of Renovationia I 'the Peacebringer'
    Political event

    Renovationia I, known as 'the Peacebringer' is crowned as the ninth Emperor of Turelion. She also becomes the first woman to sit upon the Imperial Throne.

  • 130 DP

    21 Quental

    Coronation of Mallenar I
    Political event

    Mallenar I is crowned as the tenth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 129 DP

    5 Hemtal

    Founding of the Imperial Inquisition

    Despite there having been close to a decade following the end of the Triplet's Interregnum, Emperor Mallenar I, still haunted by the spectre of the conflict his mother had painstakingly won, along with a number of attempts against his life following his coronation founded the Imperial Inquisition to weed out dissenters and malcontents and protect himself and his family.

  • 110 DP

    16 Jantal

    Coronation of Belliotrix II
    Political event

    Belliotrix II is crowned as the eleventh Emperor of Turelion.

  • 98 DP

    46 Kultal

    Coronation of Salastar I ‘the Savage’
    Political event

    Salastar I, known as 'the Savage' is crowned as the twelfth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 33 DP

    18 Jantal

    Coronation of Salastar II 'the Cruel'
    Political event

    Salastar II, known as 'the Cruel' is crowned as the thirteenth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 5 DP

    11 Frantal

    Coronation of Salastar III 'the Unfortunate'
    Political event

    Salastar III, known as 'the Unfortunate' is crowned as the fourteenth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 1 DP

    33 Ioantal

    Death of Prota
    Life, Death

    The ruler of the Divines, Prota is murdered by an unknown assailant, sparking off the chain of events which led to the outbreak of the Divine War.

    More reading
    The Slaying of Prota
  • 0 DP

    1 Hemtal

    Start of the Divine War
    Era beginning/end

    The disruption of the duel between Astartes and Polephemon to decide who should ascend to the Divine Throne sparks the beginning of the ear defining conflict the Divine War.

    More reading
    The Divine War
  • 5 DW

    13 Kultal

    Destruction of Quess
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Quess in the Empire of Turelion's Ultaru Province is destroyed in a Polephemite attack, which also killed the ruling Emperor of Turelion at the time, Salastar III, 'the Unfortunate', who unfortunately happened to be conducting an official visit on the same day.

    Ruins of Quess
  • 5 DW

    20 Jantal

    Coronation of Salastina I 'the Diplomat'
    Political event

    Salastina I, known as 'the Diplomat' is crowned as the fifteenth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 55 DW

    34 Ioantal

    Coronation of Halisca I
    Political event

    Halisca I is crowned as the sixteenth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 75 DW

    26 Hemtal

    Coronation of Pontidia I 'The Matriarch'
    Political event

    Pontidia I, known as 'the Matriarch' is crowned as the seventeenth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 99 DW

    27 Frantal

    Coronation of Artamo I 'the Ageless'
    Political event

    Artamo I, known as 'the Ageless' is crowned as the eighteenth Emperor of Turelion. They are remarkable for being the only Elf and only non-Human to ever sit on the Imperial Throne to date.

  • 105 DW

    47 Yultal
    107 DW

    34 Jantal

    The Death of Melchis and the Creation of the Desolation of Melchis
    Life, Death

    After challenging the Divine Astartes to an epic, if misguided duel that lasted nearly two years, the Divine @Melchis is slain by Astartes. The huge swathe of territory in Euristan that was the site of the duel was so tainted by magic, that it was declared to be a Desolation of the Divines.

  • 157 DW

    18 Ioantal

    Coronation of King Lucien Dalathan
    Political event

    Following the death of his mother, Alaria, Lucien Dalathan takes up the throne and is crowned as the seventh monarch of Thaleros.

    The Wyld Woods
  • 212 DW

    30 Jantal

    Rebellion of Julia Tarquinius Vinicius Begins
    Military: War

    The discontent that had built up in the Imperial Court over the past 100 years of Artamo I's slow and ponderous rule boiled over into open rebellion, led by Julia Tarquinius Vinicius of the noble and powerful Vinicius Family.

  • 212 DW

    47 Grental

    Battle of the Sanguine River
    Military: Battle

    In an attempt to bring the rebellion led by Julia Tarquinius Vinicius to an end, Emperor Artamo I marched in force from Meltaro, pursuing Vinicius' much smaller force to the banks of the Sanguine River. Unfortunately for Artamo, he had fallen for Vinicius' ruse and his force was surrounded and resoundingly defeated by what turned out to be the far larger and superior force of Julia Tarquinius Vinicius. Artamo I was killed in the battle, it is said by Vinicius' own hand, and his body dumped into the river and carried out to the Centric Sea, never to be seen again.

  • 213 DW

    21 Yultal

    Coronation of Julia I 'the Usurper'
    Political event

    Julia I, known as 'the Usurper' is crowned as the nineteenth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 224 DW

    18 Ioantal

    Coronation of Turael I
    Political event

    Turael I is crowned as the twentieth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 258 DW

    11 Grental

    Coronation of Turael II ‘the Beneficent’
    Political event

    Turael II, known as 'the Beneficent' is crowned as the twentieth-first Emperor of Turelion.

  • 294 DW

    44 Ultal

    Coronation of Borial II 'the Wary'
    Political event

    Borial II, known as 'the Wary' is crowned as the twentieth-second Emperor of Turelion.

  • 295 DW

    21 Frantal
    297 DW

    18 Jantal

    The Rotian Rebellion
    Military action

    A bitter fraternal rivalry that followed the coronation of Borial II spilled over into a rebellion by the island town of Rotian, led by the younger brother of the Emperor Hostus.

    More reading
    The Rotian Rebellion
  • 312 DW

    7 Quental

    Coronation of Borial III
    Political event

    Borial III is crowned as the twentieth-third Emperor of Turelion.

  • 350 DW

    13 Yultal

    Coronation of Tamina I
    Political event

    Tamina I is crowned as the twentieth-fourth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 379 DW

    19 Grental

    Coronation of Tasbal II
    Political event

    Tasbal II is crowned as the twentieth-fifth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 392 DW

    45 Quental

    Coronation of Annunziata I
    Political event

    Annunziata I is crowned as the twentieth-sixth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 427 DW

    34 Trelltal

    Coronation of Belliotrix III 'the Cartographer'
    Political event

    Belliotrix III, known as 'the Cartographer' is crowned as the twentieth-seventh Emperor of Turelion.

  • 439 DW

    25 Quental

    Re-Discovery of the Continent of Zastral
    Discovery, Exploration

    On this day in 439AIF, the crew of the Seacrake, whose ship had been swept from the safe shipping routes of the Sea of Gormallis to the stormy coasts of the island continent of Zastral discovered that, contrary to popular belief, the wrath of Polephemon had not completely and utterly destroyed the landmass. In so doing, they became the first people to set foot on the Continent of Zastral since the creation of the Desolation of Polephemon.   It would take many months for the survivors to repair their ship and make good their escape in a large enough weather break, so that their discovery could be shared with the rest of the Empire of Turelion and from thence the rest of the world.

  • 466 DW

    25 Frantal

    Coronation of Mallenar II
    Political event

    Mallenar II is crowned as the twentieth-eighth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 487 DW

    21 Jantal

    Coronation of Promethea I
    Political event

    Promethea I is crowned as the twentieth-ninth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 487 DW

    17 Quental

    Aid Petition Sent to Norgantho’s Satrap
    Disaster / Destruction

    Following an immensely bad winter, which saw the failure of almost all the locally grown crops and the cutting off of the Worfal Tundra from the rest of the continent of Euristan, peoples from across Norgantho Province send petitions for aid to the province's Satrap.

  • 488 DW

    23 Hemtal

    Rioting across the Worfal Tundra
    Criminal Activity

    With neither aid, nor an acknowledgement of their troubles forthcoming from the Satrap of Norgantho Province, rioting erupts all across the towns, villages and mining communities of the Worfal Tundra, with many imperial buildings and personnel damaged. In response the Satrap  deploys the provincial troops under their command to forcibly suppress the unrest.

  • 488 DW

    5 Ultal

    Massacre at Lemnar Mine
    Military action

    Seeking to bring the unrest in Norgantho Province to an end, a Regional Administrator in the Provincial Government ordered the troops under his command in the Worfal Tundra to forcibly break up a strike that had begun at Lemnar Mine, a rich iron mine in the south east of the territory. Finding that the miners were resistant to being disbursed, the Provincial Troops took the opportunity to release their frustrations and reacted with excessive force. Hundreds of miners were killed, hundreds others wounded and the town itself was reduced to a pile of rubble which has yet to be rebuilt.

  • 488 DW

    34 Ultal

    Rebellion in the Worfal Tundra

    As news of the massacre at Lemnar Mine spread across the region of the Worfal Tundra, the local populace of Norgantho Province, either enraged or fearful that they too might be attacked by Provincial Troops, took up arms and began to attack anything or anyone that represented the Provincial or the Imperial government.

  • 490 DW

    13 Yultal

    Provincial Troops in the Worfal Tundra Withdraw to Hraman
    Military action

    Unable to subdue the rioters and rebels, all remaining Provincial Troops in the Worfal Tundra retreat to the administrative capital Hraman to try and establish a defensive position from which they can be relieved or rescued by reinforcements requested from the other provinces of the Empire of Turelion.

  • 490 DW

    20 Yultal

    The Siege of Hraman
    Military action

    Buoyed up by the retreat of the Provincial Troops, the rebels of the Worfal Tundra press home their rebellion and besiege the administrative capital of Norgantho Province, Hraman. Within days the town was cut off from the outside world and the two forces became locked in a bitter fight for every street and houses.

  • 490 DW

    32 Frantal

    Surrender of Hraman and the Execution of the Worfal Tundra Provincial Administrator
    Military action

    After months of bitter fighting, the loss of most of the Provincial Troops under their command and the failure of any reinforcements to appear from the south, the Satrap of Norgantho Province surrenders the town of Hraman to the rebels. All Provincial and Imperial buildings are sacked by the victorious forces and all known Imperial Servants and Provincial bureaucrats, including the Satrap are executed.

  • 490 DW

    1 Grental

    Declaration of Nova Norgantho's Independence

    Following the surrender and sack of Hraman, the founding of the independent nation of Nova Norgantho was declared, and the rebels formally claimed control over the area of the Worfal Tundra.

    Worfal Tundra
  • 492 DW

    16 Jantal

    Battle of Valtan Village
    Military action

    More than two years after the rebellion in the Worfal Tundra and the declaration of Nova Norgantho's independence, the then Emperor of Turelion Promethea I, seeing that the burgeoning nation wasn’t going to tear itself apart of its own accord, finally decides to launch an assault.   Mustering an army comprising of nearly the entire Provincial Armies of Turelion Province, Promethea ordered their forces to enter the territory of Nova Norgantho. However, the Imperial forces only made it a couple of  days march into the Rebel Nation before they were ambushed near the village of Valtan and slaughtered, their weapons and armour going to swell the supplied of Nova Norgantho.

  • 499 DW

    29 Frantal

    Coronation of Kelbon I
    Political event

    Kelbon I is crowned as the thirtieth Emperor of Turelion.

  • 507 DW

    31 Kultal

    Attempted Assassination of the People’s Council
    Criminal Activity

    After years spent infiltrating Nova Norgantho, agents from the Imperial Inquisition launched an assault from within the Councillors’ compound in Hraman to try and kill every member of the People’s Council for that year, and thereby break the spirit of the Rebel Nation. Despite their best efforts, many of the councillors survived and the majority of the agents were killed attempting to flee the town.

  • 528 DW

    35 Hemtal

    Coronation of Annunziata II
    Political event

    Annunziata  II is crowned as the thirty-first Emperor of Turelion.

  • 540 DW

    1 Grental

    Half-Century Celebrations in Nova Norgantho
    Cultural event

    To celebrate reaching 50 years of independence from the Empire of Turelion, a nationwide celebration is held across Nova Norgantho, to which a number of the Rebel Nation’s key allies, including representatives of Kelrik Pirates, are invited.

  • 550 DW

    5 /12

    The Assassination of Empress Annunziata II
    Criminal Activity

    Whilst travelling to an Imperial Estate located in Turelion Province, an agent in the employ of Nova Norgantho who had smuggled themselves aboard Empress Annunziata II's Firewing, released an instantly lethal quantity of Grey Globe Mushroom spores in the craft, killing all on board.

  • 551 DW

    11 Yultal

    Coronation of Belliotrix IV
    Political event

    Belliotrix IV is crowned as the thirty-second Emperor of Turelion.

  • 552 DW

    26 Yultal

    Emperor Belliotrix IV Declares War on Nova Norgantho
    Military action

    Following his coronation, Emperor Belliotrix IV officially declares war on Nova Norgantho, a move that both legitimises the Rebel Nation’s claim to be independent, but also notes a seed change in the Empire’s opinion of them and a shift towards treating them a true problem.

  • 555 DW

    11 Jantal

    Construction of the Northern Norgantho Defences Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Emperor Belliotrix's solution to the Nova Norgantho problem is launched by the beginning of a network of walls and forts across the north-eastern corner of the Worfal Tundra, to protect what little territory is left under the auspices of Norgantho Province from further encroachments from Nova Norgantho.