
Rest ye judgement at the forge's coals. Within Gildómar, it is Torag's law you follow.
— Inscription upon the Gates of Judgement leading to Fyrneistur
  The theocratic monarchy of Gildómar is one of the oldest civilisations to still exist in the modern day, a feat demonstrated thoroughly through the nation's extensive system of laws and castes that hails back to its creation at the hand of the dwarven gods. It maintains a strong economic presence across Iskaldhal, particularly the frozen continent's western reaches, and controls access to some of the richest gem mines upon the continent.   Gildómar is largely a caste-based society. Citizens of Gildómar are born into one of a number of rock, metal, or gemstone-themed castes that define their position in society, and only permission passed down from the heavens or serious achievement can allow a citizen to change caste. These castes define a number of things about a citizen's life, such as where they live and work, but are explicitly forbidden from defining marriage and love. Inter-caste marriage is uncommon and socially strange, but the existence of the goddess Bolka has ensured that it remains protected at a sacred level.   Outsiders are permitted inside Gildómar's borders with one caveat: their religions, laws, and traditions are not to be foisted onto the nation's children. Gildómar is well-established as an independent state with little desire for outside interference, and those charged with interfering with cultural, political, or religious matters are seen as pariahs or worse. Only Gildóns may change Gildómar, if their nation must change at all.



According to Gildón myth, It was by the might of the deity Torag and his kin that the dwarves first emerged from the Heartforge of Iskaldhal. By the hands of these gods, each of the firstborn dwarves was sculpted from the very earths and metals that would define their purpose, as if written into their genetics directly. From diamond, the ruling dynasty were carved. Smiths were forged in hard metals and alloys such as iron and steel. Builders were made of honest earth. And so this trend continued for each and every facet of dwarven civilisation.   But the continent of Iskaldhal has never been barren of life. Fierce dragons ruled the skies as all manner of hostile wildlife stalked the snowy peaks. It was no place for a civilisation to be born, not in such a state. Thus it was that Torag's hammer came down upon an area filled with the most vile of beings to cleanse it from its lingering darkness and to clear it for mortal use. Angradd, Torag's younger brother, blessed the settlement's warriors with the frenzy of battle in their hearts - and with the strength to defend their land and seize resources from earth and enemies, the dwarves were able to stand alone.   As one, the dwarves constructed their home, beginning with the city of Fyrneist. And with the blessing of the gods, King Holmgeir Thendrótin proclaimed their nation as Gildómar.  

The Golden Age of the Divines

To return to the ancient days where Folgrit would visit the women at their births! To hear the drinking halls echo with Trudd's booming laugh! When gods walked among dwarves, we were at our very strongest. No men survived the battle against us, no elves had the balls to try!
  Throughout the Old Times, long before the Second Divine War, Gildómar flourished. Gold and gemstones came easily to the dwarves, tapping the caves and Underdark for unfounded bounties. The years were not without their hardships - natural disasters, organised attacks from Iskaldhal's other inhabitants, and the arrival of many other nations to the land lead to political challenge and war. But whilst the Thendrótin name was destroyed in these hardships, the throne of Gildómar was never empty - and never did a non-dwarf darken the throne-room as anything more than a visitor.   It was in these days that other dwarven nations began to spring up, offshoots of Gildómar that required a slightly different mindset. Though these nations - Sjarvaldir, Falthorin and Myrkvalla being three to survive in some form to the present day - were often short-lived attempts at creating separate countries, those that remained still swore allegiance to Gildómar and were often considered to be simple extensions of Gildón power.  

The Dawn of Arcane Magic

The Second Divine War took its toll on Gildómar. The very cornerstone of Gildón society - and the dwarven racial identity - was the idea that they were created by the gods; that the gods had planned for them to be certain ways. Reaching outside of those boxes was already frowned upon, viewed nationally as a dwarf fighting against his destiny. It was only acceptable if he found some measure of success or received a sign from above that his path was true - if not, he would be an outcast amongst his own kin.   The advent of arcane magic represented a complete betrayal of the trust the Dwarven Pantheon had bestowed upon dwarvenkind. Torag and Angradd stood heavily on the frontlines of those determinedly against the use of this strange new power that mortals had been unwittingly granted, and Gildómar would not forsake their gods: they stood for this belief, too, and saw that reflected throughout their civilisation. Those who found themselves blessed with arcane power were to give themselves up for an honourable death, or face brutal execution for breaching the nation's founding laws.   When the Arcane Compromise was written, it came as a relief. Whilst most nations were hurt by the gods' choice to create Terra Arcana, those in Gildómar rejoiced at an end to the fighting. None had liked killing their friends and family, but it was the word of the gods - and to go against that was unthinkable.   When the Worldrend struck, however, the bloodshed began anew.   A new dwarven nation had formed upon Terra Arcana, and after being forcibly returned to Istralar by the collapse of their planet, the nation of Fjolkandr had no intent on merging with their 'poorly-educated' ancestors. Gildómar objected to their existence, to this perversion of their beliefs. War erupted, bloody and brutal - brother against sister, cousin against cousin. Much of Gildómar's land was ruined with Fjolkan magic, and the Fjolkan people were driven to the brink of extinction. Only alliances with Iskaldhal's other nations, such that could be formed, spared them as they fled east, away from their ancestral home.   It was a poor sign for the new age. Dwarves had rarely fought one another in such bloody civil wars, but this - this penned a beginning to a tale writ in crimson.

Demography and Population

There are very few non-dwarves throughout the country, though other short races find the Gildóns very welcoming if they're willing to embrace the local culture. A surprising amount of half-orcs and humans choose to settle there, preferring the rigidity of dwarven culture to the realities of their own. Whilst few exist, oreads and ifrits that choose to settle in Gildón are welcomed as honoured outsiders - and aasimar are automatically considered to be higher-caste than their fellows.

Foreign Relations

Whilst many of the nations and groups near Gildómar enjoy the benefits of alliances with the dwarven nation, tensions are often high. Arcane magic is still very much a sore point for the country, and the current dominance of the Witch-Tribes has them ready to go to war at any moment.

Honour through Service, Justice through Steel

Lawful Neutral
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
the First Dwarves
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Professions
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Gildómar


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Feb 14, 2024 14:35 by spleen

:O the story of the dawn of arcane magic!!!! that adds some interesting context to things

Have a wonderful day!