Us dwarves and our fucking caves, hey?Karstivers, often casually referred to as graveworms or cavespoilers, are cave explorers and divers employed largely through Gildómar to traverse, map, and uncover the vast cavern systems beneath the surface of Iskaldhal. It is an extremely perilous profession and one that carries little glory, but nonetheless has brought Gildómar significant wealth and territory over the years.
It ain't for everyone. Pity that it's gonna be for them anyway.Karstivers deal with extreme conditions and extreme danger on a near-daily basis during their missions, and must spend their downtime keeping up their training. To become a karstiver and live, one must be a skilled warrior, a strong swimmer with diving experience (which is a rarity for most Gildóns), and must have strong rock-climbing skills.
...it's the fockin' caves. Slimy, stinky, wet holes full o' monsters and shite. Like yer ma's! Haa!
Dangers & Hazards
Check the ceilings fer clinging bastards and weak rocks, check the air tae see if it's breathing air, check the floor fer weakness, check the walls... ye get the idea.All the mundane dangers of surface caverns are amplified tenfold for karstivers. Flooded caves provide a directionless, lightless environment with no certain exit, and near-certain death if one loses track of the entrance or encounters difficulty when swimming - as these caves are often populated by horrific aberrations and underground beasts that delight in new sources of food.
Societal Perception
Karstivers are not a well-liked group in the general Gildón populace. Their employment is an expensive endeavour, and is funded entirely by the state - private companies of karstivers do not exist, for obvious reasons. That their ranks are made up of draft-dodgers, thrill-seekers, and criminal scum doesn't help. All of the expense used for these dregs of society, as many think of them, is wasted in their inevitable demise, often without any benefit to Gildómar if they die early in their career. What discoveries can a corpse make, after all? Those few karstivers who have brought back amazing news are considered separately to those of their general profession; they can receive statuses similar to war heroes, even. It is this rare prestige that drives the rest of the karstivers on.We wouldnae have the Iceflows without the karstivers mappin' out all the routes. ..And the help of the other nations, aye, but mostly the karstivers.
As someone who loves caves but hates tight squeezes and being eaten by monsters, I'm intrigued by this job but also terrified.
It's the sort of job people think seeems cool, because you get to see pretty caves, and then you realise what's *in* those pretty caves. Yikes. You could benefit from what they find, though! :D
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