Cinders Organization in Glass Immortals | World Anvil


The Cinders are an elite imperial guard controlled by the senior members of the Assembly. They have a reputation for being the government's trained killers, known for the bloodthirstiness and arrogance. They wear green, white, and red flowing uniforms and are armed with pistols and halberds tipped with hammerglass heads and razorglass blades.   STORY   Despite not being a member of the Inner Assembly, Adriana Grappo had spies amongst the Cinders, which spoke to her skills as a politician and spymaster. After she is murdered, the Cinders capture one of the killers named Espenzi Darfoor, a Grent agent. Using shackleglass, they get his confession, but Espenzi later goes insane and dies from the overwhelming effects of the sorcery. The Inner Assembly also send the Cinders to confiscate all of Adriana's personal documents as part of their investigation into her death, which Father Vorcien has his agents steal. Knowing this would happen, Adriana secretly kept a death journal for her son Demir Grappo, so he would have some record left of her affairs. The Cinders talk to other potential witnesses of the murder, including Madame-under-Magna and Torlani the Breadman, whose silence they purchased. However, Torlani did not mention seeing Churian Dorlani running away from the crime scene lest the Cinders kill him for besmirching the Dorlani family name.   During the riot in the Assembly District, the Cinders try to intimidate the laborers with their weapons. However, Demir defies the Cinders captain in order to prevent a mass slaughter of rioters armed with cudgels against the Cinders' halberds. Demir later sends the captain a case of Ereptian wine to clear any bad blood between them. The Cinders then take up patrolling the Assembly District to prevent any more disturbances. However, later that night, they are deployed to escort Demir to the Maerhorn so the Inner Assembly. At first, Demir finds it odd that they use the Cinders instead of a simple messenger, thinking they are going to execute him for standing up to the Cinders with the common people. However, he then hears about the manner of General Stavri's gruesome death, and he realizes the Cinders had been assigned to protect him.   When Demir duels Capric Vorcien for his secret betrayal, the Cinders arrive and arrest both of them for illegal dueling. They take them to the Maerhorn dungeons and leave them there. One Cinder who is a glassdancer accompanies Father Vorcien to Demir's cell so they can talk about moving past the Grappo-Vorcien blood-feud. Father Vorcien explains that Baby Montego is outside the Maerhorn, waiting for Demir's release, and that the Cinders are all afraid of his own reputation as a killer, so they have four marksmen and two glassdancers watching him.   When Kizzie and Montego need to interrogate Aelia Dorlani, they make sure to hit her carriage while it passes through Waterside Park, since it would be the only time she was not surrounded by the Cinders at the Assembly.
Government, Law Enforcement