Espenzi Darfoor Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Espenzi Darfoor

Espenzi Darfoor is a Grent national and a member of the Darfoor guild-family. He has a reputation for being a gambler, womanizer, and duelist.   STORY   Espenzi Darfoor is one of Adriana Grappo's killers. He is tortured by the Cinders into confessing that the Duke of Grent hired him to do it. However, the shackleglass used in his interrogation drives Espenzi insane before anyone else can get more information out of him. He later dies in imprisonment before Demir Grappo returns to Ossa.   Hired by Demir to investigate his mother's death, Kissandra Vorcien traces Espenzi's whereabouts through Ossa before the murder but cannot find any more information about his contacts. She asks Madame-under-Magna about Espenzi and discovers that Espenzi got caught on purpose in order to justify Ossa's declaration of war on Grent.
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