Global Timeline

Age of Flight

... 8235 BR

The first age, a time when humans had wings and birds filled the skies.

  • Circa 20,000 YA
    Humans arrive in the Land of Spirits
    Population Migration / Travel

    The earliest human hunter-gatherer bands first set foot in the Land of Spirits. The first humans lay eyes on the already-complete Tower of Origins in the distance.

  • 9884 BR

    Abandonment of the Silashu Site

    The settlement currently known as the Silashu Ruins is abandoned, possibly due to a changing environment.

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  • Circa 8800 BR
    The Epic of Dragons
    Cultural event

    The Dàni national epic, The Epic of Dragons, is set around this time.

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  • 8721 BR

    Discovery of Black Dust
    Discovery, Scientific

  • 8398 BR

    Killing of a Spirit
    Life, Death

    A spirit is stabbed by a black dust sword and it is discovered that black dust kills spirits

  • Circa 8000 BR
    The First Reckoning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The first of the known Reckonings. The first humans were winged and built great civilizations across the world. Legend has it that they grew too arrogant and attempted to reach Spiritrest in the rafters of the world. The Spirits struck them down and cursed the world, stripping the power of flight from all life with feathers.

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Age of Dogs

8234 BR 5830 BR

The second age, the last age in which dogs sat at humanity's side.

  • Circa 7500 BR
    Development of Agriculture
    Scientific achievement

    The people of northern Cuyania begin irrigating crops rather than relying on gathering. Allegedly, they were taught by a strange woman who wandered out of the desert.

    More reading
    The Winged Crone
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  • 2391

    First case of Red Rot
    Plague / Epidemic

    Red Rot is contracted by a hunting party on Kenato Island, and the pandemic begins

  • 2404

    12 /6

    18 /7

    The Second Reckoning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The second destruction of the world. No one knows what caused it, but one of its worst aftereffects was that it marked the end of the partnership between humans and dogs.

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Age of the North

5829 BR 2403 BR

The third age, when global power was concentrated in the far north and the Takit civilization dominated

  • 0

    The Betrayal
    Era beginning/end

    In the wake of the Second Reckoning, humanity's domesticated dogs turned against their masters.

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  • Circa 3000 BR
    Setting of "The Tree that Touches the Stars"
    Cultural event

    Based on the content and the oldest records, it's believed the myth The Tree that Touches the Stars is set, or was first told, around this time.

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  • 2679

    Founding of Hyego

    The first king, Ewa, crowns himself and establishes the first Shilo kingdom.

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  • 2862

    Enthronement of Queen Kaoreng
    Political event

    Queen Kaoreng takes the throne, which spells the beginning of the end for the corrupt Ewa Dynasty

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  • 3217

    Fall of Hyego

    Invaders from Kiyowara conquer the kingdom.

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  • 3426

    13 /11

    18 /12

    The Third Reckoning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    For the third time, the world erupted into chaos as natural disasters assailed the world. The volcanoes that erupted during this one triggered a mini ice-age that made recovering even harder than usual.

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Age of Sail

2402 BR 1 BR

The fourth age, before the leviathans came, and ships filled the seas

  • Circa 1000 BR
    Vanishing of the Takit

    The cities of the Takit civilization, most notably Fjafev, are inexplicably abandoned. The Takit people vanish from history.

  • 7

    First Sighting of a Stranger
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The earliest known record of a Stranger comes from the far north. Reports will continue to grow in number and distribution until the present day.

  • 1356

    Coronation of Prince Daifalla
    Political event

    The young prince takes the throne at the age of 17. A mysterious crone steps in to be his advisor.

    More reading
    The Winged Crone
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  • 1577


    Founding of the Valaran Empire

    A debate between scholars leads to the annexation of the rival university, and the first step to creating an empire.

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  • 1859

    Origin of Revisionist Adenism
    Religious event

    Ishara begins preaching Revisionist Adenism

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  • 1873

    Death of Ishara
    Life, Death

    Prophetess Ishara is put to death for heresy. Revisionist Adenism lives on.

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  • 1986

    17 /6

    Birth of Sova
    Life, Birth

    Sova is born in Teskoš

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  • 1991

    14 /11

    Sova begins education
    Life, Education

    Sova begins attending classes at a Valaran school near her family's summer camp.

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  • 1997

    1 /4

    Sova leaves her family
    Life, Education

    She elects to stay in the Valaran village during the winter in order to continue her education.

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  • 2004


    Sova enters Relel Academy
    Life, Education

    She passes the entrance exam and, against societal expectations, begins studying in the history department.

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  • 2008

    26 /8

    Publication of Sova's first book
    Artistic creation

    Her compendium and analysis of Kaphya folklore is met with glowing praise, although she published under a male pseudonym.

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  • 2010

    16 /11

    Sova graduates from Valara Academy
    Life, Education

    She finishes with a doctorate in anthropology after 10 years.

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  • 2014

    The Nonesuch sets out for the first time

    Captained by Kal Isazåzus, they set out to find a sea route to the Khanty Sea

  • 2014

    17 /9

    Storm damages The Nonesuch
    Geological / environmental event

    The Nonesuch is struck by a storm and forced to stop on Sitka Island for repairs.

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  • 2014

    2 /12

    Trapped in the ice
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Nonesuch is frozen in the ice and the expedition grinds to a halt.

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  • 2015

    2 /2

    Seeking Aid

    Sova and the captain set out to find help from the indigenous northerners.

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  • 2016

    24 /4

    Publishing of The Wanderers
    Artistic creation

    The Wanderers: The Common Past That Unites Us All is published after the voyage of The Nonesuch.

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  • 2024

    12 /4

    Marriage of Sova and Kal

    After many years of travelling together, they finally get married.

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  • 2027

    6 /2

    Second voyage of The Nonesuch

    The Nonesuch sets out once more to find a sea route to the Khanty Sea.

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  • 2027

    2 /5

    Discovery of the Tower staircase and Spirits
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first southerners arrive at the Towe of Origins, find the staircase, and sight a Spirit.

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  • 2030

    6 /7

    Publishing of Spirits
    Artistic creation

    Sova publishes Spirits: The Reality of a Metaphysical World, which begins her descent into academic ridicule.

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  • 2032


    Last voyage of The Nonesuch

    Sova and Kal embark on a voyage to the north to find the truth about Spirits.

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  • 2032

    18 /7

    Death of Sova
    Life, Death

    Sova is killed during her expedition to find Spiritrest. According to her husband, she was murdered by a Spirit for learning too much.

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  • 2148

    5 /11

    King Nebay comes to power

    Nebay leads a slave revolt, seizes the throne, and begins a war of conquest to seize the other cities along the river.

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    Kingdom of Tanish
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  • 2149

    30 /8

    Death of Lord Dargon
    Life, Death

    Lord Dargon dies and leaves all his money to his new wife. Suspecting her of being a scam artist, his sons drive her out of town.

    More reading
    The Winged Crone
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  • 2170

    Pashel Hivazasus converts to Revisionist Adenism
    Religious event

    The new Imperial Rector of the Valaran Empire converts to Revisionist Adenism and makes it the state religion. Revisionist Adenism cements itself as a prominent international religion.

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  • 2199


    Reign of Queen Tutish
    Political event

    From her death to the death of her eldest son.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Tanish
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  • Circa 200 BR
    Building of the Queen of the Desert
    Construction beginning/end

    Hypothetical completion date of the Queen of the Desert

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    Kingdom of Tanish
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  • 2278

    18 /3

    4 /5

    Exodus of the Kivans
    Population Migration / Travel

    Refusing to convert to the dominant religion, the Kivan people in the Valaran Empire migrate to the Forest of Stars

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  • 2293

    17 /10

    Lost Kingdom Expedition

    Anthropologist Shalov Yarolezåzus leads an expedition to find the legendary Lost Kingdom, setting out across the Rheic Ocean. The expedition is never heard from again.

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  • 2308

    Discovery of Silashu Ruins
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Silashu Ruins are found by a merchant named Rabi-Silashu while crossing the desert.

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  • 2375

    1 /9

    Birth of Mbassi
    Life, Birth

    Mbassi is born in Naaf

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The New Age

0 BR and beyond

The fourth age. The era has just begun, and we have not yet seen what will define it.