Krithda's Plane Geographic Location in Emynea | World Anvil

Krithda's Plane

Like all Aspects, Krithda has a parallel plane she dwells within. However, as a mental aspect, instead of running parallel to the physical world this plane instead connects to all minds. There is a part of everyone's mind connected to and set aside for emotions, memories, desire for and thoughts related to Krithda including order, sanity and selflessness. These connections converge in the plane and which exists within the mind of Dalyeric herself. Most manifestations or other forms of magic related to Krithda draw from this plane or convey some form of access.

Alternative Name(s)
Order Plane, Domain of Order
Plane of Existence
Location under

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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