Felryth's Plane Geographic Location in Emynea | World Anvil

Felryth's Plane

Like all Aspects, Felryth has a parallel plane. However, as a mental aspect, instead of running parallel to the physical world this plane instead connects the minds of every lifeform. There is a part of everyone's mind connected to and set aside for these emotions and memories. These connections converge into the plane and the plane itself exists within the mind of Zalikar himself. There is also a little version of each lifeform existing within this plane, embodying all of their emotions, thoughts and feelings that they have experienced relating to Felryth including nightmares.

Because of the unique mental state of dreaming, there also exists a little pocket of the plane for each individual which is their personal dream world or, in this plane, their nightmares. Everyone explores this space or the dream counterpart when they sleep, these two planes often bleeding into each other. Felryth's Plane can be terrifying and strange to navigate but this clumping of the plane by their originator eases the difficulty. As Felryth's Plane exists within his mind, Zalikar is automatically aware of everyone's greatest fears, anxieties and nightmares. Despite being sealed away, he is still able to influence the world from this plane, able to affect the nightmares occurring in people's minds.


by Lee Stepp

While each nightmare world is different and unique, the central hub of Felryth's Plane resembled the Terror Thickets of the Tenebrous Chain. A twisted ancient grove, eternally frozen in the dead of night, is home to a dense green fog. Horrifying calls and chitters sound with no clear source and each tree acts as a doorway to the nightmare world of each individual. Felryth wanders this forest in ghastly forms, slipping into and out of different nightmares at his whim.

Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Fear, Nightmare Realm
Plane of Existence
Location under

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!

Cover image: by Lee Stepp