Ylixa's Plane Geographic Location in Emynea | World Anvil

Ylixa's Plane

Like all Aspects, Ylixa dwells within a parallel plane that overlaps the physical world, connecting to it directly where liquid acids, enzymes and certain chemical reactions occur in the physical world. These chemicals and the energy they release act as windows and portals to and from this Elemental Planes. The more acid or energy present the stronger or weaker that connection is. These enzymes and acids are generally microscopic but larger amounts of acid can exist naturally. However, the energy produced by the reaction can also act as portals and windows.

Ylixa portals are uncommon compared to most elementsbbut is fairly common in some extreme environments such as the Caustic Marsh. It is also more common in modern societies as humans learn to utilize chemistry. However, Ylixa exists within every living body in microscopic pints. Many reactions which occur throughout living organisms fall under this aspect, as long as they produce or release energy, even the digestion of food or breakdown of ATP. This aspect is most famous for its role as a patron of brewing alcohol.

Alternative Name(s)
Acid Plane, Domain of Acid
Plane of Existence
Location under

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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