Ithisda's Plane Geographic Location in Emynea | World Anvil

Ithisda's Plane

Like all Aspects, Ithisda dwells within a parallel plane that overlaps the physical world, connecting to it directly where liquid water occurs in the physical world. These waters, which constantly move and change, act as windows and portals to and from this Elemental Planes. The more water present the stronger or weaker that connection is. This makes this plane one of the most interconnected to the physical world.


by Lee Stepp

Everything is made up of pure water, rivers and lakes suspended in the air, weightlessly flowing overhead. One mass, endless pool waits below. Geysers shoot up from this pool and water overflows from the rivers overhead. The rivers form a complex web in the air, imitating the movements of water in the physical world. Rain meanders the surface and waterfalls are commonplace. This plane is naturally peaceful, tranquil and serene. There is one structure to be found within the plane, deep within the endless pool, which is Ithisda's temple and palace. They spend long periods of time meditating.

Alternative Name(s)
Freshwater Plane, Domain of Water
Plane of Existence
Location under

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!

Cover image: by Lee Stepp


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