Siptalis' Plane Geographic Location in Emynea | World Anvil

Siptalis' Plane

Like all Aspects, Siptalis has a parallel plane that overlaps with Emynea. However, as a mental aspect, instead of running parallel to the physical world this plane instead connects the minds of every lifeform. There is a part of everyone's mind connected to and set aside for these emotions, thoughts and memories. These connections converge into his plane and the plane itself exists within the mind of Zalikar. A little version of each lifeform exists within his plane, embodying all of their emotions, thoughts and feelings that they have experienced thus far relating to Siptalis. He considers these his subjects and himself the king of his realm.

Most manifestations or other forms of magic related to Siptalis draw from this plane or convey some form of access to it. Siptalis himself is a consciousness that exists within its plane and is a splinter, a piece of Zalikar's whole mind.


by Lee Stepp

The heart of this plane sembles a sea-side palace surrounded by a black sea and many islands. While the palace contains many black pools of its own, the tide rises and falls revealing a variety of tide pools climbing the main island. Echoes of people are constructed of this oil and wander the beach, reinacting sorrowful memories or acting out moments of despair as they are occuring. Each of these echoes and tide pools connect to a different mind. However, rather than water, a heavy black oil fills this ocean and stains all it touches. The oil inflict intense dysphoria, sorrow and lethargy to the unwary.

by Lee Stepp

The temple high above is Siptalis' home and overflows with oil endlessly, his own sorrow feeding the seemingly endless sea. Within this sea, ancient memories related to Siptalis are stored away for eternity. Siptalis can sometimes be seen wading through and partaking in the memories or emotions within the oil. Outside this, he rarely leaves his palace, summoning these echoes to him when he wishes to access their memories.

Like most mental planes, this place exists within the minds of each individual and of Zalikar himself. Nothing inside physically exists, constructs of the mind and generally pulled from memory or even imagination. This makes navigating and understanding these planes far more complex than a physical plane. Emotion and willpower carry more weight than physics. Siptalis' Plane is an interconnected web of memories and occuring emotions, ebbing and flowing like the sea. One can travel from mind to mind, accessing and interacting with the part of a person connected to this plane but all of these connect to a central location, the heart of the plane within Zalikar's mind. 

Alternative Name(s)
Sorrow Plane, Sea of Despair
Plane of Existence
Location under
Characters in Location

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!

Cover image: by Lee Stepp