The world's concept in E L A Q I T A N | World Anvil

The world's concept

Why is this world about elements different and still shows parallels?


Greek philosopher 5th century BC

"On their own, fire, water, earth and air exist forever, but their basic substance is unchangeable! Only through their correct mixing ratio do the diverse substances form and become everything we know."

Excerpt from the earthly teaching of the four elements

Already in the 6th century BC, the Greek philosophers developed the idea that existence arises and perishes through the interplay of the four essences of fire, earth, water and air.

Under Empedocles, the respective elements were personified by the Greek gods Zeus, Hera, Hades and Nestis and thus each element was assigned special properties.

The doctrine of the four elements reached Egypt via Greece, where it was later adopted by the Arabs and made its way to Europe with the Crusades of the Middle Ages.

Today you will find the elements - teaching in astrology as signs of the zodiac, in the theory of types for the nature of characters (enneagram), in art as allegories or in comics and films.

Hildegard von Bingen
Universal scholar 12th century AC

“Fire, air, water, earth are in man, he is made of them. He has warmth and sight from fire, breath and hearing from air, blood and movement from water, and flesh and standing upright from earth.”


The origin of mankind

Surely you have heard or read many theories about where mankind came from - evolution, divine creation or "abandoned" by aliens being the most well known. But, have you ever asked yourself the following?

  Why does the Hebrew history of the Old Testament only begin in 3,761 BC? BC, if evolution really existed?

Why do some buildings on the continents have the same structures, even though the sites of advanced civilizations are separated by miles and oceans?

Why do different civilizations all over the terrestrial world have similar myths and legends?

  Is there perhaps a deeply hidden consciousness that connects us all and if so, where does it come from? What if the basic idea about the elements did not first appear in ancient Greece, but existed much earlier and had its actual origin in another world?

The creation


There are various interpretations of the origin of the name. As in an acrostic, the name is composed of words from the individual languages of the continents of Elaqitan.

Êlgîrti - Earth Layida - Fire
Aqitalú - Island of elements Qi - Water
Idangi - Human Téshàn - Air
Aqi Talusix - Global Tree Nari - Root
However, most Elaqitans claim that Aqitalú and Idangi were never included in the original version and that the last three letters were formed from the word Téshàn.

Out of the earth,
so green the world,
glowing fire,
that warms and brightens.

Island of elements
give us the strength,
from clear water,
life is created.

A human in the fog,
no trace of magic,
the air so lively,
it only needs a breath.

Our tree
branched into heights and gorges,
its roots
unites four in a covenant.









In a competitive contest between four primordial gods of the universe, the worlds of fire, earth, water and air collided and Elaqitan - The Globe was born. The Tree of Elements growing on an island connected four of the continents with its magical powers. But the gods created yet another continent - devoid of elemental magic.

The four gods of the universe by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage

Read the whole myth about The creation of the globe here .

The World of Elements

Layida Element Fire

You should not visit the fiery continent Layida in the south without a protective suit, because here it gets the warmest by earthly standards at approx. 47.2°.

Marvel at the volcanic mountains and gargoyle lakes. Cruise the Sea of fire, then dine on a delicious menu of fireweed, crocodile crab, and fireweed fruit.

Praise the feminine nature and discover the lands of the Layikani. Hear the legend of the discovery of fire magic and learn why the continent is ruled exclusively by women.

Take a journey to the Makori Monastery and Lava Sanctums, but never touch the glowing flames of the Flame Belts that surround the cultural sites. Buy some travel souvenirs made of lava glass or fire basalt as a souvenir.

Brictaelgis Element Earth

The continent of Brictælgis lies to the north of Elaqitan. Everything blooms and thrives on "fertile soil". This is where the Âdocôdix live, a kind of goblin that prefers to feel at home between flower hill heights, moss rocks, on meadows and magic mushroom meadows, in the forest of a thousand lights or on the slopes of the greenlings.

Experience vibrant northern lights or rock and hill hikes. Listen to the waters of the Green River or the Lake of Life and visit the largest town of Steinkron.

Discover howling owls, feathered hedgehogs or moss chickens. Sample delicacies such as "Black Tears" or the many magic mushrooms and stay in one of the tree houses or in the caves of the inhabitants of Bictaelgis.

Learn a few words of Draelgit and learn about the culture and legends of the Brictaelgian kobolds.
Téshàn Element Air

Experience flying islands, plateaus above the clouds and rainbow waterfalls cascading down the slopes on the continent Téshàn.

Visit the Sápâshî people, the fairy-elves who established an imperial and divine empire here. Fly with them over the moonrose fields, wearing dresses made of rainbow-colored fabrics.

Take a trip to the Tower of the Air or the Temple of the Sun in an airship and sip a cup of rose tea.

Climb the mountain of the moon and enjoy the view of the dream fields from the cloud bridges or marvel at the rainbow rings.

Explore the many species of butterflies and gliding animals, but beware of the carnivorous plants of the jungle forests.

Ulűri̋qi̋ Element Water

On the continent Ulűri̋qi̋ live the mighty Qíȕˈbībi, omniscient water dragons, and the Qírīrī, a lively little water people, under the sea. Travel to the Dragon Lair and dare a brave look into the abyss from a bridge. Placate the water dragons with a coin toss into the crater or make a wish.

Marvel at the underwater waterfalls, the water forest, countless sandbanks and meandering deltas that meander across the many islands and archipelagos.

Take the opportunity of a diving trip to the large underwater school or into the many cave systems of the continent.

Discover the waves that fluoresce in many shades of blue on a nocturnal walk along the coasts of the islands or take a look at the fascinating flora and fauna while snorkeling.
Idaka Homeland of Humans

While one might think that the continent Idaka to the west of Elaqitan has nothing pretty to offer, the misty wilderness, desert, and brimstone lakes can also exude a certain allure.

Marvel at the plants that thrive in the gold leaf forest and some live in symbiosis with the sulfur fungus.

Beware of sulfur ghosts, the carnivorous animals and plants that not only prey on insects and small animals.

Visit the great cities of the Idangi and be amazed by their inventions, because on this continent it doesn't take magic to create great things. Learn why humans left this continent and settled on Earth or how some became Homo Elaqitanii.
Aqitalú Island of Elements

The island of elements connects the world tree with the four Elaqitels of essences. Almost every Elaqitani makes a pilgrimage to the island at least once in their lifetime to admire the source of elemental magic up close.

Travel to the largest city of Elaqitan, Aqila, and listen to the prayers of the Templars of the Holy Order of the Elements. Marvel at the size of the Aqi Talúsix - Tree of Elements and climb the stairs to the top for views over the city.

Descend to the tomb of Elaqiteus of Vinduria in the Holy Temple and read all about the saint and the religion of Elaqism in the largest library.

Visit the racetrack and cheer on the latest heroes of the Elaqitan Games, or marvel at the mighty battles between Elaqitan monsters in the arena.

The Ages

There have been five ages on Elaqitan since creation, which are dated before and after the founding of the Council (BEC / AEC).

1. Age of Creation
15000 BEC - 9001 BEC
About the creation of Elaqitan by the four primordial gods and the origin of the species.

2. Age of Myths and Shadows
9000 BEC - 6001 BEC
From the emergence of the first civilizations to the first discoveries of elemental strengths.

3. Age of Enlightenment
6000 BEC - 3001 BEC
From the developments of the Elaqitans to the first wars.

4. Age of the Ancestors
3000 BEC - 1 BEC
From the first empires to the glorious founding of councils.
5. Age of Great Councils
1 AEC until now
From the founding of the 1st Council of Elaqitanians to the war against the Homo Elaqitanii.

Stand still
2.699 AEC
Ever since Wendelin Ambrosius zu Bücherfelde left Elaqitan through a portal into the earthly world, time has stood still.


The exodus of the humans from Elaqitan


During the Age of Enlightenment, Mirror Gates were set up on all continents for faster travel between each Elaqitel.

However, in some people this fueled the envy of the power of elemental magic, which not only influenced the nature of these lands, but also seemed to simplify the lives of the people living there.

The envious did everything to seize the powers and became Homo Elaqitanii. Over the centuries, many people suffered more and more from the ascended and longed for a better world without magic.

A secret society developed on Idaka to destroy the gates. It succeeded. But the more portals were destroyed, the more power was concentrated in the remaining mirrors. A chain reaction occurred, causing cracks in the last mirrors on all continents and opening portals to another world - the


The rest is history and led to the rise and fall of advanced civilizations across the terrestrial world. A past that shapes us to this day!

Cover image: Die Kontinente der Elemente by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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Mar 24, 2023 21:42 by Mochi

Absolutely beautiful article! Great work :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Oct 8, 2023 17:43

Oh sorry I forgot to thank you for your lovely comment.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Mar 25, 2023 06:23

love the design

Oct 8, 2023 17:44

Thank you so much and sorry, that I didn't reply.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Mar 28, 2023 07:52

Mir gefällt vorallem die Abhandlung über die Kontinente - Ließt sich wie ein Reiseprospekt.
Aber auch das Design ist sehr gut gelungen, man merkt wie viel Liebe (und Hirnschmalz) du hier reingesteckt hast.

Have a look at my entries for:
  • moonflower-writing's Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge: Lende a la Terascoa
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Oct 8, 2023 17:46

    Vielen Herzlichen Dank für Deinen Kommentar und ich bitte zutiefst um Entschuldigung, dass ich vergessen hatte, zu antworten.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

    Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
    Oct 10, 2023 08:11

    Kein Problem ^^
    Man schafft es halt einfach manchmal nicht, das ist OK.
    Es soll ja alles Spaß machen und nicht in Streß ausarten!

    Have a look at my entries for:
  • moonflower-writing's Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge: Lende a la Terascoa
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Apr 7, 2024 18:51 by CoolG

    Oh my goodness, this is such a gorgeous world! I can't wait to dive into the juicy lore, keep it up ^^

    Apr 10, 2024 14:31

    Thank you so so much, I really appreciate it.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

    Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.