Annesley's Rare Books and Maps - 588 Gedney Street Building / Landmark in Curiosity and Satisfaction | World Anvil

Annesley's Rare Books and Maps - 588 Gedney Street

This shop is too expensive for most locals. Like Hardwicke's Stamps and Coins, the majority of Edwin Annesley's trade is done by mail. Valuable books and maps are not on display. Students rarely frequent this place. Original editions of Mather's works and holographs by Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, and others are among the many gems of Annesley's collection. He is strong in 15th-16th century Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English charts and in Colonial-era coastal sailing guides.   Those who express an interest in esoterica are offered a splendid edition of Cultes des Goules for a mere $1,175.   Annesley belongs to the New Jerusalem Historical Society and has a lively interest in New England and Western European history.
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