Farvan en Tarlot Lek Settlement in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Farvan en Tarlot Lek

This is a prosperous market town on the shore of Lake Tarlot. The town hosts thrice weekly markets and has a busy port used to transport grain and forest products both within the Kingdom of Karmis and abroad. The town has extensive warehouses and workshops. The town is fortified with a 10' wall with three gates (North, West and Lakefront). A small castle formerly occupied by a noble family, but now a small imperial garrison, is located at the northern edge of the town. The main streets of the town and the central square are paved with cobblestone while the side streets are earth a gravel.


About two thirds of the town's population are Northron Humans. The town is home to about 200 Danite belonging to three different extended families with most of the balance of the poulation being Northron Corgerians. A few mountaineers and southrons, mainly brought there by trade, also reside in the town.


Fomerly a feudal holding of the Karmaris family, the lands were siezed by the Imperial authorities when the Empire took control. The town was chartered as a self-governing freetown with a council selected by the town's guilds, major property owners and merchant clans. The surrounding lands were distributed as freehold to the Karmaris' former tenants with taxes paid direclty to the Imperial Government. The besides the Council, the major political figures in the town are the Imperial Judge, the Chief Assessor, the Captain of the Militia,


The town is surorunded by a 10' high stone wall with fighting platforms and dry ditch with three gatehouses giving access to the town. A small castle on the northside of the town is located a low hill and is attached to the town wall on both sides.

Industry & Trade

The town is a major center for lumber, with several sawmills located in the area. Wool and hides are also major products of the region around the town. The town includes a small shipyard, leatherworking and metalworking industries.


The town has two stone quays surving the lake port, paved main streets and a paved central square, a covered marketplace, and guildhall with a clocktower. A number a warehouses and workshops are located in the town with most of the warehouses concentrated near the port. The port also includes a small shipyard building barges and small sailing ships for local trade.

Guilds and Factions

The town has three merchant clans: one Danite, one Northron Corgerian and one Northron human. These groups compete and cooperate at various times. The town has small trade guilds. Politically the town Council and various Imperial officials have influence.


The town is about three hundred years old. It started out as a small lumbering settlement when the forest of Tarlot stretched well beyond its current boundaries. As more of the forest was cleared and more farms were started in the area the town slowly expanded. About a hundred years ago the town's noble overlord decided to replace its wooden palisade with a stone wall and ditch.


The town's buildings are a mixture of wooden and stone buildings. regardless of the material the buildings have the typical steeply peaked roofs common in the north.


The town site is relaitvely flat with a couple of lows hills, less than 100' in elevation within its boundaries.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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