Helden Settlement in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Helden – The second largest city in Karmis and a major river port. Helden is heavily involved in the grain trade. Barges coming from further up river transfer their cargos to ocean going ships. Helden is also an important center from the trade in horses and cattle. The city is home to about 20,000. The city is built on a hillside leading down to the River Karm. Extensive docks, warehouses and tanneries crowd the waterfront. The city is protected on the west side by the Oris River and on the south side by the Karm. The north and east side use a combination of a steep hillside, walls and ditches to protect the city. Due to its connections with Oris River trade with the Kingdom Beneath, Helden is home to communities of Dark Corgerian half-breeds and Danites. These two groups dominate the lively night market a short distance from the city’s docks. The Half-breeds and Danites live in several large, multi-story compounds known as the courts where they have both their homes and workshops. Helden’s local government is in the hands of a city council which is made up of representatives from various guilds, the Danite and Half-breed communities along with various mercantile interests. Order is kept by the Urban Guard, a professional city watch. The city government also subsidizes a cavalry company lead by local nobles. The company patrols the surrounding countryside hunting down any bandits or monsters that stray into the region.


Helden is home to communities of Dark Corgerian half-breeds and Danites. These two groups dominate the lively night market a short distance from the city’s docks. The Half-breeds and Danites. These two communities makeup perhaps 10 percent of the population, Northron Corgerians make up another 10 percent and the remainder are mostly Northron humans.


Helden’s local government is in the hands of a city council which is made up of representatives from various guilds, the Danite and Half-breed communities along with various mercantile interests.


The city is protected on the west side by the Oris River and on the south side by the Karm. The north and east side use a combination of a steep hillside, walls and ditches to protect the city.


Extensive docks, warehouses and tanneries crowd the waterfront.


The major merchant houses tend to build large multi-story buildings that combine living space with storehouses. The Half-breeds and Danites live in several large, multi-story compounds known as the courts where they have both their homes and workshops. Most buildings are built from the local bluish-gray stone with slate roofs. In the districts beyond the walls stone construction gives way to wattle and daub structures with thatched roofs. The main streets are paved with cobble stone while the side streets are dirt.
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