Terrakos Settlement in Corgeria | World Anvil
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A seaside village south of Karmis on the shores of the Windy Sea. Home to roughly 1,000 people it appears to be a relatively prosperous fishing village located on the coast road to Karmis. The harbor is effeectively sheltered from the surf by a spit of sandy dunes. The harbor serving as home to numerous fishing boats and several small merchant vessels. The Venegos family owns much of the waterfront and have a large warehouse at which they process and sell the village's considerable output of salted fish. The town’s biggest landmark is the Inn of Three Puffins, a rather over-sized Inn operated by the Korren family located on a heavily built pier projecting into the Windy Sea. A brothel called the Blue Lamp caters to both locals and visiting sailors


Most of the village's inhabitants are Northron humans, but perhaps ffity of the inhabitants are Northron Corgerians.  The village is also home to the Korren family, a large family of Mountaineer origin that has lived in the village for two genrations.



Industry & Trade

The village has a large trade in salt fish and the village's farms usually have surplus grain, cider and cheese to sell.  The village's underground economy is a conduit for smuggled goods both entering and leaving the empire.


Waterside - This area is the mostdensely populated part of the settlement where both fisherfolk and people engaged in various maritime trades reside. Inland is an area known as the Terrakos Hills where perhaps twenty large and generally prosperous farms have been established along the main road out of the village. Finally there is Milldale where the village's gristmill and a cluser of small farms are located around the pond that feeds the mill.

Guilds and Factions

The Korren family runs the village's smuggling operation, the Venegos family dominates the legitimate economy since they control the salt fish business and own much of the waterfront.  The Salyite that operate the brothel keep a low priofile and are very secretive.  They are also the most dangeorus faction in town and could swiftly dispose of anyone who caused them a serious problem.


The areas has very pelasant summer with the air cooled by a usually gnetle sea breeze. The spring and fall tend towards cool and damp. During the winter, the snow comes in hard and heavy.

Natural Resources

Fish and shell fish are abundant in the nearby waters.  The farmland on the landward side of the village has good qulaity soil and local operate salt pans on the edges of the amrshes to the south of town.
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