Adynía Geographic Location in Adynía | World Anvil
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Adynía is the name of the largest landmass of the eponymous world that's otherwise dotted by islands and archipelagos, surrounded by the wine-dark Silver Sea. The continent of Adynía is home to four sapient humanoids, namely Elves, Dwarves, Humans and Orcs, the vast majority of whom are of mixed ancestry due to millennia of contact with each other through trade, warfare and migrations.
The earliest human and elven societies appeared in central Adynía some 100.000 years ago and spread early on to most parts of the continent, and as such are the most populous of the four peoples. Orcish societies formed around 80.000 years ago, but were mostly limited to northern and northeastern Adynía until relatively recently, while dwarves, who also originated to the north around 20.000 years ago, have gone through a series of large-scale migrations since early in their history due to pressure from neighbouring peoples. As a result, dwarven societies are scattered throughout Adynía, as are the remnants of their old civilizations.


The continent is roughly C-shaped, given that form by the Central Sea and Gold Sea. Major mountain ranges include the Wild Mountains to the north, Darka Mountains to the northwest, Sjorgús Mountains to the south and Pargos Mountains to the east, with rough terrain covering the lands to the west and southeast, while the central, southern and southeastern parts of Adynía being mostly plains and rolling hills.
The northern edge of Adynía, particularly the land beyond the Wild Mountains, are mostly tundra, while woodlands cover much of northern, western and southern parts of the continent.
The five largest bodies of water are Kapor Lake to the southeast, Úz Lake to the northwest, Gyrían Lake between Kapor and the Sjorgús Mountains, Tárútan Lake to the north and Copper Lake on Kóteran Peninsula at the heart of the continent. Most major rivers are found in the southern, northwestern and central regions.
Adynía's climate generally ranges from subarctic, temperate, alpine and mediterranean, with several glaciers found in the highest mountains, but features neither deserts nor tropical rainforests.

Localized Phenomena

Magic Crystals are found throughout Adynía, particularly in the arid Goldensands to the east, where they are exposed to the surface, or in underground veins much like other minerals. Outside Goldensands, arcane energies are particularly strong in the regions of Efergen to the south, and Úrún and western Ytis to the northeast.

Fauna & Flora

While the majority of Adynía's flora, fauna and fungi resemble our own at first glance, the presence of magic and subsequent adaptations for handling it means that Adynía's lifeforms are quite distinct when examined more closely, even the humans. Notable animals include Dragons, Pegasi, plains- and sylvan unicorns.


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