Dragons Species in Adynía | World Anvil
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Dragons1 are huge, flying reptiles native to remote islands southwest of the Adynían mainland. For the last five hundred years, dragons have been known to migrate and stay western Adynía during summer, feeding on whatever animals (and people) they come by before returning to their home in the autumn. Their appearance initially lead to the destruction of the civilization of the Larúneans, and since depopulated the entire western Sjorgús Mountains.

Basic Information


Dragons are the largest reptiles of Adynía, with forelimbs acting as wings, long tail and neck and strong jaws set with sharp, slightly serrated teeth. They prefer flying whenever they can, as dragons are rather sluggish on land due to the wings getting in the way, but can walk on all fours when needed. When perched or resting, their posture resembles that of birds.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons lay a single egg at a time, with the female guarding it while the male brings her food. The pair then takes turns guarding the hatchling, feeding it enormous amounts of meat and blubber until before finally leaving it for good. The hatchling eventually begins flying and hunting on its own as its fat reserves run out.

Dietary Needs and Habits

When not on the mainland, dragons primarily hunt porpoises, seals and large fish by snatching them in the air and then dropping them from high above on one of the islands. Other dragons sometimes steal other's prey by snatching it on the way down. If they notice schools of fish near the surface, they fly close to the water and scoop up some fish by dipping their mouth into the sea.
Dragons on the mainland live on whatever large animal (or people) they can find, usually deer, feral horse or cattle, and occasionally bears.
While they get most of their water from the meat and fluids of their prey, dragons sometimes drink seawater to quench their thirst (and expel excess salt through their nostrils).

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Since their appearance and subsequent destruction of larúnean civilization centuries ago, teams of mercenaries and glory-seekers have visited Larúnas to slay dragons, both to keep their numbers in check, and to gain honour and glory. The hides in particular are highly sought after to make exotic armours and shields, while the teeth, bones and claws are used to adorn weapons, magic staves and other things.
While fairly tough, dragon hide armour is mostly worn for its prestige rather than defense, as like all leather and cloth armour it cannot be enchanted via magic stones, and thus is mostly used as a ceremonial outfit.
Dragon blood (and, to lesser extend, bile) is also collected and widely believed to be a form of panacea (especially aphrodisiac), though its effectiveness remains questionable.

Núrakic dragon slayer by Lappalingur

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Outside their native archipelago, dragons are primarily found in Larúnas and the western Sjorgús Mountains, occasionally wandering to southern Núrak and northwestern Þatal Plains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons rely mostly on their sight and, to lesser extend, hearing, while their sense of smell is rather poor.
They are one of the few creatures that can use magic from a distance, namely shooting fire magic from a arcane gland located in their tongue, giving them the impression of breathing fire. While mostly used to impress potential mates and scare off competitors during mating season, dragons visiting the mainland are known to use it as a weapon, often causing wildfires in the process.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Remnants of dragons' meals are one of the main source of food for the seagulls that share their island homes.

1Original icelandic: drekar, singular: dreki
Rarely longer than 30 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragons have steel-gray back and head, white belly and throat, and irregular black markings on the wings.


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