Grim's Curiosities Building / Landmark in Reki Orbital Space Station | World Anvil

Grim's Curiosities

That's a bit creepy, isn't it? I guess that's why kids like it. I myself always forget that it's there. It's so nondescript if you aren't looking for it, I guess. ...ah, right, one of my friends who lives in the same block claims that unsavory people come and go there late at night. It really is creepy. I want to tell my kid not to go there...but you know, kids.
— A parent to another
Located on the address of 00-03-SDA-149 this building houses the home of Grim on the top floor and his shop Grim's Curiosities on the bottom floor.   The building sits in a largely residential area on the third level of the Monochrome section of The Station on Silver Drop Avenue. Its shop windows are adorned with eclectic displays ranging from old artifacts to peculiar oddities.  

The building

The building has two floors that are 8x5 meters each, excluding the elevator and bathrooms. Which is larger than all the other buildings on this block.   There are two small bathrooms on the lower floor with a toilet, sink, and trashcan. The bathrooms are 2x2m each, and such is the elevator is as well. This elevator is only operable by the owner, Grim, and as far as anyone knows, Grim is the only one who has visited his private quarters since he purchased this building.

The store

The building is crammed full of bookcases, shelves, portable walls, and display cases. While the store actually isn't that big, it still feels like a huge ominous maze. Some young kids living in this area use this store to dare their friends.   The Cashier's desk sits close to the entrance, so if it's something specific that the visitors are looking for, they can always ask the attendant. Which is usually Grim himself. He has two "part-time employees" that help him out sometimes.


Grim opened the store around 49 years ago. Very little is known about where Grim got the money for the purchase or where Grim came from initially.   There have been people trying to find out where he came from, Dana's Agency of the Unseen for one. But so far, nobody knows. Well, if someone does know who he is or where he is from, they aren't speaking about it.

Opening hours

The store is usually open from 2 pm to 10 pm during weekdays or 8 pm to 2 am. It is sometimes open during the weekend, and sometimes it's closed for weeks on end without any notice.


Grim owns and operates the store, but he has two part-timers. They are a 9-year-old girl, Yssa and her 17-year-old brother, Ymle. Some visitors believe that these are his own kids. But the kids are orphans.  

Some of the unique items in the store


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