Wars of Wennovi

An overview of the major wars in Wennovi


... 0 WE

Notated as WE (Wennovian Era), this is the time period prior to the Great Divide, a magical barrier that separated Wennovi into two subcontinents: Paltetia, and Imbria

  • -1443 WE

    -1441 WE

    Paltets Rebellion
    Civil action

    An uprising of non-magical servants

  • -646 WE

    -493 WE

    Mage Wars
    Military action

    A series of battles/wars in which prominant mage families fought for land and ruling rights. By the end, the Imbrianus family managed unite all of Wennovi, creating the Imbrianus empire.

  • -28 WE

    -1 WE

    Paltetia Revolution
    Era beginning/end

    Non-magic people united against mages, witches, and wizards, beginning with coordinated assasinations and ambushes on the ruling magic classes (see Magic Tiers ). These attacks destabilized the ruling class and jeopardized Emperor Imbrianus's reign.

    Emperor Imbrianus sought a quick resolution to this bloody battle, and so negotiated peace by offering the western half of Wennovi to all non-magic people wishing to live free from the influences of magic, while retaining the eastern half of Wennovi, effectively cutting his empire in half.

    More reading
    Paltetia Revolution
  • -1 WE

    Great Divide
    Construction beginning/end

    The Great Divide separates Wennovi into two subcontinents: Paltetia and Imbria. The completion of the magical barrier will mark the beginning of a new era.


0 WE and beyond

The completion of the Great Divide marks the beginning of a new era, the Divided Era (DE).

  • 379 DE

    Witch Strike & Failed Assassination

    A coordinated magical attack at a number of high-society events taking place throughout Imbria on a single night. Many mages died that night, but the primary target, Emperor Imbrianus, escaped the attack at his palace.17 mages died. 53 witches were executed following this concerted attack, while an unknown number of witches were interrogated by the emperor's arch-mages.

    More reading
    Great Uprising
    Additional timelines
  • 380 DE

    394 DE

    Great Uprising
    Military action

    A massive coup / civil war in Imbria that had long-lasting repercussions. Witches rose up against the ruling mage class and toppled an empire. (see Magic Tiers)

    More reading
    Great Uprising
  • 394 DE

    Independent Nations

    The end result of the Great Uprising was the splitting of Imbria into smaller, independent nations: Eldahi, Salaris, Torverath, Necros, & Rhovan

    Additional timelines
  • 712 DE

    712 DE

    Nomas Riots of 712
    Civil action

    A series of riots and demonstrations throughout Salaris where non-magical people protested their lack of freedoms and security.

    Arcanis Academy was tasked with subduing these riots. The success of the Academy Elites and cadets improved the academy's relationship with the magical and nomas communities as well as opened them to receiving contracts from Salarian government and military, including training of Wizard Officers for the military.

    Additional timelines
  • 813 DE

    844 DE

    Northern Wars
    Military action

    War between Rhovan and Necros over territory and resources

    Additional timelines