Sinoe Settlement in Tor | World Anvil


"Hey! Wait for me!" Tetra yelled, "Come on slow poke! mom said be back by supper, and its getting early, We have to hurry!" Pexum Chuckled "I swear Pexum, if you don't slow down right now, I'll make you pay later!" Tetra couldn't help but smile given her anger, her younger brother always pulled stunts like this, even when he knew Tetra would catch up with him, but Tetra couldn't help but be charmed by her little brothers joy. She was happy in moments like this too, even if she didn't want to admit it. Tetra leaped over tangled jungle roots on the path, and was gaining on Pexum quickly, like she always did. A confident sneer crept onto her snout as she tightened her body, ready to tackle her brother, and with a leap, she glided through the air. Tetra collided with Pexum's back as they tumbled, and fumbled through the shrubbery into the clearing near their home. Both children angrily and joyfully fought on the ground before a powerful grip lifted the two off their feet, and into the air. Both continued to slap and kick toward each other as their father walked them both toward the house "Dinner is ready you two."  
Nestled in the rolling hills of Mt. Benari, and the outskirts of The Pinchot Crater, the small pit stop of Sinoe lives day by day as a small pit stop. Being in the dense jungle, with only sections of clearings, each building, and man made structure is in ether a fight with the tangled jungle, or a part of it. Tangled roots stalk the base of buildings, and break the flow of the road, forcing denizens to snake their way through the tree covered dirt roads. Thick tropical mosses and lichens grow on almost every surface, and many families have learned to embrace the plant life due to their losing battle to maintain it. This humble village rests along the Vesper River, predominantly using it for water, transportation, and fishing. The surrounding jungle and hills makes farming difficult, however the small population of Sinoe have always lived off the river, and the jungle instead of more consistent means. Predominantly consisting of Black Dragonborn, these people live a colorful and cultured night life, and even the local Metal Guard have grown accustomed to this life style.
As you walk through the sloshing and poping mud path, the trees that flank your every step begin to drift a bit farther from the path. What was once a mud and water logged road smoothly transitions into a still wet, but slightly packed road that is finally solid under your foot. This claustrophobic space finally opens up a bit, and you look forward, and see small pillars of smoke slowly dissipate before they even breaking the tree line, and as you round the finally bend on the path you see many moss covered stone buildings of strangely elegant design. Thick roots and mosses climb all over each and every structure that you can see. Few towns folk weave their way through the twisting and turning roads of the village. Several trees grow near, or even within buildings seemingly putting the village in a perpetual fight with nature. On the Eastern side of the town a path winds up a small hill where some slightly larger buildings rest, still in a fight with plant life, but less so. Strangely enough, these buildings of stone appear to be of elven make to some degree, with wooden portions following a more draconic theme, its an odd blend, but follows similar curvy designs. 

When you walk into the town officially on the still damp dirt road, a metal guard looks up at you, and glances you over before huffing in acknowledgment, and goes back to leaning against the stone wall. Instantly, your sense of smell is overwhelmed with mold, Fish, and Cooking food, however not many people move through the streets, it seems a bit sluggish during the day. The jungle canopy is more open in the town, finally giving you a good view of the sky, and you can see a slightly cloudy, but mostly sunny day above. You look to the west, and past the buildings, and tree line, you see a moderately fast moving river heading south. Several people stand in the water up to their lower chests, and hold spears or nets, seemingly fishing, however many of them seem annoyed or irritated.


78% Chromatic Dragonborn (Black Dragonborn), 10% Metallic, 10% LizardFolk, 2% Human, and only one Elf


Mayor Rexaye Pentlgash and Lawseeker Hanan of House Calathurn Keep the peace in this small village, However its small foot note as a rest stop on the timber trade routes, has mad it a bit overlooked by the crown overall. Living quiet and humble lives amongst their people, the Mayor and Lawseeker have worked closely with the community, and has their interests as the first things on their minds. The Gilded Crown, though owning this land, has neglected it over all, seeing it as to insignificant to push into modernity with the rest of Gora, nothing more then a pit stop on the way to Wako.


The Metal Guard host a small group of about 80 metallic men, for the town, but most is allocated to protecting the lumber caravans that pass through town fairly frequently from Lake Pinchot

Industry & Trade

Sinoe being connected to the Amber Set Road has made the village into a rarely used pit stop for merchants, travelers, and many others, even though its resources are fairly finite for those from out of town.


Sinoe's Infrastructure is a bit behind the times, and the only two structures that stands out as "Infrastructure" is the slowly rotting Wooden dock along the nearby river, and the Quipper's Rest Inn, owned by Medolo The Kind
  • Baralaias (the only Elf in town) also owns a general store, Sinoe General

Guilds and Factions

The The Cutters Guild has a strong presence in the village, and uses it as a pit stop on the way to the fertile Lake Pinchot


Each home is Hand made by the Carpenter Pai'thok medathii, and the Mason Baralaias (the only Elf in town). Together these two hand make every home, and business in town, and do a decent job before the jungle begins to take back the space. The homes are simple, however, they have a small eleven twist to much of the stone work.


Sinoe Rests in the hills surrounding Mt. Benari, in the heavily carpeted jungles of Pinchot Rain Forest. It rest at the top of a hill that over looks The Vesper River, and is near an area that is currently being turned into a lumber gathering area, so there are several clearings where clusters of trees once stood. One main dirt road bisects the town, and comes from the log Lift to the south, into town, and then north toward the Amber Set Road. This main road seprates the lower village from the upper village, and showes the slight diffrence in wealth of the town, however wealth is fairly negligible in Sinoe. To really earn your place in the Village, you must be an excellent, and patient fisherman, this sport, and lifestyle is all thanks to the villages settlment next to the Vesper River.

Natural Resources

  1. Lumber
  2. Water
  3. Fish
  4. Citrus
  5. Fruit
Low 1,131
Inhabitant Demonym
Goran, or Karen
Location under
Owning Organization