Mt. Io Geographic Location in Tor | World Anvil

Mt. Io

"Petra, Be a dear and wright this down for me." Raxora cleared her large red scaled throat, and cooed softly and elegantly, "*The mistress and her maid, had flown many miles in search of a new home... they flew and flew, till a mountain of fire called to the two with slow and rolling beauty. The sun was beginning to set, and the maid grew tired as night began to rise. The mistress landed and put herself in a form less cumbersome in the thick bushes. She lit a fire for the maid, and they gazed at the glowing mountain, determined to make home of the beautiful coastal mountain...* thats all for now Petra my dear." Petra finished scribbling down the words in the large tome she carried, bags under her eyes, she yawned and looked over to her friend. *YAWN* "that was beautiful mistress, like always" Raxora blushed and waved her hand, "stop, stop, you flatter me so." "But mistress, its true, your way with words is matched by none" she finished by taking a bite of the Ashunky they had killed a few hours ago. Raxora chuckled softly, then looked up to their soon to be mountain home. "I hope we can live a quiet life here..."   Mt. Io is an ancient and active volcano on the South Eastern part of Balin. Resting in this beautiful corner of the state, it is flanked by the Rainbow Reef off the eastern coast, and to the south of the volcano rests Moxy Bay. This unexplored wonder of natural beauty has been relatively untouched by civilization, and to this day has not been mapped out. Its slow and constant drizzle of lava has over hundreds of hears changed the sands in the surrounding aria to a dark basalt black, and created many lava tubes within Tor's crust. Not much is known about the volcano, however this will not last forever.

Localized Phenomena

Extreme Heat
Original Sorce: DMG, Page 110
When the temperature is at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the heat and without access to drinkable water must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional hour.
Creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage on the saving throw. Creatures with resistance to fire damage make their constitution saving throws at the end of every 2 hour interval. creatures with immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures naturally adapted to hot climates.

Below are tables for encounters and _____

percentile / d20Encounter TypeEncounter Description
1% to 5% - 1 Fight + Hostile Encounter Volcanic Fissures, Earthquake, Lava Flows, Initative
6% to 10% - 2 Fight + Hostile Encounter Fire Elementals + Fire Myrmidons + Earthquake + falling rocks
11% to 15% - 3 Fight + Hostile Encounter Earth Elementals + Poison Volcanic Gas
16% to 20% - 4 Fight + Hostile Encounter Fire Elementals + Fire Elemental Plane Portal + Hot Ash (See Blizzard Rules)
21% to 25% - 5 Fight + Hostile Encounter Kobalds + Kobald Variants + Halusinatory Terrain + Traps that push into lava
26% to 30% - 6 Fight Bassilisks
31% to 35% - 7 Fight Mjorks
36% to 40% - 8 Fight Fire Elementals
41% to 45% - 9 Fight Salimanders
46% to 50% - 10 Fight Kobalds + Kobald Variants
51% to 55% - 11 Hostile encounter Halusinatory Terrain + Traps that push into lava
61% to 60% - 12 Hostile Encounter Earthquake
61% to 65% - 13 Hostile Encounter Lava Flows
69% to 70% - 14 Hostile Encounter Volcanic Gas
71% - 75% - 15 Hostile Encounter Ash (See Blizzard "geting lost Rules")
76% to 80% - 16 Neutral Encounter Kobald Village
81% to 85% - 17 Neutral Encounter Xorn + Gems in hot spring near camp
86 to 90% - 18 No Encounter -
91% to 95% - 19 No Encounter -
96% to 100% - 20 Faster Travel Travel pace is improved to the next speed up
Tables / Place Holder 
"Volcanic ash spewing from the caldera often blocks portions of the sky within the volcano's vicinity so upon closing in on the caldera, be on guard at all times. Geologists and explorers have attempted to gain patronage from the crown to record the oddities in the area, as it is too dangerous to go without elite mercenaries. However the crown has deemed any and all of these endeavors a waist of money, man power, and time. As such, even though Mt. Io is within the heart of the Gilded crown influenced areas of Gora, the mountain remains almost entirely uncharted." -Rith Kaytok,  Notes addressed to one "Ember"
Alternative Name(s)
The Crucible
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