The Humans of the Realm originate from the land of Midgard in the southern section of the kingdom of Beardenheim. The humans, although generally non-magical, do have one power they don’t even know of in any real way. Spirit (otherwise known as luck).
Humans run the gamut between stay-put homesteaders to city dwellers to travelers near and far, but they are especially drawn to the sea, having as much coastline as Midgard does.
Basic Information
Two arms, two legs, two ears, two eyes, the usual (unless something unfortunate happened).
Growth Rate & Stages
Human infants are useless and helpless until the middle of their first decade, growing steadily more competent for the next decade under the care of one or both parents until they are considered fully grown if not fully mature adults at 16 years of age.
For the next 25 years their focus is often on family and children, before turning to personal pursuits and with more dedication toward their careers, settling into their elder years in their 60s, reaching an average of 80 years of age.
Ecology and Habitats
Humans are most comfortable in temperatures from warm to cool, but can survive in quite hot or cold areas for periods of time, with careful preparation.
Their preferred habitat varies widely, from coasts and islands to plains and deserts to forests and mountains, Humans can get comfortable just about anywhere.
Dietary Needs and Habits
A heavily agricultural society, much of the human diet consists of grains, vegetables and fruits. In areas livestock can be raised, or in wealthier areas away from the farms, meat is plentiful, and fish is a staple near the coasts, rivers and lakes.
They need to consume quite a bit of food and fresh water during their quick moving lives. This is why they always settle near a source of fresh water, and often cultivate land and keep animals.
Biological Cycle
As mortals, Humans age, so hair can go grey and fall out, skin becomes slack and wrinkled, and health deteriorates.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Humans generally live in complex, often multigenerational family units, but many break off to seek their own paths and begin new families. It is somewhat unusual but not uncommon for humans to strike out and stay alone, or nomadic.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
The majority of humans are based in the three cities founded by the Three Pillars of Humanity. Other smaller settlements are based around the geographical advantages in relation to their purposes, with most scattered about the east, concentrated in the west, and spread out over the rugged south and east.
Humans are found in many parts of Nidavellir, as well as Alfheim, with a number settling into the service of the Gods in Asgard.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Humans have average sensory abilities, or poor compared to most of the others humanoid species. They do, however, seem to make it out of scrapes more readily than other species due to an innate sense of luck. They do not hold any innate magical abilities as humans, can can wield it through magical items. It's also not uncommon for them to find out they have less than full human ancestry when they find they can summon fire magic or something.
Civilization and Culture
Naming Traditions
In Human culture, both names are passed down from generation to generation. Surnames are often based around a trade or trait of the family (guess what the Farmer family does?).
First names are a variation on their parent's name in the old Gaardic. By example, Glínis (meaning "honey") Honeysett (due to her sweet nature), the first human, had twins with a casual partner, and named them Glídor ("honey", "brother") and Glínith ("honey", "sister").
Children are not given an official first name right away, instead given a nickname up until their third year. At that point they will take on the surname and first name variation of the parent their nature most resembles. In children of two unpartnered people, they will take the name of the parent who raises them.
Beauty Ideals
Lively good health is most attractive to humans, and a mischievous twinkle in the eye will take you just about anywhere. What makes for an ideal partner varies widely from region to region (hardy and good humored goes far in a farming village, while stately, charming and well-mannered is desirable in the noble sectors).
Gender Ideals
In the early days of the Realm, Humans with their short life spans had a lot of ground to cover to keep up with the immortals, so home and children were tended to by women, while men ran affairs outside the home and ventured into the wider world.
As populations increased, people were able to choose their own paths, with women pursuing leadership and careers, men bringing up a gaggle of children, some forging paths on their own, or walking their own path in neither gender. In the west especially, patriarchy and regressive gender roles are more overtly encouraged.
Relationship Ideals
Humans often take up short term relationships in their earlier lives, but most hope to find another to share their elder years with. Like the Gods, the Humans in the higher ranks of society will often undertake unions to unite great houses or to merge families, but unlike the Gods, society expects monogamy out of those unions, especially in the west.
Average Technological Level
Much of the technology Humans use is thanks to their relationship with the Gnomes, but much of Midgard is manually accomplished. Their processes when it comes to agriculture and ship building may not be as beautifully crafted, but it as nearly as sound as that of the Day Elves.
Major Language Groups and Dialects
Most don't speak anything other than Common Gaardic, perhaps a little Dwarvish or Gnomish, unless they have traveled outside Midgard.
Historical Figures
The first of the Humans was Glínis Honeysett. She lived in Glî all her life, tending to the new Humans with her warm presence and considerable midwife skills, and is buried there in a wildflower meadow on the outskirts of the village. To this day she is an icon for all who bring the young into the world and care for them. If one is in mind to have a child, adding a yellow flower to ones hair, Glínis's favorite color, is said to bring her blessing.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
Humans are closest to their mortal neighbors the Dwarves, and the largest importer of Dwarven goods and materials, relations are excellent between the two.
Before the Wall of Winds was erected, Humans were beginning to venture into Jotunheim, but after, giants were little more than myth to most Humans.
Humans also trade heavily with the Day Elves, both being social beings with heavy shipping and production capabilities, although the two know they are not on equal footing - the Humans tend to be in awe and wonder of the Elves, and generally defer to them.
Humans have little to nothing to do with Night Elves and Vanir, in their lands, Humans are as likely to end up a toad or in a stewpot as pass through successfully, so they rarely venture there.
Fire and Water Elementals are terrifying and powerful, akin to gods to the Humans.
The Gods, on the other hand, are excellent trading partners, and somewhat kindred spirits in their love of merriment, but there is a very clear hierarchy between the two. The Humans know where they stand.
Human Stats
Type: MortalAbility Score Increase: Plus 2, Plus 1
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft
Species Element Affinities: Luck
School of Magic Affinities: Enchantment
Prime Traits
Versatility: Choose one extra feat.Friends: As a cantrip, you have advantage on all Charisma checks directed at one person or creature of your choice that isn't immediately hostile toward you, but only on your first interaction or exchange with that being.
Legacy Trait
Lucky: When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
Usually between 5 and 6 feet tall, but can also fall well outside of those ranges
Average Physique
From scrawny and frail to hail and hearty as plow beasts, there is no average Human in this regard.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Human skin tones range from pale pinkish hues to the deepest browns, with hair on heads and faces (mostly male faces, sadly, few Human women can grow a beard) in hues of the sun and moon, snow and rock, chestnut and copper and coal. Some Humans are nearly hairless on their bodies, while others could pass for Dwarves.
Geographic Distribution