Dwarf Species in The Realm of Beardsgaard | World Anvil


The dwarves of the Realm originate from the land of Nidavellir in the midsection of the kingdom of Beardenheim. The dwarves have earth elemental powers, but not particularly overt since the early generations. These powers are mostly seen in the craftsmen abilities of their race. Please note, all dwarves, male and female, are well-bearded.   Since the Iron Wars ended in the Wall of Winds, the dwarves have tended to stay put in Nidavellir, and a great many of their fortresses in the north have fallen into disrepair. The craftsmen and noble regions instead flourished, as did trade.

Basic Information


Shorter than Humans, Dwarves are broad, and incredibly strong for their size.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like their mortal counterparts, Dwarves and squishy and vulnerable for years, being cared for by one or both parents and a range of extended family in poorer families and servants in the noble families. They reach full size around 20 years of age, but are still considered in their youth until the age of 50.   After that, they spend the next 50 years on building, family and home or otherwise before moving into the 75 or so years in which they deepen their craft of knowledge base, or explore what excites them. Dwarves spend the final 200 years of their lives as elders, reaching an average of 250 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves are rather hairy, and thus do not love heat and overmuch sun, preferring cool to cold weather, especially underground by firelight. They feel most at home, the most creative and energized the deeper in the earth they go, but they also have a great appreciation for the majesty of the mountaintops, and appreciate a good journey overtop the ranges.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves love a good roast and potatoes, and will happily eat a side of cave kelp along with it, because it's not meat, but it's better than scurvy. They don't have much farmable land, there are plenty of pockets of good rich earth for root vegetables to be grown, and they are able to raise small herds of cattle, oxen, yak and goats, with wild turkeys, elk and deer and boar roaming the forests to hunt. Water is plentiful aboveground and below, in clear, clean rivulets springing from the rock.

Biological Cycle

As mortals, Dwarves age, so hair can go grey and fall out, skin becomes slack and wrinkled, and health deteriorates.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarves have a strict social hierarchy, in caste (which never changes) and class (which can be difficult or impossible to change). A gruffly social species, they frequently settle in large groups, especially undergound cities and surface castle complexes. While there is some mixing of castes and classes within the same settlement, just as often they divide themselves by region.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Since the days their exploratory and warring inclinations tapered off (after all that business in Jotunheim), many of the formerly martial Dwarves as well as miners and crafters began to be contracted out to other kingdoms like Midgard and Asgard, and some went to ply their trades on their own in Vanaheim and even Svartalfheim.   In their own lands, while the most heavily populated area is in the center south, it is mostly gnomes there. The east has a great many cities and fortresses, while the southern west coast and central plain have extensive mining operations. The north does have a great many Dwarves, but spread out over a wide range.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves are heavy bodied, and in solid contact with the ground. They are excellent at sensing nearby movement through their feet, and have excellent vision in low light.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In Dwarven culture, like many others in the Realm, children are given a childhood nickname and the surname of the parent of a higher caste, class or rank.   When they grow from childhood to youth, one or both of their names may change: taking on their adult first name, which may or may not be a derivitive of a parents' first name, and they may change to use their other parent's surname, or choose one of their own as a title and name, in the God's tradition.

Beauty Ideals

Strength is one of the most attractive qualities to a Dwarf, both physically and of character, but at the same time, nothing will draw eyes of admiration and envy than a long, thick, well-groomed and styled beard. Slim Dwarves are usually underfed Dwarves, and not seen as quite as desirable as a Dwarf with some padding and/or muscle.

Gender Ideals

Dwarven men and women are found in every walk of life in the modern world, although in the early days women did cleave closer to hearth and home and children, while men carved out many of the early caverns. As that transition happened after the might and necessity of the Dwarven military had passed, there are fewer Dwarven warrior women than men.

Relationship Ideals

Dwarves love a power couple, so while the great houses of the Humans and Gods pair their children in marriages, Dwarven marriages are made of two driven individuals who want to strike out together. Even in the lower ranks of society, marriages tend to be made of strong partnerships. Dwarves like strong foundations, and don't usually waste time with casual relationships. While truth and forthrightness is a strong value amongst Dwarves, that isn't to say they are all overly fond of monogamy. There are understandings.

Average Technological Level

The Dwarves themselves know how to speak to the stone, and use their long honed skills to craft it as they wish, but it is largely accomplished manually. There are of course elaborate pulley, cart track and elevator systems for getting around, but the Dwarves are very proud that their works are made with by their own hands.

The Gnomes in Sarn Hollow, however, are a different story, with some of the most advanced technology in the Realm.

Historical Figures

The first of the Dwarves was Gonnor Stonecutter. One line of his descendants went on to be the first line of kings of the Dwarves, during the period that led the Dwarves into the Iron Wars and the downfall of the house. Ties to the Stonecutter/Highnoble/Darkmine bloodline no longer holds the sway it once did amongst Dwarves, claim to it is just as likely to draw scorn as indifference, and rarely approval.

The Gnomes, however, also come from Gonnor's blood, but not the line of doomed kings, and they take a humble pride in the Blood of the Firsts.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Dwarves have things that other races want (ore, soldiers, etc), which means that despite them being Mortals of middling lifespan, and rather more gruff and boisterous than the elves prefer, they are generally welcomed for trade, especially with the Day Elves.    The Dwarves are convinced the elves as a whole take themselves far too seriously, and are wary of the Vanir for good reason, have some kinship with the Night Elves and their underground living, but you can have a drink with the more common of the Day Elves at least.   The Elementals are considered gods to them than the actual Gods, because THEM you can drink with. And they like good ore. Great friends.    Humans are their closest partners, and while they are rather spindly and breakable, they're good people, industrious and fun. The Dwarves don't have any official shipping ports, Humans do, so massive amounts of goods and materials are exported over the border to Jotunheim and distributed throughout the Realm.   Giants, however. There is a history. While there is a grudging truce after nearly two centuries, in those rare instances in which they come in contact, there is still a lot of bad blood and old wounds.

Dwarf Stats

Character Building: Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Generic article | Nov 15, 2023

How to build your D&D 5E character in the Realm of Beardsgaard

Type: Mortal
Ability Score Increase: Plus 2, Plus 1
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 ft
Species Element Affinities: Earth
School of Magic Affinities: Transmutation
Prime Traits
Dwarven Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage (explained in the “Combat” section).
  True Stone: You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling. If thrown, it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone. If you cast this spell again, the spell ends early on any pebbles still affected by it.
Legacy Trait
Dwarven Fortitude: You have the blood of dwarf heroes flowing through your veins. You gain the following benefits: Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Whenever you take the Dodge action in combat, you can spend one Hit Die to heal yourself. Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1).

Scientific Name
Average Height
3-4 ft
Average Physique
Dwarves are generally short, stout and brawny, but some are tall enough to pass for human, and some are slim enough to be mistaken for a Halfling in a fur shawl.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dwarves range from ruddy skin tones to deep earthen browns and stony warm greys, with hair the color of mud and metal, gold, copper, silver, bronze and iron.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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