Beribon (North) Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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Beribon (North)

POPULATION: 5 MILLION   RELIGION: Myriad of Nyau̯ta | (West): Neʻā Woi̯   ETHNIC GROUPS: Deri, Ongau̯I   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Beribonese, Northern Accent - 3.3M / VAIRUVAND - 800K / MASOYAN - 600K / KAHREOL - 200K / Chwi - 100K   CURRENCY: Waitti (0.8, S)   CAPITAL: Ochang (Kowampu)
  North Beribon is a wealthy nation compared to most others in Tyril, second only to monoliths like Kahrilo and the Uvan Empire. But it is embarrassingly richer than Beribon South, whose currency, the Pinga, is worth half that of the Northern Waitti. The disparity this evidences is a major feature of life in both places, which are entwined so closely one cannot discuss one without referring to the other.   While it exports many goods – the textiles calico and muslin, gems from the famous Alauru sapphire mines, copper and silver, medicinal plants, and other spices like black pepper, ginger, and cardamom – it is Riangh, a spice invaluable to Kah priestesses as a holy sacrament and Relan nobles as a fancy addition to the supper table, that reigns supreme in North Beribon, forming the absolute cornerstone of its economy. The spice is exported across the tropical waters of Tessita Bay to fellow coastal states Kahrilo, Rello, Jolim, and Masatoyahi. Of these, Beribonese merchants get along best with the Luziama of Masatoyahi, as both sides prefer to forego cordial behaviour in favour of bottom lines.   Riangh, however, is principally cultivated in South Beribon, whose lush jungle conditions offer one of the few environments where the delicate flower can grow. The planting and harvesting process is highly labour-intensive, requiring a huge force of semi-skilled workers; to keep costs down, the North’s dominant culture, the Deri, “employ” the Akai̯de, an indigenous group whose traditionally low levels of technology render them vulnerable to exploitation. The Sotih, Beribonese-speaking southern counterparts of the Deri, oversee this operation to earn their piece of the pie. Grunt work such as transportation and the ultimate refinement of the spice are undertaken back up North by members of its own native minority, the Ongau̯I.   Both Beribons use two-tier systems to differentiate master and servant castes, and the Deri further distinguish their own ‘superiority’ from ‘provincial’ Sotih brethren. In big cities, like the capital, Ochang, the norm is to see well-heeled Deri leading Ongau̯I slaves around, though these tendencies are relaxed in rural areas. Visitors of non-Beribonese origin are almost always welcome if they bring enough gold.   Religiously, dominant Beribonese groups both subscribe to the Myriad of Nyau̯ta, though the language of worship in many instances perpetuates social divisions. In Beribon North, there is also a strong Neʻā Woi̯ following, especially among the Ongau̯I, who live principally on the west coast, close to Albagar where the faith originated.   Though the Deri deny it, the grand irony of all their elitist talk is that significant portions of their political system and the Riangh trade (inseparable anyway) are silently controlled by the Uvan Empire, which keeps its distance to preserve the illusion of Beribonese autonomy, as seems to suit their purposes.
Emblem of House Mau̯ko

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