
A Stomach-Churning Climb Through Hell's Hierarchies

The Vile Ascent of Damned Flesh to Power

  In the infernal hierarchy of the Nine Hells, the journey of a devil is a tale of ruthless ambition, relentless torment, and the pursuit of power, all under the shadow of a bleak, late-stage capitalist system. This journey begins with the damned souls who, due to their evil alignment and resistance to torment, are destined to become the lowest rank of devils: the Lemures.  

Diabolical Hierarchies

These are the damned souls who have just arrived in the Nine Hells. They are the raw material, the base commodity in the infernal economy. Stripped of their memories and identities, they are shapeless, mindless blobs of flesh, the lowest rung on the corporate ladder. Their torment is their existence, and their existence is torment. Yet, within each Lemure lies the potential for ascension, a chance to climb the corporate ladder of Hell.  
The first promotion a Lemure can hope for is to become an Imp. This transformation is akin to an entry-level position in a corporation. Imps are the foot soldiers, the clerks, the messengers. They are more intelligent and capable than Lemures, able to perform simple tasks and follow orders. They are the workforce that keeps the infernal machine running smoothly.  
Lesser Devils (Spined, Bearded, Barbed)
These are the middle management of the infernal corporation. They have more responsibilities and more power, but also more to lose. They oversee the Imps and Lemures, ensuring productivity and compliance. They are the enforcers of the corporate policy, the ones who keep the workforce in line.  
Greater Devils (Horned, Erinyes, Ice, Pit Fiend)
These are the executives of the infernal corporation. They have significant power and influence, able to shape the policies and direction of their respective divisions. They are the ones who negotiate contracts, broker deals, and make the decisions that affect the lives of countless damned souls.  
At the top of the corporate ladder are the Archdevils, the Chief Executive Devils of the Baator Conglomerate. They are the ones who have made it, who have climbed from the bottom to the very top. Each Archdevil runs their own subsidiary or division, with their own unique focus and operations. They are the epitome of infernal capitalism, their power and influence stretching across the Nine Hells and beyond.   In this bleak, late-stage capitalist system, the journey of a devil is a constant struggle for power and status. It is a system that rewards ambition and ruthlessness, where the strong thrive and the weak are consumed. It is a system that mirrors the worst aspects of our own, a stark reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked ambition and the relentless pursuit of power.  

Corporate Afterlife

  In the corporate structures of the Nine Hells, the hierarchy is not as rigid or linear as it might initially appear. While the progression from Lemure to Archdevil provides a general framework, the reality is far more complex and fluid, particularly at the lower echelons of power. The barriers between the layers bleed into one another, creating a dynamic and often chaotic environment where rank and status are not always directly correlated.   For instance, an Imp in a strategically important department might wield more influence than a Spined Devil in a less critical role. A Bearded Devil with the right connections could bypass a Barbed Devil in the corporate ladder. The corporate structure of the Nine Hells is not a strict ladder but a vast, interconnected web of power, influence, and ambition.   This fluidity is a reflection of the cutthroat nature of infernal capitalism. In the Nine Hells, power is not just about rank but also about influence, cunning, and ruthlessness. It's about seizing opportunities, making strategic alliances, and, when necessary, stabbing others in the back. It's about navigating the complex and often treacherous waters of corporate politics.   At the same time, this fluidity also provides opportunities for the damned. A Lemure, despite being at the bottom of the hierarchy, could potentially rise through the ranks not just by enduring torment but by demonstrating cunning, ambition, and a ruthless drive for power. In the corporate structures of the Nine Hells, everyone has a chance to climb the ladder, but only the most ruthless and cunning will succeed.   In this way, the corporate structures of the Nine Hells mirror the worst aspects of late-stage capitalism. They reflect a system where power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few, where the pursuit of profit often comes at the expense of the many, and where the lines between right and wrong are often blurred in the name of ambition and greed.

Basic Information


In the ruthless corporate world of the Nine Hells, the Devils' ambition, cunning, and ruthlessness often manifest in wretched diabolical deeds. These acts, while abhorrent, are seen as necessary steps on the path to power and influence.  
A classic example of diabolical deception involves a Barbed Devil named Thazik. Thazik was a middle manager in the Avernus Security Company, overseeing a division of Imps. However, he aspired for more. Thazik fabricated a threat to the security of Avernus, creating an illusion of an impending demonic invasion. In the ensuing panic, he presented himself as the only one capable of handling the situation. As he "neutralized" the threat he himself had created, Thazik was hailed as a hero and swiftly promoted, leaving his bewildered subordinates in the dust.  
In the treacherous world of the Nine Hells, alliances are often fleeting, and loyalty is a matter of convenience. A case in point is the tale of a pair of Erinyes, Lysara and Maelis. They were partners, bound by a pact of mutual support and protection. However, when Maelis was offered a lucrative position in the Research and Arcane Investigation division, he betrayed Lysara without a second thought. He spread rumors about her incompetence and disloyalty, leading to her demotion and his ascension. The partnership, once built on trust, was shattered by Maelis's ambition and infidelity.  
Perhaps the most chilling example of diabolical ruthlessness involves an Ice Devil named Kryos. Kryos was a high-ranking executive in the Stygian Ice Mining Corporation, but he coveted the position of his superior, a Pit Fiend named Balroth. Instead of waiting for his chance to ascend naturally, Kryos decided to expedite the process. He orchestrated a deadly "accident" during a routine mining operation, causing Balroth to be buried alive under tons of ice. With Balroth out of the picture, Kryos stepped into his position, his hands stained with the blood of his former superior.   These examples illustrate the lengths to which Devils will go in their pursuit of power. Deception, infidelity, and even murder are not beyond their repertoire. In the Nine Hells, the end often justifies the means, and the path to power is paved with treachery and blood.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In the Nine Hells, the act of naming is deeply intertwined with the process of ascension and the culture of power dynamics. When a damned soul emerges from the River Styx, their past life is a muddled memory, and the first Infernal word they utter becomes their true diabolical name. This name, often a reflection of their inner torment or a manifestation of their newfound infernal nature, becomes their core identity in the infernal hierarchy.   As these Devils ascend from the rank of Lemures, each promotion is accompanied by a new epithet or title, bestowed upon them by the Devil that promotes them. These additional names serve multiple purposes. They are a mark of status, a badge of honor, a testament to their achievements, and a constant reminder of their place in the hierarchy.   In some cases, a Devil might be given the mantle of their predecessor, a practice that serves both practical and symbolic purposes. On a practical level, it ensures continuity and stability, allowing the new Devil to step into the shoes of their predecessor seamlessly. Symbolically, it reinforces the cyclical nature of power in the Nine Hells, the constant churn of ambition, betrayal, and ascension.   Here are some examples of true names in Infernal, along with potential epithets or titles:  
True Names
Zazikel, Thazik, Maelis, Kryos, Balroth, Lysara, Vexikar, Sarnoss, Grixal, Phazeroth  
The Deceiver, The Betrayer, The Ice Heart, The Ruthless, The Unyielding, The Ambitious, The Cunning, The Relentless, The Tormentor, The Usurper   For instance, a Lemure might emerge from the River Styx uttering the name "Zazikel". As Zazikel ascends to the rank of an Imp, the Devil promoting him might bestow upon him the title "The Deceiver". As he continues to climb the ranks, he might acquire additional titles such as "The Ruthless" or "The Unyielding". If he eventually takes over the position of a predecessor, he might take on their mantle, becoming "Zazikel, The Deceiver, The Ruthless, The Unyielding, Heir of Balroth".   In this way, the names of Devils are not just identifiers, but narratives, each name a chapter in their infernal journey, each title a testament to their ambition, cunning, and ruthlessness.

Major Organizations

Average Technological Level

The Devils of the Nine Hells have attained a level of technology that is both fascinating and chilling, a testament to their cunning, ambition, and ruthless pursuit of power. This technology, known as the INFERNet, is a diabolical network of information and communication that mirrors the complexity and ruthlessness of its infernal creators.   The Infernet is a living entity, its lifeblood the damned souls that fuel its operations. It is a sprawling web of infernal energy, connecting devils in a network of information and deceit. Accessing the Infernet is a ritual in itself, involving a device known as a Soul Siphon, a twisted piece of Infernal Iron imbued with dark Magic. The Soul Siphon taps into the screams of the damned, their eternal torment serving as the dial-up tone for this sinister network.   Navigating the Infernet is akin to journeying through a labyrinth of Infernal Portals, each leading to a different part of the network. These portals are guarded by lesser devils, demanding a toll in Soul Coins for access. The data on the Infernet is stored in the Screams of the Damned, a vast repository of information encoded in the eternal torment of the damned souls.   The Infernet is not a passive experience. It demands a price for its use, drawing on the user's own infernal energy to power the connection. The more data being accessed, the more energy is drawn, causing the user's seat to become unbearably hot or cold. This discomfort is a constant reminder of the Infernet's demanding nature.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Devilkind, in its pursuit of power and dominance, has cultivated a culture that is as complex and intricate as the Nine Hells themselves. This culture, deeply rooted in the infernal hierarchy and the relentless pursuit of desire, is reflected in various aspects of devilish life, including their technology, commerce, and even their forms of entertainment.   One of the most striking manifestations of devil culture is the phenomenon of INFERNography. Born in the fiery realm of Phlegethos, Infernography is a tantalizing realm of lascivious delights that permeates the INFERNet. It caters to the deepest, most primal desires of the denizens of the Nine Hells, offering a taste of the forbidden and a glimpse into the heart of desire. The inception of Infernography marked a significant shift in the dynamics of the Infernet, transforming it from a mere tool of communication into a realm of temptation and desire.   The rise of Infernography superstars like Lilura Flameheart, Mordai Frostbite, and Zephyra Stoneclaw has further shaped the culture of devilkind. These stars, with their unique histories and captivating performances, have pushed the boundaries of Infernography. Their stories serve as a testament to the performers' talent and the daring vision of Infernography, a testament to the power of infernal capitalism, even in the heart of Hell itself.   The cultural impact of Infernography, particularly the Infernal Chain Link, on the corporatized denizens of Baator is profound and multifaceted. It has not only influenced the way fiends perceive and engage with their own infernal anatomy but has also significantly shaped societal norms, power dynamics, and aesthetics within the Nine Hells. The Infernal Chain Link, with its raw sensuality and display of dominance, has become a popular act in Infernography, influencing the fashion and aesthetics of the Nine Hells, and shaping the brutal power dynamics that define this infernal realm.   The influence of Infernography extends even to the highest echelons of power in the Nine Hells. Glasya, the ruler of Malbolge and the daughter of Asmodeus, is a figure of power and allure, her reputation only enhanced by her clandestine pursuits. The introduction of the Infernal Chain Link into Infernography has added a new dimension to Glasya's seductions, enhancing her allure and adding an element of danger and rebellion to her persona.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution
Related Technologies


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