
Cursed with inhuman ancestry, Tiefling characters struggle to fit among Rolara's people. Somewhere in a Tiefling's ancestry there is fiendish Magic in the blood. Some predecessor might have been a Devil, or Demon, or perhaps there was a curse placed on a the bloodline. Still other Tieflings discover that a fiendish entity intervened in their birth, leaving their mark on the tiefling forever.
  While most tiefling people on Rolara can easily blend in with humans, some are stranger than others. Generally, a tiefling can be identified by physical observation; look for horns, tails, scales, fangs, red or blue skin, or other monstrous features. These features will be subtle and hidden by a clever tiefling. Perhaps the skin is so slightly red, others only notice it when you're in the right lighting. Maybe the horns appear to be part of a decorative headpiece. Maybe your tail is hidden beneath your skirt, or your hair prevents people from noticing your extra ears.
  When determining a set of features for your tiefling character, consider the lengths necessary to participate in civilized, Human society. For inspiration, look at real folk-lore about famous Devils and Demons from many cultures across the globe. Be a tiefling with Kitsune ears, or become one with three eye!

Basic Information


Tieflings, those born of human lineage yet marked by a fiendish heritage, are beings of complex and varied nature. Their existence is a tapestry of human form interwoven with demonic or devilish traits, painting a picture both intriguing and, at times, unsettling.   The essence of their being is rooted in this fiendish ancestry, manifesting physically in diverse and often subtle ways. Many Tieflings carry only a handful of these otherworldly traits, maintaining a predominantly human appearance. However, the range of these characteristics is vast and deeply individualistic.   Among the more common manifestations are horns of various shapes and sizes, tails that may curl or flick with a life of their own, and skin tones that defy human norms, spanning hues of red, blue, or even ethereal purples. Their eyes might gleam with an unnatural luminescence, and their teeth could sharpen to points reminiscent of their fiendish forebears.   While many Tieflings pass unnoticed, their heritage a mere whisper beneath their human guise, there are those whose appearance skews towards the inhuman. These rare individuals bear the full brunt of their lineage, their forms so distinctly fiendish that they stir fear and superstition among the common folk. In such cases, the lives of these Tieflings, and sometimes those of their kin, are marred by tragedy and persecution.   In the realm of Rolara, Tieflings are often enshrouded in mystery and suspicion. Tales and rumors outlive the individuals themselves, suggesting hidden tails or horns concealed beneath a guise of normalcy. Such is the plight of the Tiefling, where existence is a constant balance between two worlds, never fully belonging to either.   Each Tiefling is a unique embodiment of this dual heritage. No two are identical in appearance or ability, reflecting the diverse nature of their fiendish ancestry. Some may even possess innate talents or resistances, echoes of a realm far removed from the mortal plane.   Thus, the life of a Tiefling is one of duality, marked by the human and the fiendish, each aspect vying for a place in their identity. Their place in the world is as varied as their appearance, making each Tiefling's story a personal journey of discovery, acceptance, and, oftentimes, redemption.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tieflings, born of Human lineage yet marked by infernal influence, emerge from a tapestry of mystery, their origins as varied as Rolara's many cultures and lands. Such diversity mirrors the countless ways the infernal realm can intertwine with the mortal plane. Countless are the methods for a Tiefling's birth, but some narratives stand more prominent than others.  
  1. Devilish Bargains: Oftentimes, a Tiefling's beginning is tethered to a pact struck with a Devil. Instead of claiming a soul, a devil might agree to a trade for a firstborn child in return for fulfilling a mortal's wish. These deals frequently result in a Tiefling's birth. Tragically, many of these infants meet their demise, their souls fated to serve in an infernal legion.
  3. Infernal Temptation: A prevalent origin story involves encounters with entities like incubi and succubi. Known for their seductive prowess, these demons can entangle mortals in dreams, paving the way for a Tiefling's conception. The offspring bear a deep infernal mark, evident in their fiendish traits.
  5. Misattributed Fey Influence: Many falsely link Tieflings to the Fey, rooted in ancient tales of a union between a Tiefling and an Elf. Despite its lack of truth, this belief endures, borne of myth and misconception. The essence of the Fey is distinct, unconnected to the infernal touch defining a Tiefling.
  7. Ancestral Taint: The most frequent cause of Tiefling births is a familial blemish, a legacy of evil or infernal interference dating back roughly 13 generations. So pervasive is this phenomenon that it has etched itself into Rolara's languages, its terminology differing across regions. It symbolizes the lasting impact of a past act or event, echoing through time and manifesting in a Tiefling's emergence.
  Each Tiefling's arrival stands as evidence of the intricate and unpredictable dance between mortal and infernal realms. Their existence underscores the lasting repercussions of choices, pacts, and encounters, whether in slumber or in the waking world. The varied origins of Tieflings add to their rich and diverse presence in Rolara, each individual embodying a unique narrative woven into their essence.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings, in their essence, mirror the Human cycle of growth and development, yet their journey from birth to adulthood is shaded by the unique complexities of their heritage. Their lives unfold in stages, each marked by the interplay of human traits and fiendish influences.  
  1. Birth and Early Childhood: The arrival of a Tiefling child is often shrouded in omens and circumstances of a dire nature. Their births are typically accompanied by signs considered unlucky or foreboding, casting a shadow over their earliest moments. As infants and young children, Tieflings develop at a pace akin to their human counterparts. However, the presence of fiendish features, subtle or pronounced, begins to set them apart, even in these tender years.
  3. Adolescence and the Thirteenth Year: Entering adolescence, Tieflings continue to parallel human growth patterns. However, their thirteenth year stands out as a significant anomaly. It is during this time that many Tieflings experience a surge of what could only be described as supernatural luck. This stroke of fortune, inexplicable yet potent, often grants them a brief respite from the hardships of their existence, allowing them to eke out a more favorable life compared to their human peers.
  5. Fiendish Features and Social Challenges: The development of a Tiefling is inextricably linked to the nature and visibility of their fiendish traits. Those with more conspicuous features might face ostracization or fear, leading families to either hide their Tiefling children in shame or, in more tragic cases, abandon them. The societal stigma attached to these traits makes their upbringing a journey fraught with challenges and isolation. In contrast, those Tieflings whose features are subtle enough to pass as human often do so, navigating a path of secrecy and duality.
  7. Passing as Human: The act of passing as human is a shared experience amongst Tieflings, one that evokes strong and varied emotions within their community. For some, it is a necessary guise to ensure safety and acceptance; for others, it is a denial of their true self, a mask worn at the cost of personal authenticity. This aspect of their life is often a central theme in their personal narratives, influencing their worldviews, relationships, and choices.
  9. Adulthood and Beyond: As Tieflings reach adulthood, they continue to age as humans do. Their lives, shaped by the interplay of human norms and the echoes of their fiendish lineage, are a testament to resilience and adaptability. The experiences of their youth, the struggles with identity, and the journey towards self-acceptance deeply influence their adult lives, molding them into complex individuals with rich inner worlds.


Tieflings, in terms of behavior and psychology, mirror their mortal counterparts, except in instances where their distinct anatomy prompts uniquely non-human actions. Their mental faculties align with those of other mortals, encompassing a wide spectrum of hopes and dreams. Yet, societal contexts play a crucial role in shaping these aspects.   Their experiences often pivot around the societal reception of their infernal heritage. In some regions, Tieflings are embraced, their unique traits celebrated as a symbol of diversity. Here, they grow with a sense of belonging, their aspirations and behaviors reflecting a nurturing environment. Their dreams and actions are as varied as any Human's, driven by personal desires and societal norms.   Conversely, in lands where their lineage is met with distrust or fear, Tieflings might develop a guarded demeanor. They often face unjust stereotypes and prejudices, shaping their psyche towards resilience or defiance. Their dreams might focus on acceptance, understanding, or proving their worth beyond their ancestry.   Furthermore, the blend of human and infernal elements within Tieflings can lead to unique psychological nuances. Some might harbor an innate struggle between these aspects, influencing their behavior and self-perception. This internal conflict can manifest in a myriad array of personalities, from those who embrace their infernal side to others who shun it.   Despite these variations, Tieflings are as capable of kindness, cruelty, intelligence, and folly as any human. Their actions and thoughts are influenced by their upbringing, personal experiences, and the societies they inhabit. Just like humans, they are complex beings, their psychology a mosaic of their experiences and the world around them. Each Tiefling, with their distinctive story and background, contributes to the rich tapestry of Rolara, embodying the realm's ethos of embracing diversity and complexity.
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Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name

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