Chairdevil of the Board

The Diabolical Dance of Power: Asmodeus as the Chairdevil of the Board

The Infernal Executive at Hell's Corporate Helm

  In the fiery depths of the Baator Conglomerate, a seat of power unlike any other exists, held by the formidable Asmodeus. This position, known as the Chairdevil of the Board, is a role that intertwines the ruthless efficiency of a corporate magnate with the diabolical cunning of Hell's ruler.   As the Chairdevil, Asmodeus presides over the Board of Infernal Affairs, a group of the most powerful and cunning devils in the Nine Hells. Each member of the board is an Archduke or Duchess of a Hell, each responsible for their own realm of torment and industry. Yet, they all answer to the Chairdevil, who sets the overall strategy and direction of the Conglomerate.   The Chairdevil's responsibilities are vast and varied. He oversees the production of soul energy, the primary resource of the Conglomerate, ensuring that the wicked are properly punished and their torment converted into valuable energy. He also manages the production and trade of infernal weaponry, tools crafted from the very essence of Hell itself, coveted by warlords and tyrants across the planes.   Yet, the role of the Chairdevil extends beyond mere management. Asmodeus, in his position, must constantly navigate the treacherous politics of Hell. He must keep the other members of the board in check, preventing any attempts at usurpation while ensuring that their ambitions serve the Conglomerate's interests. This requires a delicate balance of fear and respect, a game of power that Asmodeus plays with a devil's delight.   Moreover, the Chairdevil must also represent the Conglomerate to other cosmic entities. He negotiates contracts with gods, demons, and mortals, always seeking to expand the influence and power of the Baator Conglomerate. These contracts, often written in blood and sealed with a soul, are binding beyond death, ensuring a steady stream of resources for the Conglomerate.   The role of the Chairdevil of the Board is not for the faint of heart. It requires a ruthless pursuit of power, an unyielding determination, and a cunning mind capable of outwitting gods and devils alike. Yet, for Asmodeus, it is a role he relishes. For him, it is not just a position of power, but a testament to his ambition, a symbol of his fall from divinity and rise to a different kind of godhood. As the Chairdevil of the Board, Asmodeus stands at the helm of Hell's industry, his gaze set firmly on the future, his mind always plotting, always scheming, in the relentless pursuit of power and control.


The title of Chairdevil of the Board is not merely a position of power, but a pact sealed in the fires of ambition and cunning. It is a role that demands not just leadership and strategy, but a willingness to navigate the treacherous waters of infernal politics and cosmic power plays. The Chairdevil, in his towering seat of power, is bound by obligations as dark as the abyssal depths of the Nine Hells.   The first and foremost obligation of the Chairdevil is to the Baator Conglomerate, the infernal corporation that he has shaped with his own hands. He is bound to ensure its prosperity, to expand its influence across the planes, to negotiate contracts and deals that further its interests. This obligation, however, is not bound by the moral constraints of the mortal world. The Chairdevil is free, even encouraged, to use deception, manipulation, and coercion to achieve his goals.   The Chairdevil is also obligated to manage the Board of Infernal Affairs, a group of powerful devils each ruling over a realm of Hell. He must keep them in check, prevent any attempts at usurpation, and ensure their ambitions serve the Conglomerate's interests. This obligation requires a delicate balance of fear and respect, a game of power that the Chairdevil must play with a devil's delight.   Moreover, the Chairdevil is bound by an obligation to the souls that fuel the Conglomerate's industries. He must ensure their torment, their transformation into soul energy, and their trade across the planes. This obligation, perhaps the most chilling of all, reveals the true nature of the Chairdevil's role. He is not just a leader, not just a strategist, but a harvester of souls, a dealer in the currency of damnation.   Finally, the Chairdevil is obligated to himself, to his own ambition and desire for power. He must constantly strive to maintain his position, to outwit his rivals, to expand his influence. This obligation, driven by a ruthless pursuit of power, is perhaps the most dangerous of all. For in his quest for power, the Chairdevil risks losing himself, becoming a slave to his own ambition, a prisoner in his own infernal empire.   In the end, the title of Chairdevil of the Board is a testament to the dark side of ambition, to the dangers of unchecked power. It is a role steeped in immorality, in treachery, in the ruthless pursuit of power. It is a role that demands a price, a sacrifice, a pact sealed in the fires of Hell. It is a role that, once assumed, can never be relinquished, a role that binds the Chairdevil in chains of his own making, chains forged in the fires of ambition and power.


The office of the Chairdevil of the Board, while steeped in diabolical obligations and infernal politics, is not without its beneficial trappings. These benefits, however, are as complex and multifaceted as the role itself, reflecting the intricate balance of power and ambition that defines the Chairdevil's position.  
The most apparent benefit is the immense power and influence that comes with the role. As the Chairdevil, Asmodeus wields control over the vast network of infernal industries that make up the Baator Conglomerate. He has the power to shape the Conglomerate's strategies, to negotiate contracts with gods and mortals, to expand its influence across the planes. This power, while burdened with responsibility, offers the Chairdevil unparalleled control and influence.   The role of the Chairdevil also offers a unique form of immortality. As the ruler of the Baator Conglomerate, Asmodeus has transcended his divine origins to become a force of commerce and control. His influence is not bound by the lifespan of a god or a mortal, but by the existence of the Conglomerate itself. As long as the Conglomerate thrives, so too does the Chairdevil.
  The Chairdevil's position also offers a wealth of knowledge and insight. As the ruler of the Baator Conglomerate, Asmodeus has access to information from across the planes, from the deepest secrets of the Nine Hells to the intricate workings of the cosmic order. This knowledge, coupled with his own cunning and intellect, allows the Chairdevil to navigate the complex web of infernal politics and cosmic power plays.   Finally, the role of the Chairdevil offers a unique form of freedom. As the ruler of the Baator Conglomerate, Asmodeus is not bound by the moral constraints of the gods or the laws of the mortal realms. He is free to pursue his ambitions, to shape his destiny, to forge his own path. This freedom, while fraught with danger and responsibility, offers the Chairdevil a level of autonomy and control that few beings in the cosmos can claim.   In the end, the beneficial trappings of the Chairdevil's office are a reflection of the role's complexity and power. They offer a glimpse into the potential rewards of ambition and cunning, a testament to the allure of power and control. But they also serve as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition, of the fine line between power and corruption, between control and tyranny.


The role of the Chairdevil of the Board, much like the infernal realm it governs, is steeped in a history as dark and tumultuous as the River Styx. It is a position born from a daring gambit, a legal maneuver as audacious as it was unprecedented.   In the early days of the Nine Hells, when the realms were still a chaotic maelstrom of torment and suffering, there was no Chairdevil, no Board of Infernal Affairs. Hell was a realm of punishment, its administration a divine duty, its ruler a god. But Asmodeus, ever the cunning strategist, saw an opportunity for a different kind of power.   In an event that shook the cosmic order, Asmodeus relinquished his spark of divinity to King Yan, the Judge of the Dead. This act, as audacious as Lucifer's rebellion, as cunning as Prometheus stealing fire, allowed him to privatize Hell itself. The Nine Hells, once a divine institution, became the Baator Conglomerate, a corporate entity with Asmodeus at its helm.   The creation of the Chairdevil of the Board marked a shift in the cosmic order, a testament to the power of cunning and ambition. It was a move that sent ripples through the planes, a declaration that Hell was no longer a mere realm of punishment, but a force of commerce and control.   Over the centuries, the role of the Chairdevil has been central to many pivotal events. The signing of the Pact Primeval, a contract that allowed Asmodeus to claim the souls of the wicked, was a crucial moment in the Chairdevil's history. It was a deal that solidified Asmodeus's power, a testament to his cunning and negotiation skills.   The Chairdevil also led the forces of Hell in the Blood War, a cosmic conflict against the chaotic demons of the Abyss. His strategic genius and ruthless tactics ensured Hell's survival against the endless hordes of the Abyss, further cementing his authority and the importance of his role.   The history of the Chairdevil of the Board is a tale of ambition and cunning, a story that mirrors the journey of Asmodeus himself. It is a role born from a daring gamble, shaped by cosmic conflicts and infernal politics, a position that stands at the crossroads of divinity and commerce. It is a testament to the power of will and the lengths one can go in the pursuit of power, a chilling reminder of the diabolical potential of ambition.

Cultural Significance

In the shadowed corners of the cosmos, where the infernal machinations of the Chairdevil of the Board Weave their intricate webs, one finds the unseen hand of Asmodeus in the thriving city of Shamsi-Adad. The city, a beacon of prosperity and freedom, is not untouched by the diabolical influence of the Baator Conglomerate.   Master Hikmet, the city's founder, a trader of renowned acumen, may not be a mere mortal playing his hand at commerce. Could it be that Hikmet is an avatar of Asmodeus himself, or perhaps a mortal under his infernal influence? The city's rapid rise, its strategic location, and its mercantile spirit echo the cunning and ambition of the Chairdevil. Hikmet's judicious leadership, his wisdom in ensuring the city's prosperity, and his light-touch governance bear the hallmarks of Asmodeus's rule in the Baator Conglomerate.   Shamsi-Adad, nestled perfectly to trade between two continents and near the seas to the west, is a crossroads in more ways than one. In the lore of the old world, crossroads were places of power, of decision, and of pact. They were places where one could meet the devil and bargain for one's deepest desires. The city, with its diverse populace and thriving commerce, is a crossroads of cultures, of ideas, and of power. It is a place where one can trade not just in goods, but in souls.   The symbolism of Shamsi-Adad as a crossroads extends beyond its physical location. It is a crossroads in the cosmic order, a place where the mortal and the divine, the mundane and the infernal, intersect. It is a place where one can bargain with the devil, where one can sell their soul for power, for wealth, for knowledge. It is a place where the influence of the Chairdevil can be felt, subtly, insidiously, shaping the city's destiny.   The city's prosperity, its freedom, its promise, are all part of a grander scheme, a diabolical pact sealed in the shadows. The city's inhabitants, unknowingly or not, are part of this pact, their souls a currency in the infernal commerce of the Baator Conglomerate. The city's granaries, filled with grain, are a symbol of this pact, a reminder of the price of prosperity, of the cost of freedom.   In the end, the city of Shamsi-Adad, a beacon of prosperity and freedom, is a testament to the cunning and ambition of the Chairdevil of the Board. It is a city shaped by a diabolical pact, a city at the crossroads of the cosmic order, a city under the shadow of the Baator Conglomerate. It is a city of promise and peril, of hope and horror, a city where one can trade in goods, in souls, in dreams. It is a city where one can meet the devil at the crossroads, and bargain for their heart's desire.  

Real World Significance

  Indeed, the tale of Asmodeus and his transformation of Hell into the Baator Conglomerate serves as a potent allegory for the rise and impact of late-stage capitalism in our own world. Just as Asmodeus seized control of the chaotic realms of Hell and transformed them into a structured, profit-driven entity, so too has capitalism reshaped our society, prioritizing efficiency, productivity, and profit above all else.   The role of the Chairdevil of the Board, with its ruthless pursuit of power and control, mirrors the role of the modern corporate magnate. These figures, much like Asmodeus, wield immense power and influence, shaping our world through their decisions. They navigate a complex web of politics and power, always seeking to expand their influence and increase their profits.   The Baator Conglomerate's trade in soul energy and infernal weaponry can be seen as a reflection of our own industries, which often exploit resources and labor for profit. Just as the Conglomerate profits from the torment of wicked souls, so too do some corporations profit from the exploitation of workers and the environment.   Furthermore, the contract between Asmodeus and the gods, the Pact Primeval, can be seen as an allegory for the social contracts that underpin our own economic systems. These contracts, often skewed in favor of the powerful, dictate the distribution of resources and wealth, often leading to inequality and injustice.   However, it's important to note that while this allegory provides a critique of late-stage capitalism, it doesn't necessarily offer a solution. Asmodeus, for all his cunning and ambition, is a devil, a figure of fear and treachery. His story serves as a warning, a reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the pursuit of power at all costs.   In the end, the tale of Asmodeus and the Baator Conglomerate serves as a mirror, reflecting the complexities and contradictions of our own society. It invites us to question, to challenge, and to imagine different ways of structuring our world, reminding us that even in the depths of Hell, there are lessons to be learned.
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Jul 5, 2023 07:34

The Nine Hells as a corporation is such a great one - I've worked for some that'd definitely qualify as 'hellish'. Fantastic work :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.