Pact of Perdition Document in Rolara | World Anvil

Pact of Perdition

In the shadowed annals of infernal history, there exists a document of such diabolical significance that its mere mention sends shivers down the spines of gods and mortals alike. This document, known as the Pact of Perdition, is the foundational charter that officially created the title of Chairdevil of the Board and, by extension, the Baator Conglomerate.   The Pact of Perdition, inscribed on a scroll made from the flayed skin of a fallen Celestial, is a testament to Asmodeus's cunning and ambition. The document, written in the blood of Asmodeus himself, outlines the creation of the Baator Conglomerate and the role of the Chairdevil of the Board.   The Pact begins with a declaration of Asmodeus's relinquishment of his divine status to King Yan, the Judge of the Dead. This act, audacious and unprecedented, set the stage for the privatization of Hell itself. The document then outlines the creation of the Baator Conglomerate, a corporate entity designed to harness the resources of the Nine Hells for commerce and control.   The role of the Chairdevil of the Board is detailed in the subsequent clauses. The document outlines the responsibilities and powers of the Chairdevil, from overseeing the production of soul energy to managing the Board of Infernal Affairs. It also outlines the Chairdevil's obligations, from ensuring the prosperity of the Conglomerate to managing the politics of Hell.   The Pact also includes a series of laws and regulations governing the activities of the Conglomerate. These laws, designed to ensure the efficient operation of the Conglomerate and the fair treatment of its workers, reflect Asmodeus's understanding of the importance of order and structure in maintaining power.   The Pact of Perdition concludes with a chilling clause, a reminder of the price of power. It states that the role of the Chairdevil is not just a position of power, but a pact sealed in blood and fire. The Chairdevil, in accepting the role, agrees to bear the weight of his ambitions, to pay the price of his desire for power.   The Pact of Perdition, with its audacious declarations and chilling clauses, is a testament to the diabolical genius of Asmodeus. It is a document that reshaped the cosmic order, that transformed Hell from a realm of punishment into a force of commerce and control. It is a document that serves as a chilling reminder of the power of ambition, of the lengths one can go in the pursuit of power, of the price one must pay for such power.
Contract, Celestial/Infernal


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