Grey Mountains Geographic Location in MyMiddle_Earth | World Anvil

Grey Mountains

The Grey Mountains form the Northern Boundary of Wilderland . To their North lies the Northern Wastes. Where they meet the Misty Mountains in the West is Mount Gundabad the traditional birthplace of the Dwarves , and is now the home of the Orcs of the Grey Mountains . In the East the chain splits. The land between the two branches is known as the Withered Heath, which is currently the breeding ground of Dragons .   Once these Mountains were the site of many DWARF-HOLDS , but with the The Plague of Dragons in the Grey Mountains these have all been lost. Even the Dragons have moved on having forced the Dwarves out. Today it's only inhabitants are Orcs.   Its tallest peak is known as THE HOARY MOUNTAIN , known for the white and grey streaked top where snow and limestone both show due to the high winds. There is a legend of THE THRONE OF THE NORTH WIND that says if you ascend to the top of the this peak you will find a throne on a ledge that was carved by the North Wind itself.   The Dwarf-Holds are long abandoned, but there are still tales of BEINHARN and THE FIREHEART MINE .   In the days of ARNOR these mountains were seen as the Northern and Eastern boundary of that realm. On the tallest peak, ZIRAKINBAR they built a mighty watchtower as the @LAND OF SHADOWS was to the North and East of this peak.
Alternative Name(s)
Sindarin: Erid Mithrin
Mountain Range
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