SC 2022 | Reading Challenge in Malkora | World Anvil

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

SC 2022 | Reading Challenge

Finding inspiration within the work of the community!

Time for some Reading!
I got to meet and interact with so many wonderful people during SummerCamp this year, and achieving Diamond was but the cherry on top of an already wonderful event.   As the rush of the competition falls away, now I get to sit and relax, and enjoy finding some new inspiration from the community around me!

A vehicle or type of vehicle used for long journeys

(A Prompt I Struggled With Writing - My submission: Ashrunner)
Most Helpful for Me
Sea Nymph by Nightflyer0ne
I tend to struggle a lot with vehicle prompts, because I try to go rather literal with my responses. Ships, carts, you name it. Getting to read another article which does this and does it well was very helpful to me! There's a fair balance in this article between describing how the ship is constructed and what decisions went behind that, and in telling the story of the ship itself and the explorer who had it built.   This article helped me see that, while a bit of technical knowledge is an excellent addition to an article, one can still shine without all of the diagrams and detailed structural descriptions.
Fascinating and Delightful
Moi'a by Dragonscribbles
I tend to find delight in learning more about the creatures in a world, and this article combined that with a vehicle in a very interesting way! It's fascinating to think how entire settlements can be formed on the backs of beasts, and it tickles me that the people take off-seasons to give their traveling home a rest.   Lots of inspiration here, as I've often wondered how I might do something similar in my own world.
Out of the Box
Mortal Possession by AmélieIS
I think I can definitely use some help thinking outside the box on certain prompts, and this one is no exception. In a world like mine where gods are meant to be plentiful and have a great range of influence, something like mortal possession is definitely a topic to consider!   Reading through this article gave me a solid look at how there may be pros and cons to such a situation, and an insight into how gods of this world see their mortal subjects, and I'm suddenly urged to consider what something like this might look like in my own world!

More Favorites
More articles that caught my eye, but didn't get picked for the challenge!
The Cage Into Darkness by Qurilion
A lovely little horror of a vehicle! Horrific, but still rather sought out by the people.

Igneada by RandoScorpio
A vehicle of the fey that you definitely don't want to step out of too early.

Tombwalker by malkuthe
A neat concept for a vehicle built for ore extraction, but with advanced maneuverability!
Milsen Wagon by Galindaan
Traveling shows split along multiple portable stages, with a dedicated scene for each. Super fun!

Smoke by thechangeling
A beautiful take on the vehicle prompt which details how the dead reach the stars.

Shamblers by ChroniclesofEvalaw
A delightfully macabre take on the prompt. Who doesn't love some good fungal zombies?

A food that marks a rite of passage for a culture

(A Prompt I Struggled With Generating Ideas For - My submission: Kamini Sweetmeats)
Most Helpful for Me
The Brine's Welcome by Hiisikuningas
This article reminded me a lot of my own submission, but with a different spin. It's sometimes hard for me to think of the small rituals that take place when newcomers find a new home in a new place, especially the smallest of welcomes with the greatest significance.   Reading through this article gave me a great look at simpler traditions and fun ideas for the future!
Fascinating and Delightful
Rite of One by PrippyMontyPoppyCock
This is an article which delighted me, while still remaining within the realm of simpler rituals like those I sought to write about. The set of rituals described within this article are tender, meaningful, and impactful, and the worldbuilding surrounding it is brilliant.   Reading this article inspired me to consider the relationships people within my cultures share, and how they may express and observe their deeper connections to one another.
Out of the Box
Lapahele: The Edible City by Timepool
This is definitely one of the otherworldly and out-of-the-box takes on this prompt that caught my eye, and the concept behind it is incredible. To begin as a dream that heralds a great change in one's life, to potentially ending up being one's forever home henceforth... what an adventure!   Reading this article made me consider how everything can be seen through different perspectives, from those within and without. Of course I knew that concept already, but this article really pushed that idea with those who choose to remain in the city forever, and those who work feverishly to change their minds.

More Favorites
More articles that caught my eye, but didn't get picked for the challenge!
Borshch by George Sanders
Maybe I'm biased having grown up with this dish, but I just adored the way this article was composed. Beautiful!

Seven Days of Grief by Afranius
A harrowing ritual with an article full of small details, something I love. Ingredients and reagents are so fun!

Elfine Leafcakes by Kwyn Marie
An important set of skills for spirits to (re)learn to fully immserse themselves in the corporeal world.

Breaking Bread by TJ Trewin
An article I stumbled upon early in SummerCamp, and fell deeply in love with. A tradition I considered bringing into my real life!

Brimstone Stew by Bloody_Oleander
A tradition which imparts the understanding of the destructive forces of the world, and their value!

Abhasa - A Chalice of Dreams by Qurilion
Qurilion truly embracing the ABC's with another hellish cult creation! Tons of inspiration for darker parts of my world.

A technology lost, forgotten or shrouded in mystery

(A Subject I Struggle With - My submission: Earthenward)
Most Helpful for Me
Glassmithing by Snowfyre75
After writing about an entire region which reveres its glasscraft artisans, it was a wonder to come across another user's article describing a unique method of crafting with the material, the way one would with metals.   This article has inspired me to dive further into glasscraft in my world. What are the methods and techniques the Bolkhyn employ in their work?
Fascinating and Delightful
Ghosting by Ononomad
I tend to be a bit of a sucker for forbidden magics and the like, and this article was a good example of one such form of magic! It's always interesting to see the types of things in a world that are heavily policed and monitored, and the consequences one faces for using forbidden techniques.   Magic in Malkora is simultaneously plentiful in the environment but quite scarce in users, making for many regions of the world in which magic users are uncommon, despite magical surroundings.   How might these places react to magic users? Would they restrict the use of magic entirely? Would they put them to death out of fear?
Out of the Box
Leylines by Hanhula
Given that I have leylines running through my own world, I was curious how one might write about a natural phenomenon or law as a technology. Of course, it's all about how they're utilized and manipulated by the people of the world!   While I may not consider the leylines of my world a technology in themselves, I see how I can take them, or something like them, and write about their uses, applications, and functions, in order to achieve the end I seek!

More Favorites
More articles that caught my eye, but didn't get picked for the challenge!
Obsidian Glass-building by PanthersEye
After writing about Kamigon, it's super neat to see other articles about volcanic glass building!

The Lost Art of Ancient Colors by Giabralter
As an artist, I'm such a sucker for colors and pigments, and their availability in the world.

Draconic Rune Magic by kitoypoy
Powerful ancient magical techniques, with all manner of effects! I love me some runic magic.
Dvergar Soul Forges by ChroniclesofEvalaw
A forbidden practice with harsh punishment, that just can't seem to be erased despire best efforts.

Mesmerrack by Qurilion
Stones that offer the trip of a lifetime, among other fun and also not-so-fun effects.

Ghoul Cloth by Butcher of Seville
A form of cloth that is scarcely found and cannot be reproduced, which has great utility.

Why These Prompts?

The vehicle prompt has, historically, been the prompt I struggle with the most. Add "military" as a prefix and I'm even worse off!   I get too stuck in the technical descriptions and researching real life vehicles whenever I try to come up with a new one, when really what I should be focusing on is the story behind them.  
Foods / Rite of Passage
Similar to the vehicle prompt above, anything to do with rites of passage just don't come easily to me. This time, it's the concept that escapes me, rather than the technical details.   I find it quite easy to write about most things once I have a concept thought up, but coming up with these significant moments in life can be really challenging for me!  
Lost Technology
While I'm busy trying to design landscapes, species, people, and the like, I often find that technology as a subject gets brushed aside in my descriptions and considerations for what life is like in different places.   That said, I tend to struggle to come up with technologies, likely because I tend to associate the word itself with very tech-based settings, even though I know technology is far more basic than cables and circuit boards.
Tracker/Pledge Articles
See a list of my event submissions with brief descriptions in my tracker article! There you can also find some of my future plans and some reflections.   Check out my pledge article to see how I prepared for the event!  
SummerCamp 2022 | Bridging the Gap
Generic article | Sep 13, 2023

This article is dedicated to my SummerCamp 2022 experience!

SummerCamp 2022 Pledge
Generic article | Jun 3, 2023

My pledge to prepare for and participate in SummerCamp 2022!

by Strixxline via Midjourney

You're All Incredible
A huge shoutout to the entire community of SummerCampers this year who gave me so many great articles to read that the competition for spots in my reading challenge article was fierce!   I'm amazed by everyone on WorldAnvil and I'm looking forward to reading even more work in the future as the challenges keep on rolling and rolling!   I'm setting up for greater things after this event, so the writing is (mostly) on pause for now... so I'll likely be seeing most of you next during WorldEmber!
Want Secrets?
Certain articles may have additional secrets for GMs — pick the role that suits you!
Seeker — Player Knowledge
Dawnbringer — GM Secrets

Looking to the Future

The future of Malkora is only just beginning, despite being a project I've worked on for several years now. My progress has been quite sporadic in that time, as I jumped between the myriad hoops and twists life has thrown at me, from completing university to big life adjustments. Now, as life has somewhat evened itself out, I've set my sights on making worldbuilding my main hobby, and perhaps even melding it with my artistic practice. We could call it something of a career shift!
My first goal is to better organize my existing content.  
I'm going to put in the time before WorldEmber to fine-tooth-comb my existing content so that I can make my presentation more consistent between articles, populate them with new artwork (get rid of any random generic art I grabbed off the internet!), and better categorize them in a way that makes sense for navigation.

My next goal is to identify my world's secrets.  
I hope to better differentiate what types of information will be offered as player knowledge, what will be game master spoilers, and what will be exclusive content available to Patrons. That's right, a whole Patreon rework is happening, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested in my work!

My last goal (for now) is to remain active in the community!  
I know I say it every year, but I've got a good feeling about this one. I got to chat with so many lovely humans during SummerCamp this year, so I simply hope to keep building more friendships and surround myself with more people who share this fabulous hobby. My first step is doing more competitions... like this reading challenge!

Between the new content I made during SummerCamp, the old content I've compiled over the years, and all of the content flowing through the community, I have no shortage of things to read, things to work on, and excellent humans to be inspired by.   Thanks for being part of my journey!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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Aug 10, 2022 12:00 by Ononomad

Thank you Strixxline for the inclusion in your reading list - I'm glad you liked it! Awesome work on this reading challenge article too - very inspiring :-)

Aug 10, 2022 12:23 by Polina "Line" Arteev

Thank you for making a cool article for me to include! :D And I'm glad you found some inspiration from my ramblings!

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
The Feral Sovereign sleeps peacefully, but will return...
Aug 29, 2022 14:09 by TJ Trewin

Thanks so much for reading my article! I'm glad it inspired you :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Please consider voting for me in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards!
Aug 29, 2022 14:50 by Polina "Line" Arteev

You make a ton of inspiring work! That one in particular just really spoke to me and my personal experiences :) Thanks for stopping by!

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
The Feral Sovereign sleeps peacefully, but will return...
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