Naxos Settlement in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Naxos is a small village to the northeast of Megara that serves as both a small port and a mining post.  The Village relies on fishermen and miners as it's main source of income - but that is heavily dependent on Megara receiving these goods.  For the last couple of decades, Naxos has been on a slow descent.  More and more people have either been leaving or dying in strange accidents.


Those of Naxos are primarily Human, with a smattering of Tritons and cities elves.


The village Augur is the head of the village and works with a few influential community members in order to maintain order.  

Industry & Trade

Iron and stone ore are mined from the earth and processed before transport to Megara.  In response to this gold and silver from the trade route between Corio and Demmanos. 


Naxos is a small village and a smattering of houses and storage facilities.  There are a few foundries and smelters to process the ore that is mined from the hills.  

Guilds and Factions

The Congregation of Merchants has the largest presence in this village - trying to take a cut from the mining operation.  Some speculate that the Night Guild might have a stake in the village too.
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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