Corio Settlement in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Of all the Great Cities of Halruaal, Corio is a cultural marvel. At first sight, this towering coastal city can appear like the remains of an ancient elven metropolis, glistening white stone walls with jade colored rooftops. The entire air is open, letting in the crisp scent of the sea and the soft tones of the sand in one of the most temperate regions of Halruaal. Divided into seven districts, Corio is laid out in easily navigable grid-like street - comfortably designed while being easily defendable. The people of Corio likewise are a relaxed and insightful people. Having risen up on waterfront and plains of the Dytika Isles, with many strange creatures, Coriosans have developed into a tactical and contemplative people. As such, the city is a hive of researchers and soldiers.


Corio is a hub of all races within Halruaal, though this is largely through immigration and studying abroad. The native people are Plain-Dwellers by birth. Humans make up the largest population, though not by much compared to the other races (which see a near equal representation within the city limits).


Unlike most other Halruaal cities and the Houses that govern them, Corio and House Romanos by design have an integrated system of government. While they are technically part of the Magisterium by treaty, their culture was not subsumed by that of the rest of the continent. House Romanos have kept the titles that they established when they first arrived in Halruaal, and many of the Nobility are part of their region's clergy within the Church of the Seven. In this way, the city's government is run by a Noble, who is also a priestess of the Church of the Seven (though predominantly a follower of the goddess Initiumartis). Likewise, the lesser Imperial senates guide the governance of the city, though within Corio, they share power with lesser district councils and community leaders in a pseudo form of democracy. The only real difference is that men do not hold any power (and are in fact forbidden from holding positions within the Church, the Senate, or the Nobility).


As Seers and diviners, the government of Corio has been able to predict dangerous and disastrous occurrences before they truly become a threat. Because of this, cities like theirs in the Dytika Isles have never truly had to worry about being attacked, contributing to their relatively lax defenses when compared to the other regions and cities.  While the plains of the Dytika Isles are a land filled with Dangerous creatures, Corio in particular is surrounded only by a single wall of Wardstone.  However, the grid and modular set up of the city is well designed to create checkpoints of defense by their elite soldiers and the common guard.

Industry & Trade

Corio is a hotbed of unique and dangerous flora and fauna. Despite not having as noticeable climate changes as the North and South of Halruaal due to the Spell Plague, the population of creatures was thoroughly mutated. Creatures and plants alike have evolved to host a number of interesting abilities and features. Whether it is a Dinosaur being capable of camouflaging with the natural planes or a rosebush being capable of producing a deadly neurotoxin, the research implications are obvious. Special zoos, handlers, and archeologist have sprung up like mad to investigate these strange occurrences from not just the Dytika Isles, but the whole of Halruaal.




the city host a number of well known artisans have prospered in the governing district of the city.  In particular, one of the best smiths in Halruaal resides in an exclusive shop just a block away from the Hall of Knowledge.

Guilds and Factions

As with most other city in Halruaal, Corio is home to the Congregation of Merchants and the Nauts.  They also see their fair share of soldiers from the Order of the White Oak.  Yet in addition to these factions, Corio in particular have seen a rise of mercenary companies and private security for those seeking to tour out onto the plains of the Isles.  This has become so popular, that a district of the city is primarily dedicated to the business that these companies provide.  


Corio is the first city established by House Romanos when they arrived in Halruaal. Diplomatic ties were almost instantly established between them and House Udaku and Clan Oni, and later expanded to cover House Kamose, Odinson, and Aetius. House Aetius in particular became fairly well liked by House Romanos as having a similar culture and desire for understanding and protection. Despite being on opposite sides of the country, dignitaries and envoys are well received in Corio.  
At the same time, the formal nature and shrewd diplomatic practices of Clan Oni has both challenged and impressed the people of Corio. Their societies focus on knowledge and reverence for woman have made the Ashlanders and the Plain-Dwellers keen negotiation partners (and rivals). Despite the rocky relationship over the centuries, the people of House Romanos and Clan Oni have remained on tactful ground. 


tourism is one of the bread and butter of Coriosan society. The city is awash with visitors seeking to explore the wonders of the city and study at Vision Academy. The comfortable climate and crystal waters of the coast have invoked envy from nearly every other regional citizen of Halruaal. As a result, Coriosans have seen every number of racial and ethnic tourist and welcomed them with open arms. The only real cultural challenge are in interactions between the Keildeners. Their views on sex and gender roles have prompted hostilities among the various diplomats within the city.


The style of Architecture is similar to a combination of Ancient Greek and Theed from the Star Wars planet of Naboo. White stone building with jade coloured convexed rooves. Large columns adorn the side of buildings. Those with higher wealth can afford small solid walls around their homes that provide distance from the other buildings in the area.


The city of Corio rises up out of the Inner Sea of Halruaal. from the white sands of the beach onto the plains slightly elevated on the island of Macedon. Several large lakes rest on the higher level of the city and are funneled throughout the settlement by woman-made aqueducts and rivers. Corio remains a largely temperate and is regulated through the use of magic and careful planning. With that in mind, there are very little seasonal changes. By all accounts, many have considered it a paradise.

Natural Resources

The lake surrounding the Hall of Knowledge by all accounts seems to be bottomless and unaffected by the local tidal powers. Despite efforts by the Oracles of House Romanos and the Sibyl of Corio, the nature of how this has come to be, or where it goes, is unknown. This water has been cultivated and transported to nearly every corner of the city through the efforts of multiple Aqueducts and sewer systems, creating miles of tunnels above and below the city grounds. Other than that, the plains outside of the city are perfect for farming and animal husbandry. Corio's efforts have historically supplied the whole of the region with ample amounts of produce and meat.


  • Corio
Alternative Name(s)
The Ivory Pillar
Large city
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