Katane Settlement in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Katane is Corio's primary source of lumber and one of the main settlements that helps support the population with crops and other food stuff. Katane is a prosperous enough town run by it's local Seer, Agatha Ballalli. With the support of the local villages, they tend to bring in a bountiful harvest. Though it is not always peaceful in Katane.

A shadow lurks within the forest to the North of the city and few hunters are brave enough to venture out after dark. A primal force stalks the trees. Whatever it is, it is a magical threat that challenges the Magisterium and holds it's expansion at bay. Even the Order of the White Oak rarely travels deep within to clear out the dangers.


Mostly humans with a surprising amount of city elves. 


The City is run primarily by the Nobility through Seer Ballalli. There is a town council made up of various community leaders, but the Magisterium does not have a Senate presence. Seer Ballalli is also maintains the rank of Vicar with the Church of the Seven.


Katane only has one main wall and even then it's not strong enough to withstand an actual dedicated assault.  The town's guard, while not as formidable as House Odinson, or as stalwart as House Aetius, is a regimented force.  Their Hoplites, while understaffed are dedicated and fierce. 

Industry & Trade

Trade with Corio is what keeps Katane alive.  Though the town has enough in the way of food and hunting, the economy is built around exporting those resources and the goods they make.  If the population isn't a woodsman, their a farmer, and if they're not a farmer, their a hunter - in that order.  Otherwise, the city doesn't have a host of other specialist, and that point has become painfully obvious now. 


The Town thrives on the back of farmers, hunters, and woodsmen - though it's mostly woodsmen. The entire northern district is home to a industrial sector of woodshops and warehouses. Yet outside the southern wall is host fields of crops.


Though most of the Ironwood in Halruaal is farmed from the Kielden Forest, the wood outside of Katane is home to  spattering of the legendary material.  It's not enough to to make a marketable difference, but in small doses it's invaluable to the rangers of the city. 
Katane is also home to a legendary alchemist and herbalist.  Her skills are so impressive, that those who have experienced her care, swear she's a priestess of great power.  

Guilds and Factions

The Congregation of Merchants has a steady presence within the town.  Through the various trade caravans, they protect their investment fiercely - but even they have limits, especially when it comes to supernatural and magical threats.  For that reason, the Congregation relies heavily on the local nobility for protection.


The town has always been an outpost for woodsmen, from the time that it was established as a small village to it's now increased persona. Though shortly after it's founding, the people discovered some hidden menace within the wood.  Though safe during the day, at night hunters would be picked off, one by one.  Over time, the people learned to respect it, and for the last 250 there has been a steady peace with whatever is in the wood.  But whatever hostility has emerged between House Udaku loyalist and the Rebel House Blackharbour has awakened a new threat from the wood. 


No one comes to Katane to see the sights.  Though many hunters and warriors have come to brave the wood.  Usually they are stopped by the locals in order to maintain the peace, but every now and then they make it through - though few return from the stint. 


Similar to Coriosan architecture, white stone and jade concave shingles decorate the cityscape.  Large columns adorn the side of buildings.  Those with higher wealth can afford small solid walls around their homes that provide distance from the other buildings in the area.


The area surrounding the city is plains and hills (as evidence of the ethnicity's name).  But to the North is a large wood that has been uncharted for centuries.  

Natural Resources

Katane naturally has lumber from the Wood to the north and grain from the fields to the south
Notable Figures:
  • Seer Agatha Ballalli - Head Noble for House Romanos and the Vicar for the Church of the Seven.
  • Corinth Bluenote


  • Katane
Founding Date
750 AR
Alternative Name(s)
The Wood's Gate
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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