The Darkwood Geographic Location in Halruaal | World Anvil
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The Darkwood

The Darkwood is one of the few remaining unexplored woods by the Magisterium.  Long considered a haven for the Free Elves who escaped enslavement, few citizens of the Magisterium will travel any further than the wood harvest zone that Katane has established.  Some magical force dwells within the wood, and the deeper one goes, the less light and safety one can expect.  A great many beasts and creatures roam the tree covered land, preventing travel to locations deeper within, much of the time with force.


The Darkwood is a collection of cedar, cottonwood, oak, and evergreen trees that have grown dense in the area of 625 square miles.  While hills and other large proto-mountains dot the area, a number of shaded lakes and rivers run through the wood providing fresh water and various obstacles to travel.  The northwestern edge of the wood rest on the bank of the sea leading to the larger northern island of the Dytika isles.  Under normal circumstances, the wood would be a boon, granting plenty of lumbar and water to those settling the region, but much of this resource is untapped.


Much of the ecosystem of the Darkwood pay favor to the numerous wildlife and humanoids that reside within it.  What once was a large population of Free elves reside in various migrant outposts caring for the delicate balance of predators and prey that roam the woods reaches.  Each of these outposts are loosely managed by the main elvish villages within the lower southwest section of the wood.

Due to the near lightless condition, many of the creatures have either developed precise darkvision or have gone blind (in part towards accelerated evolution or via magical means).  Those that have retained their sight, have at the same time developed a sensitivity for light.  Though few bother taking advantage of this fact as almost every creature or humanoid within the wood shares the same weakness

Localized Phenomena

A strange darkness has grown within the wood underneath the copse.  Natural sunlight does not penetrate after a couple of mile into the Woods either way you go.  Numerous magical and fey like beings use this to their advantage and have evolved their hunting patterns around this on unsuspecting outsiders.


  • The Darkwood
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