Demmanos Settlement in Halruaal | World Anvil
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As Corio appears to rise from the Ocean, so too does Demmanos rise from the mountains. Ironically, unlike the image that the name "Plain-Dweller" conjurors up, the Great City of Demmanos exists as a well fortified city built into the mountains. While the mountain range on the western side of the Dytika Isles is not as large as the Kazan or Fimbulvetr, many travelers speak to it's majesty when passing into view.


The general smooth stones and green roofs native to the Plain-Dweller styles are muted on Demmanos' outer building.  Being closer to the incremental weather from the Ashlands to the North have taken the sharper tones to a lower level.  But more prominently is that where Corio is open, Demmanos primarily closed.  The majority of the city is actually built underground and within the mountain, with only a few buildings rising out of the stone at the top of the mountain range.  As such, the layout of Demmanos is vertically situated whereas Corio's is more horizontally situated.  

The layout of Demmanos is divided into six districts, each one concentrated on it's own vertical level. Through an easily navigable stair system, and an lift system devised by engineers from House Hanover, transport up and down the district can be a breeze for friend.  It can also be a complete nightmare in case of invasion from a foe.  The people of Demmanos are likewise are a drastic people. They can showcase a welcoming attitude, but are more than capable of switching to a defensive posture instantly should the need arise.  Having faced the hardships of mountain, Demmanosians are comfortable with the dangers of the Underdark, and the plains. As such, the city is a stronghold of tacticians and warriors.


Demmanos is a solitary den of mostly humans and dwarves.  This is largely due to the reluctance of those living in the mountains and the desire to live in Corio instead. The native people are Plain-Dwellers by birth. Humans make up the largest population, though they are rivaled closely by the dwarves.  A few Goliaths and half-orcs also live amongst them.


Like Corio, Demmanos hosts an integrated system of government. While they are technically part of the Magisterium by treaty, their culture was not subsumed by that of the rest of the continent. House Romanos have kept the titles that they established when they first arrived in Halruaal, and many of the Nobility are part of their region's clergy within the Church of the Seven. In this way, the city's government is run by a Noble, who is also a priestess of the Church of the Seven (though predominantly a follower of the goddess Initiumartis). Likewise, the lesser Imperial senates guide the governance of the city, though they are split by firm military leaders with which they share power. Like all Romanos settlements, men do not hold any power (and are in fact forbidden from holding positions within the Church, the Senate, or the Nobility).


The city is an extreme case of mundane defenses. Though not as gifted as House Aetius - in particular the city of Carteia - normal intruders and the various beast of the plains and Underdark would find it difficult to overrun the soldiers of Demmanos. Stairways and elevators can be blocked on a moments notice. Manufactured cave-ins can cause the death of hundreds of troops, and the aerial defenses that Sibyls of the past have created have are capable of warding off invasion by airship.

Industry & Trade

Demmanos survives on the flow of precious minerals, iron ore, and stone from beneath the mountain.  A significant deposit lies under the city and is mined.  At the same time, underground geothermal vents have created a bountiful system of caves useful for hydroponics (which in turn is stored in case of siege). 


Due to the needs of being an upwardly built city, much of Demmano's infrastructure is based on large scale elevators and elaborate stairways. These devices can be shut down on a moments notice, halting the flow of allies and foes alike.  Likewise, numerous tunnels and hidden passageways exist carved from the mountain to transport news, water, and sewage to where they need to go, reducing the need for magical intervention (though this still exists to help facilitate the process).


There are Six districts within Demmanos all ascending by their elevation within the city.  They are as followed (from lowest district to the highest):  
  • Bedrock - mining and cavern access
  • The Underground (Entrance into the city) - Cities general markets 
  • Hilltop - fortifications, specialized districts, and utilities
  • Heartstone - residences 
  • Ascension - Government and Libraries
  • Cloudreach  - Fortifications, Skyship docks, and celestial research


Valuable stones and minerals can be mined within the city and below the surfaces in both Bedrock and the Underground. Demmanos also host a number of stockpiles to outlast enemy sieges and accommodate the storing of their cliff side gardens.

Guilds and Factions

The Congregation of Merchants host a strong presence in Demmanos, and some would argue that the Night Guild also has a strong presence within the city - an idea that is hotly contested by Sibyl Dodona.


Demmanos was established roughly 10 years after Corio.  Early plain-dwellers discovered a large network of caves and iron veins.  Once established, house Dodona was granted stewardship over the city by House Romanos.


Not much exist that would draw tourist to the city of Demmanos; however, there is an abundance of subterranean flora and fauna which interest many of the researchers out Corio.  


The style of Architecture is similar to a combination of Ancient Greek and Theed from the Star Wars planet of Naboo.  However, the white stone that is predominant to cities like Corio are dulled by the weather of time and the carving from the mountain side.  Large columns adorn the side of buildings carved from the stone around them.  Most of the city is within the stone and it is here that the architecture takes a more Dwarven theme.


The city of Demmanos rises up out of the small mountain range in the Dytika Isles and extends both upward and downward as the city progresses. Outside the city lay several lakes and rivers as well as land suitable for farming. Despite sometimes receiving harsh weather from the Storm Coast, the area around Demmanos remains largely temperate and is further regulated through the use of magic.

Natural Resources

Demmanos sits on a large deposit of ore and precious gems, as well as large subterranean caverns suitable for growing and storing food. 
Founding Date
600 AR
Alternative Name(s)
The Mountain Temple
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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