House Romanos Organization in Halruaal | World Anvil
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House Romanos

The Noble House of Romanos is the only true dedicated Matriarchy in Halruaal, giving power solely to the women of their order. They occupy the Dytika Isles, the westernmost region of Halruaal and are Plain-Dwellers by ethnic terms. While women are societal leaders, men take up the ranks of protectorates and guardians of their High Matrons, also known as the Oracles of Romanos. The Oracles have dedicated their lives first and foremost to the study of the world, the cosmos, and the divine. Because of their many accurate prophecies common folk liken the House as sages and prophets.


Truth be told, House Romanos is a bit of a conundrum to all save for House Kamose. While the other six Great Houses have minor house and vassals underneath them, House Romanos does not. In this way, House Romanos is actually the Second smallest House, with House Kamose being the first. The whole of the House is made up of specially cultivated wizard/priestess and oracles to the Goddesses Initiumartis and Shinatobe - the two deities worshipped the most in lands controlled by House Romanos. As such, House Romanos has the closest affiliation to the Church of the Seven out of all the Houses.

Because of their connection with the divine Goddesses, House Romanos not only speaks for the Magisterium, but they serve as priestesses of the Church of the Seven. The rulers of the various villages, towns, and cities combine the two separate factions as one all while technically being under House Romanos. These leaders are not cultivated through noble bloodlines or through political maneuvering, but through divine intervention at birth (or in their early youth). The powers of these chosen put them a step above the common divination wizards and propel them forward - often times studying both at Magisterium academies and in the Temples of the Church of the Seven.


The guiding principle for a Matron of Romanos is knowledge governing all her actions. However, unlike House Blackharbour, Clan Oni, or House Hanover, they temper knowledge with the wisdom to know when to stop. Compassion among those in the house have established a principle of limits on power. They seek knowledge of the cosmos and ally with the Seven Halruaalan Gods, and in so doing turn their back on devils and their ilk. History tells how many wars Halruaal has engaged in with other nations were won by the foresight of the Oracles. As such, those under House Romanos (like House Kamose) are not a subject nation to the Magisterium. They are an integrated power in Halruaal having willingly joined the country through treaty rather than as a true vassal nation. Because of this, they have managed to keep most of their political and social systems intact, highlighted in the fact that their noble rank and titles are different than typical Halruaalan nobility

Public Agenda

Even though House Romanos is the least politically motivated of the eight houses, they are arguably the most engaged with the average commoner. Halruaal is notably biased against non-wizards; however, the oracles provide shelter and aid to those that seek education and their services. While they don’t accept men into their fold, women are freely and actively sought out to join their ranks.

Demography and Population

the Oracles of Romanos do not view race as a mark of status or shame. Free elves, halflings, and others are treated just as would any human. Ironically, the only real disadvantaged comes from those who are of the male sex. They alone are prevented from ever gaining too much power or influence. While not particularly targeted, no man has ever been allowed to enter the Temple of Sight unattended or ever chosen by the Goddesses to become a seer.


House Romanos presides over the Dytika Isles and has done so for close to the last two thousand years.



House Romanos is not a particular military power.  Until recently most of the security held by the Oracles and Seers were granted to them by House Aetius and House Odinson.  Now with the war going on, House Aetius has pulled back their security forces to defend the Country's Capital and their own cities.  House Odinson, likewise has pulled out of the region save for a token force.

As such, the protection of the realm has fallen to the individual City-States and their contingents of Hoplites.  These soldiers are extremely formidable, but few in number.  In truth they barely have the strength to fully patrol the settlements, let along the region as a whole.



House Romanos is heavily integrated into the hierarchy of the Church of the Seven though their primary deities are the Goddess of Magic and Creation, Initiumartis, and the Goddess of Air and Intelligence, Shinatobe.  Though this split is far from equal.  If one were to put it into percentage wise, about 90% of the population recognizes the Goddess Initiumartis as their patron deity, whereas the other 10% worship the Goddess Shinatobe - and only really those along the norther border with Clan Oni. 

Foreign Relations

House Romanos is one of the two neutral Houses in the Civil War, as such it maintains (mostly) positive relations with every one of the other seven Great Houses.  The only issue that it has is with House Blackharbour, which it views as a very repressed region for women.  At the same time, they consistently view House Blackharbours dialogue with devils and demons to be morally suspect, though it is a topic that is left out of polite discussion.


Many would be seers start their training at a young age when they are discovered. These girls are taken from, or more often given up by, their families at the age of six. Other Houses and commoners not from the region argue that this it is akin to kidnapping. Yet many commoners under House Romanos find that the blessings of the Goddesses, an education, and chance at a better life in the Temple of Sight, provides a greater opportunity for their kids than they could ever provide.

mindful of the past, but with eyes to the future


  • Corio
  • The Dytika Isles
  • Katane
Founding Date
8 AC
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Executive Body

There are two major cities in the Dytika Isles that are aligned with House Romanos, Corio and Demmanos. Unlike most other Houses and regions, the Plain-Dweller culture operate their cities as semi-independent states. Each city has two large towns and a number of smaller villages. But while they each swear fealty to the Oracles of House Romanos, they are technically city states, and are capable of choosing their alliances, trade, and laws through the head of their city's Matron. 

Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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