House Kamose Organization in Halruaal | World Anvil
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House Kamose

House Kamose (Cam-oh-say) is the oldest Noble House in Halruaal despite arriving on the continent when the founding tribes of House Oni existed in what is now known as the Dytika Isles. The House is known prominently for their care of the dead, and the vast tombs of the noble elite within their Temple/fortress known as the Necropolis. Commonly regarded as “death priest”, House Kamose does not involve itself in the political struggles of the various Houses, choosing instead to guard over the honored remains of each House’s ancestors.

Focusing in the School of Necromancy, many of the wizards of House Kamose are priest and caretakers of the dead. As such they are proficient in bonds of religion, healing, and alchemical potions and poisons. In truth many of their greatest alchemical works were stolen and copied by the founders of Clan Oni, who still use their poisons to this day. All within their holding are focused in training in wizardry, priesthood, or forging pacts with their undying ancestors (a truth realized by the fact that many of their Archons have been liches or mummy lords). Deviation from this tradition is not only frowned upon, but is met with the punishment of banishment and exile.


The structure of House Kamose is a three tiered pyramid caste system.  These are made up almost equally of the living and the undead (whether mummies or other undead - either ghouls or wights).  60% of House Kamose are living, breathing individuals, while the other 40% are undead (or half-undead).   

Top Tier:

At the top of the pyramid is the Pharaoh, the de facto head of the noble house and on par with the Archons of the other Seven Great Houses.  Below the Pharaoh are two castes. The first are the lesser noble houses.  They serve as vassals and governors of various regions, locals, and districts within the Necropolis.  The Second are the death priests.  While the wizards of Kamose are necromancers, the House functions on a union of arcane and divine magic.  The death priests are clerics of Alphleatay, and see to the rites of ancestor worship and adherence to the House's culture.  

Mid Tier:

The top of mid-tier are the warriors and soldiers.  These are a combination of foot-soldiers, summoned and bound creatures, and monstrosities pressed into service.  The soldiers in turn serve as protectors and enforcers of Kamose's laws and regulations. Below the soldiers are the scribes and historians.  They are those who are specifically trained to read and write. With these skills, they govern the libraries and repositories of the two major cities in the Sekhemti.   


At the top of the low tier are merchants.  These are those affiliated with the Congregation while still being citizens of the House.  The Congregation is not as powerful in House Kamose and while they regulate trade, are kept in check and under severe watch by the Nobles and scribes of the House.  Beneath the merchants are the craftsmen, who make a majority of the wares bartered and traded.  At the bottom of this are the Farmers and indentured servants.  Even though slaves are outlawed by House Udaku, members of other houses can indenture themselves in House Kamose and eventually rise in station with skill and prestige.   

Transition between the caste:

Rising and falling between the castes is possible given enough skill and time. If the son of a farmer learned to read and write, he could very well become a scribe.  If a merchant were to give themself to the priesthood, they could join that order.  Likewise, a noble who pissed off the Pharaoh could find himself conscripted in the army, or pegged down to the merchant class.    


House Kamose follows the culture as described in the Necobian Ethnicity.


Upon their initial arrival to Halruaal, they landed on the southernmost island, a barren wasteland of sand and rock (similar to their own native country to the east). Like the landscape, the founders of House Kamose, became a hard and unforgiving people, preferring the company of dead things to living. The vast Necropolis – the oldest standing stronghold – was constructed over the course of generations deep in the Necobi Desert and became the home and tomb of their powerful wizard pharaohs. When House Udaku arrived five generations later, conflict emerged almost instantaneously between the two people over a mistake of culture. It wasn’t until ten years afterwards that a peace was achieved by a marriage of power that lead to the founding of the first two Noble Houses.


The priesthood of House Kamose is different than those followed by the Church of the Seven.  While they do co-exist and fundamentally agree on the same things.  Though the strict priesthood of House Kamose adhere to the tenets of the god, Alphleatay.  specialized priest of Kamose have the option of joining the Silent or the Shadows.
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