Megara Settlement in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Megara (Meg-Gar-Rah)

Megara is the first major town outside of Corio and is positioned along the primary trade route to Demmannos. It is ruled by Seer Xania Halberth and unlike Corio and Katane, it is an unwalled settlement. One of the reason why is due to the relatively peaceful nature fostered in the Dytika Isles by House Romanos. The other is that because of the practices within the city, few see a reason to attack it.

Megara is protected by natural barriers in it's landscape that provide protection from the collection of wild animals. In addition, it sits on the edge of one of the smaller lakes in the southern reaches of the Isles. This lake boasts unique properties that seems to amplify the natural and magical healing process. As such Megara is home to a collection of fishermen and water sages that take advantage of it. People far and wide come to Megara for both food and healing.


Megara is run primarily through the Church of the Seven, but in this is governed by Seer Xania Halberth who is also the Town Vicar.  House Romanos is heavily intertwined with the Church and is loosely connected to the Magisterium in this regard.  The daily activities are cared for by priests.


Megara is does not boast large walls or defenses of a constructive make.  The people here are staunch pacifists and rely on that outlook to stave off, would be threats.  A small contingent of peacekeepers are stationed within the cities limits from Corio and control a small defense.  But most organizations know and respect Megara's position avoiding any conflict.  
Still there is the added concern that if attacked, Megaran's sages and priests would retract their offer from healing and bury their knowledge of how to use the lake's properties.  After all, the town's specialization is controlled through oral tradition rather than a written one.

Industry & Trade

Being along the primary trade route between Corio and Demmannos has led to Megara being a fairly prosperous town.  The people are well cared for and fed.  All are housed, and for the most part there are steady jobs in fishing and crafts. This has allowed Megara to become a commodities town with food and clothing being the main exports. The wood used in construction travels from the town Katane and minerals and stones usually are imported from the mining village of Naxos to the Northeast.


The town survived on hard work of its fishermen, farmers, and craftsmen.  Otherwise the main goods produced are of a spiritual nature.  A large fishing fleet is stationed on the lake and within the town are a number of granaries and studios dedicated to repairing and refitting the equipment they have.  The Temple and various churches house sages and priest that give the town its name


While the lake that Megara sits near is small, it hosts a surprising number of fish given the special properties of the water.  These properties also lend themselves to powerful reagents used in health potions and salves.  In other circles this helps boost the virility of certain species reproductive systems, a boon that many of Terrac'oko's priests take advantage of.   

Guilds and Factions

Megara's primary faction is the Church of the Seven; however, the Congregation of Merchants also hold a powerful grip on the economy and political action of the town.  While technically in land, there are some Nauts that have made a living helping the navigation on the lake, but this is not nearly as big of an operation as their Sea travel.


Megara is a relatively new development, having been founded about 200 years ago.  It was actually a village prior to forming into a town.  Once the properties of the water were fully understood by it inhabitants, researchers and colonist flocked to the town and helped build it up.  Now it is a thriving town, whose population is growing at a relatively fast pace.  In truth, many people believe that it could one day soon become a small city and host to it's own duchy rather than a county.  


People come to Megara primarily to see the water and explore the effects of the priests within the town.  Popular belief is that the waters can heal many ailments that people once considered incurable or those needing advanced healing magic.  Whether or not this is completely accurate is up to one's interpretation. 


As evident by the regional style, Megara's buildings are crafted from the white sandstone that is native to the area.  The green jade-like rooves make up a majority of the concave ceilings.  Large columns support the structures built around the centralized temple of the town.  Few people have walls within the town, and those that do are usually people who immigrated from other regions or cities. 


Other than the freshwater lake at the southwestern side of the town, the landscape is dotted with hills and rocky plateaus.  While still considered part of the plains, the surrounding area is a bit more treacherous, but wild animals tend to avoid Megara.

Natural Resources

Fish, water, and various other reagents are cultivated from the lake while grains can be farmed from the surrounding landscapes of Megara.  Almost all other resources need to be imported into the town from Corio or the outlying villages.
Notable Figures:
  • Seer Xiana Halberth - Head Noble for House Romanos and the Vicar for the Church of the Seven.
Founding Date
1802 AC
Alternative Name(s)
Sage City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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