Supi Magna Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Supi Magna

Guild-family Patriarch

Supi Magna is the patriarch of the Magna guild-family and has a seat on the Inner Assembly. As one of the most powerful men in Ossa, he is worth tens of millions of ozza, belongs to dozens of Fulgurist Societies, and has a quarter of the Assembly in his pocket. He also commands an army of enforcers to do his bidding. He generally does not let personal grievance enter into his business decisions.   Supi is in his late sixties and is tall and willowy, like a scarecrow, with a hawk-like face. Because of his generally youthful appearance, rumors circulate about how his personal master siliceers crafted godglass that would keep him from aging, though that is more likely due to putting lots of effort into his personal appearance.   STORY   When his granddaughter Ulina Magna loses her shares of the Ivory Forest Glassworks, Supi Magna makes a personal visit to Demir Grappo at the Hyacinth Hotel to get them back. However, Demir refuses despite Supi making him several generous offers to give the shares up. This enrages the Magna patriarch, and when Demir jokes that he could get the shares back if he were to marry Ulina, Supi whispers that a Magna would never stoop to marrying a Grappo.   Later, when Demir receives his charge to lead the Ossan army against Grent, Supi privately threatens him with an investigation into the destruction of the Ivory Forest Glassworks and the death of Filur Magna, demanding shackleglass be used to retrieve testimony. However, Demir says he would gladly give testimony under shackleglass about the Magna's secret fearglass operation as well as the funds skimming, implying that such a testimony would cause the Magna would lose all their government contracts. Demir than says he will sell Ulina's shares back to the Magna because he wants nothing to do with fearglass, leaving out the part where the Ivory Forest Glassworks is now worthless to him now that he has rescued Thessa Foleer.
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