Ulina Magna Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Ulina Magna

Ulina Magna is a member of the Magna guild-family. She is one of Supi Magna's forty-seven grandchildren. She is twenty-eight, six-feet tall with a statuesque build, and curly black hair. She also has a penchant for betting on cudgeling matches, which she watches from her private box at the Castle Hill Arena.   STORY   During his investigation of Thessa Foleer's whereabouts, Demir Grappo learns that she might be at Ivory Forest Glassworks. To confirm the report, he devises a plan to inspect the grounds himself by becoming a shareholder, but seeing as the Magna wish to keep the secret labor camp in the family, he needs access to family shares. He targets Ulina Magna, who has sixteen percent share in the glassworks. To get control of her shares, he decides to exploit her gambling weakness. Demir and Baby Montego go to Castle Hill Arena and trick Ulina into a series of bets with steadily increasing stakes. Eventually, they stage a cudgeling match between Baby and her favorite cudgelist champion Fidori Glostovika, during which Baby feigns weakness. Spurred on by the performance, she bets her glasswork shares, losing them to Demir when Baby wins the match. Her grandfather Supi Magna is furious that she loses her shares and tries to get them back from Demir.
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