Pari Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil


Pari is a day laborer from the Slag. She is young, tall, and sinewy with short cropped brown hair and light Purnian skin.   STORY   Thessa Foleer first sees Pari in the Ivory Forest Glassworks pushing a massive cart that gets stuck in a rut. When the wheel of the cart suddenly slips forward, Pari's hand gets trapped beneath the wheel. The guards and other prisoners laughed at Pari, but Thessa rushes forward with Axio Darnasus to help. Pari laments that she will lose her hand, but Thessa insists only one finger is broken, which can be healed with some cureglass, but Pari admits she cannot afford a day in the healinghouse. Not wanting to owe Thessa anything, Pari gives Thessa information in exchange. When Thessa asks about what Filur Magna stole from her, Pari explains that it is likely in his office. She also reveals that Craftman Magna is a devout Rennite.   Thessa and Pari meet again at the Lampshade Boardwalk. Pari appears just in time to save Thessa when a street thug named Temmen threatens to kidnap the siliceer at knifepoint for the Magna. Pari coolly strangles him to death, and she and Thessa escape into the Grappo carriage. Thessa wishes to repay her with a job as her assistant, but Pari initially refuses, saying that no one from the Slag has ever made something of themselves. Thessa insists Pari is someone trustworthy and hardworking, so she accepts. Thessa later realizes that Pari is illiterate, having grown up in the Slag without opportunity to education, so they start reading and writing lessons together.   When Dorlani agents come to steal Thessa's phoenix channel at the Hyacinth Hotel and Baby Montego slaughters them all, Thessa worries that Pari will quit because of the violent attack. However, Pari insists that Thessa is the best employer she has ever worked with, and she will stay so long as Baby does not eat the other hotel staff. Pari then convinces Thessa to move her phoenix channel project to the Forge because it has frequent lightning strikes.   When Thessa and Demir Grappo quarrel about his connection to Holikan, where her parents were killed, she regrets that she is too deep in with the Grappo and realizes that the only other person beholden to her besides Demir is Pari.   Pari accompanies Thessa to the Forge and is captured alongside her and Tirana Kirkovik by the Glass Knife agents. After Breenen Alvari shoots Thessa, Pari tries to heal her gunshot wound with cureglass, but Thessa confesses she is sorcery-aphasiac so she needs a surgeon instead. Thessa then asks if the phoenix channel worked, and in response, Pari pulls out a packet of newly restored godglass.
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