Nivallen (niv-all-en)

“The trees did this?!” Asked the captain.

Gnoll corpses littered the small clearing. The only sounds were of birds softly chirping away as they go along their usual business.

“Indeed,” Duke Windell said, “And we are not of that pile because the tribe here respects our presence. You would do well not to antagonize the masters of nature.”

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nivallen communities are structured similarly to the drow and eladrin communities where the oldest and wisest of the community takes power. They alter it by having a few younger but also experienced members of the community to ensure it's not just one decrepit old man running the community.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Nivallen communities can be found within densely wooded areas. Forests in Oceania and Thracallia are commonplace to find where they lurk.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Thracallian Tribes


The Crystalcreek Clan is a friendlier tribe. They are often known to help stragglers in the woods to find their way back home. Their name comes from the lakeside they reside by as clear as a crystal used often in medicinal recipes.


The Kniferose is the most infamous of nivallen tribes, known specifically in the middle area on the continent of Thracallia. They are ambitious conquerors itching to take Thracallia. They are hostile and are common for attacking caravans. They get their name from specially crafted poisonous daggers with a rose on the hilt.


The Owlshrouds are a helpful tribe who help not just Duke Windell in the elusive world of nivallen politics, but generally everyone. They get their name from their feathery cloaks and use of riding giant owls.


The Primalbears are more closed off compared to the other tribes. They are territorial and, thankfully, rarely seen outside of that territory. If encountered, they are more likely to give a warning shot than aiming to kill as with their Kniferose counterparts. Usually that is the only warning given before bears descend and attack. Their names come from the raw strength of bears they hope to emulate.


The Swiftelks are a skittish tribe. They only become aggressive if fighting is the only way out of a corner they feel backed into. Swiftelks prefer keeping to themselves and often run off into hiding if seen by strangers. Their name comes from specially bred elks they’ve raised that are as fast as common racing horses.


The Thunderthorns are a reclusive bunch of nivallen that become commonly seen during rainfalls. They’re a boisterous bunch who party in the rain, believing it to be tribute to Barenor’s use of storms to combat orcs and gnolls. They obtain their name from electrically charged weaponry they wield, namely using static thorns for the tips of their arrows.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Stalking Tradition

The Stalking Tradition is a guideline that the nivallen developed that helps garner the security of their homes and rules for hunting among the trees.

  • Do not engage the trespasser until you know their motive is dangerous.
  • Guide the lost, weak, and weary until they are away from the forest.
  • Retreat when outnumbered or inexperienced compared to your foe.
  • Always sap the enemy's strength when possible.

Sacred Totems

Wanderers that stumble into woodlands owned by the nivallen (or at least used to) will find carved wooden totems of a “niv senterral” or forest guardian when translated from Elvish. These simple woodworks are placed firmly in the ground then blessed by the shaman of the community.

These totems act as guardians from evil spirits. Most notably, Etherial undead that wind up on Florenelle get repelled by these totems the most. To the undead, it’s as if there’s a blank hole within the area and immediately become unaware of creatures within the totem’s protection.

Common Taboos

Breaking the Stalking Traditions is commonly looked down upon. Some communities can vary between punishing their members for breaking them or be shamed to the mildest degree.


Outcasts of Elvarid

The nivallen were exiled from Elvarid long ago. They broke Orrilius' rule on respecting nature by harnessing what power it could bring. This exploitation of the natural world by manipulating magic and the wilderness shocked Eladrin communities about such a possibility. Now, nivallen roam Florenelle in the forests of Thracallia and the small islands of Oceania.

Historical Figures


Barenor is the son of Orrilius and acted as an assistant to his father’s work. The Grandest Father admired him for his ability to manipulate the weather to safely turn hurricanes into calmer storms. Barenor wanted to manipulate the wilds further and this ambition would quickly draw his father’s attention.

When Barenor destroyed an orc raiding party with the power of thunder and lightning, it would become one of the reasons he and his followers would be outcasted by Orrilius personally. Their manipulation of nature for vicious means scared some of the elven communities. They feared if nature would lash out for this exploitation as its why very few voices came to Barenor’s defense.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Eladrin and Regalia

To many nivallen, the eladrin having to setup in Regalia is a laugh to them. First they were exiled to Florenelle and now mock their cousins for being around their developed turf. Different nivallen tribes have differing opinions of the eladrin. The more traditional of the nivallen scorn the eladrin and may go out of their way to attack their caravans. More relaxed tribes are indifferent to their cousins, as diplomacy often makes or breaks a friendship.


Nivallens are unsure how to approach the drow since they aren’t very common and stay underground. Both eladrin and drow tend to be awkward around another so it’s tricky to discern if the drow are to be mistrusted for their close relation with their hated family members or perhaps give them a chance since they don’t appear to be too involved with the eladrin.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
850 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Nivallen vary between either a lightly pale hue or tanned skin.

Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Florenic Discord


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