Character Basics 2: Developing the Character in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

Character Basics 2: Developing the Character

Further Character Development Details

Context for Approach

The following advice assumes you are under one of MrBauta’s games. This is the mindset I use when handling characters and helping to reinforce their background. I mainly take this approach because I’m a “story over gory” kind of GM.

Character Development Methods

Coming up with a character is a hard thing to do. It only makes things tricky in a homebrew setting you probably never even heard of. That is why I’m hoping this article can alleviate the stresses of coming up with ideas for characters and help keep authenticity within the setting. Here are some strategies for coming up with what you want the character to be.

The Story

Consider what kind of story you’re hoping to tell with this character before they walk into the campaign and what could happen by the end of it. Do you want the angsty rogue trope that eventually does learn to trust others? Do you want a redemption story that could either succeed or fail depending on what they do?

Cause and Effect

This method relies on asking the question, “How does this character react?” It’s an approach Xanathar’s Guide to Everything takes in the This is your Life chapter. First, you start with where they were born, who raised them, and what growing up was like for them. From there, a turning point asks them why they must venture out and why they have chosen the class they are. The answers to those five questions should yield what kind of mindset that character is in while adventuring.


Making something original is hard. That’s why making the paladin that smites every evil thing in sight and the rogue stealing every valuable are common occurrences. My main advice for making tropes unique is to add a layer on top to add depth so they aren’t so much of a cookie cutter.

Perhaps the rogue needs to accrue as much wealth as possible to pay off a debt to someone. Maybe the righteous paladin gets a sense of revenge for what happened to them when they were young.

Integrating the Character

Now with the core of what you want your character to be being completed, what about becoming a part of Florenelle? It’s fairly easy depending on how flexible or specific your backstory is.


The easiest way to integrate your character is to replace key aspects with what is in the setting. If you’re looking to run a mage fresh out of a magic school for example, that school would most likely be the Arcane League as your best bet for acquiring that knowledge.

A warlock with a Great Old One pact is most definitely going to be Kordgelle as characters with Gathering pacts would cause a lot of infighting with the party.

A druid who aims to be part of the circle of dreams would definitely want to be part of the Dreamwalkers.

A character found wounded in a caravan ambush? Perhaps the southern nivallen were behind the attack or trying to defend the caravan from Ilshmarric orcs.

Indepth Approach

The hardest advice to give is direct involvement with the setting. This requires a lot of knowledge with the setting’s lore in general to have an idea of what you’re working with.

Perhaps being part of a Triumvirate expedition into the Continent of Thracallia in search for relics from the Necromantic War. All of this being under the command of a Valencian noble perhaps.

Maybe you hope to be an oath of the ancients paladin under Heldoroth Windell to bring Barenor to justice for Orrilius. Such a daunting task would not be easy as he hides amidst Thracallia’s vast woodlands.

Under the Archmagistrate’s authority, perhaps you are the tasked with leading a doomed expedition into the Abyss to find and root out what the Nameless Host hopes to accomplish in the end goal.


At the end of the day, you can always ask MrBauta for advice or to clear up mysteries surrounding the setting. I love answering questions. Note that not every character needs to be strictly adhered to for the setting but they will feel slight effects for not acknowledging the factors within it. If a player so carelessly makes a great old one warlock without Kordgelle as their patron, they will no doubt be on the One in Yellow’s list of enemies. So do take those precautions into account which aren’t a lot thankfully.

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