Dragonborn Species in Exorsia | World Anvil
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Dragonborn, sometimes called Draconians or Half-Dragons, are a species of humanoid Dragons. Dragonborn seem to be descended from Dragons, with their origin being able to be traced back to before the Dragon-Elf War in the Silver Age. It is believed that the first Dragonborn were the offspring of Elves and Dragons who took humanoid shapes. With Dragonborn being the descendants of those offspring.   Dragonborn are bipedal and usually lack wings, though some do. They are scaled with Dragon-like heads and tails. The scales of a Dragonborn come in a variety of colours, from red, blue, green, black and white, to metallic colours of copper, brass, bronze, gold and silver. The colour of a Dragonborn’s scales reflects the damage type of their breath weapon. Since Dragonborn are descendants of Dragons they are very reptile-like, and therefore, unlike other humanoid species there are very little aesthetic differences between male and female Dragonborn, other than the fact that female Dragonborn tend to be larger and stronger than the males.   In the current age Dragonborn have a very low population and they almost went extinct during the Age of Arcanum. Because Dragonborn have a unique ancestry compared to the other humanoid species of Exorsia they can only reproduce with other Dragonborn, this led to the majority of Dragonborn living together in the same location, the largest of these civilisations was Vracaris. In 1523 BF Vracaris was mysteriously destroyed and with it the majority of the Dragonborn population. Due to the fall of Vracaris and the Fall of Arcanum the Dragonborn population has remained low, with individual Dragonborn spread across the world.
The ruins of Vracaris can be found on the island of Scorchland in Terrasmus. The little archaeological information that could be gathered from the ruins suggest that the Dragonborn lived in a matriarchal society and worshipped the Draconic Pantheon before the fall.


  Dragonborn mature quickly, they attain the size and development of a 10-year-old Human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15.


  Dragonborn hatch from eggs. Female Dragonborn can produce a single egg approximately every 10 years. This egg must be kept warm for 12 to 18 months before it hatches. If the egg is not kept in the appropriate climate it will hibernate indefinitely until the right conditions are met.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
350 to 400 Years
Average Height
1.8 - 2 m (6 - 7 ft)
Geographic Distribution
Gem Dragonborn


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