Durma Pantheon Organization in Esau | World Anvil
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Durma Pantheon

The Durma Pantheon is the modern Dieities


Ateh ( daughter of The Platinum Dragon ) = protection of children, disabled and the weak
Baervan Wildwanderer = Travel, nature, forest Gnome
Eldath = spring waters
Goddess Romane
Kord = Strength, athletics, bravery, courage, sportsmanship
Mabonos = youth, rejuvenation
Mielikki = forests
Ronin Mikoto = Dance & Movement; Fighter (Capoeira) = Neutral ( switched from the Oberster Pantheon )
Sarula Iliene = Lakes, streams
Sune = beauty

Life of the people of Esau bacame to involve greater kindness, more beautiful things, dance, friendship celebrations, connectiveness with nature and waterways, as well as seeking to compete in less violent ways.

Being within Celestia these Deities had a greater influence on the behaviour of the Angels, than the Oberster Pantheon ever had.
The angels already saw themselves as more important and beautiful than the people of Esau. With the Durma Pantheon's ideals, the angels came to want more attention and have more competition, even between themselves.


As Delight turned into Delirium, and Destruction left his 'post' ( The Endless ), the more modern Deities gathered, inviting Delirium to join them.
They were ones who played together as 'children' in Celestia.

These Deities are more carefree and want to enjoy their existences. These Deities take the care of each of their Domains seriously. However, they wanted to befriend each other for no reason other than company, yet also to compete in less violent ways. They changed how some things are. Continuing to gather in an area of Celestia - making it their secondary home.

Religious, Pantheon
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members


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