First Folk

The Deidir, Culture of Gods

The Deidir, often named the First Folk were the people who came to the world of Ekozia in the beginning of time. Their great leaders would found the first city, ushering in a prosperous era of magic, longevity, peace, and culture. They would later spread out with their followers into the surrounding lands, becoming the second folks, while their leaders would ascend into the ranks of the Great Pantheon.  
A long time ago, the world was not inhabited by humans, as so many worlds were, after their making by the forces of creation. But then the Deidir arrived from their home world, seeking out new places to live. So they came upon the world of Ekozia and found a world rich in magic and resources. It was here, somewhere in the lands we now call Copperwynn that they founded the first city Caratis.
  Most legends and myths describe how all sentient beings of this world came from somewhere else, even though the origin is unknown. The depictions of the first folk found in several old ruins show how the small group finds these lands and builds their first home with the help of mostly magic and simple machinery.   The city of Caratis was home to large stone structures, with bronze and gold used for beautiful decorations and embellishments. Magic was much more present in their structures, allowing slim but high towers, sometimes even slanted in odd directions without risiking to fall as well as large bridges without support spanning rivers. The larger promenades of the city were lined with statues of marmor and bronze. There were many temples and shrines to unknown deities, all of them overflowing with golden elements.  
It appears as if the Deidir had little technology in regards to forging, smelting or even prospecting ores. Recent experiments have shown that a moderate amount of magic alone can be used to extract gold, tin, and copper from soil. Additional methods could acutally mix tin and copper together inot a variant of bronze easily.   Perhaps this is why bronze was more valuable to the Deidir, as it cost more magic to craft and form. Gold on the other hand was similar to clay to them.

Legendary Wonders of Old

  After a few decades, the leaders of the Deidir would start their own journeys throughout the lands. Their discoveries lead to the founding of the Second Cities, all across the area of today's Caramiza and a few outside regions. During this time, the great leaders and magicians, Apac, Zecod, Lirini, Maned, Gazezu and Vitukua each would find their own way to ascend into a higher plane of being - they became the Great Pantheon.   Their followers also reached unmeasurable proficiency in magic and build impressive monuments for their gods. Scriptures told of at least five or six great wonders, but only a few myths have survived until today.  
It is unclear in most cases, where exactly the Second cities were founded. There are strong hints Vitukua settled in the Wunnewalden, while Maned created his large forge somewhere in the Ukanten Mountains. The other locations are often guesses, as well as the location and exact nature of their great wonders.

Gazezu's large temple of Intan

Less a single temple but more a whole city of individual shrines was the legendary Temple of Intan. Gazezu herself founded it in order to honor the many spirits and forces of nature and magic. It was originally suspected to be at the place of today's Selversheyn, but this was disproven.

The broken down mountain

This is less of a created wonder but a curiosity for going missing. Many descriptions and depictions describe a large mountain of pure marble set in the middle of the large plains around the settlements. Over time, depicitions of the mountain become smaller until at one time it no longer is mentioned anywhere. Considering marble was one of the main building materials for the Deidir, it was possibly completely broken down and used in building.

Sabes' lost library of Zatthun

Said to contain all the knowledge of Magic and the world before of the Dedir, this legendary library was apparently founded in the city of Zatthun. Later, the followers of Sabes dedicated their life to protecting this library, until the knowledge was split up and distributed all over the world for an unknown reason.

Maned's Forge of Untran

When Maned set out with his followers to found the city of Untran, his goal was to perfect the secrets of metallurgy. To this end, he constructed a legendary forge inside a volcano, capable of smelting, alloying and enchanting every metal in the world. The recently discoverey workshop at the Emerald Lavafall in the Ancient Ukanten Ruined City was this legendary monument.

Events leading to decline

  After several decades of reaching new heights of magic and understanding of the world, many great magicians of the Deidir ascened into a higher plane of existence. However, these events drained the magic from the world in large amounts, until no more ascensions were feasible. With the decline of magic, the cities of the Deidir started to lose their influence and importance.   Lead by their leaders and eventual deities, the first folk began to split off and travel into the lands. With the decline of magic, the various groups founded new cities and nations, laying the foundation for the many nations of today.   Zecod, one of the original leaders of the first folk, sought to gain more power and influence, by helping his followers advance. To free up the magic needed for this, he plotted the fall of other gods, destroying their essence but rising up his follower. These acts were answered by the Great Pantheon in a long and dreadful war for the magic and souls of the world.   After decades of war, Zecod was severely weakend. In a final blow, Apac and his fellow deities managed to bind all of Zecods magic - destroying a large mountain range in the process. Today's Ukanten Valley, specifically Zecod's Fall is the center of the giant explosion that must have crumbled most of civilization at that time. Zecod was banished into a comet, now known as Zecod's Tear.   While civilization was in shatters, a brave young woman was able to lead survivors to the remnants of the second city that would later become Bealuki. The leadership and courage of Sabes during the very first Dark Tearfall impressed the gods, who raised her into their ranks. With this the last large sources of magic were finally depleted and the great age of magic as well as the age of the Deidir in Ekozia ended.  

Common Remnants and Artifacts

  Though the age of the first folk is long over, many explorers and adventurers still can find remnants of their long lost culture.  
Many ancient ruins made from white marble can often be found inside mountains, containing tombs of important people. They often house many writings on burned pottery.
Many artifacts of the Deidir are made from bronze and have survived till this day - one could find intricate plates, weapons, statues, masks depicting the gods, and amphores with a bronze edge and lid.
Ancient Wine
Some stores of ancient wine can be uncovered in caverns. It is no longer drinkable but has surprising magic features.
Lucky explorers can find well preserved jewelry embedding crystals in bronze and iron filigree.
The destroyed lands of Zecods Fall are of course a constant reminder of the devestating war between the gods. Today, you can still find Zecodium in the area.
Magical Items
Many magical knowledge was lost, as much was taught from master to student and little written down. Yet still you can find difficult to decipher symbols in artifacts or on ruined walls, leading to the mystic arts.

Depiction in Art and Legends

  The age of the first folk still inspires many artists of the current age. Over the centuries, multiple recurring elements are now associated with the first folk.
Many white buildings, use of a lot of columns and wide, open surfaces
Colorful Fabrics losely thrown over grey leather tunics, often with golden or silver borders depending on standing and rank
Food and dishes
Lot of agricultural products, culture of bread and food with dough, but also wine in amphoras with bronze symbols on it
The Deidir used hexagonal coinage as well as colorful stones or jewels
metal plated staffs, simple bow and arrow, bronze armor in red and gold tints, helmet of a very specific form with the feathers of an unknown and possibly extinct bird
Wizards with glowing orbs in one hand casting spells of ice and wind. Sometimes with an ominous black void as well as glowing shields around them and others. Some even depict laying on hands to heal with a bright glow
Alternative names
Deidir - The people that strived to be gods
Related Organizations

Known Settlements

  • Caratis, the first city
  • Intan, the temple city
  • Zatthun, the library
  • Untran, the forge
  • Fruhdan, the free city
  • Fenoris, the dark city
  • Known Adversaries

  • Ancient Ur-Beasts
  • Zecod and his followers

  • Articles under First Folk

    The First

    In the beginning of Time

    When the First Folk arrived in Ekozia and founded the very first city

    • Long before written history
      Arrival of the First Folk in Ekozia

    • Long before written history
      Founding of the First City Carate

    • Long before written history
      Magical Ore Extraction
      Discovery, Scientific

      Discovered ways to extract ores like copper out of stone through magical means.

    • Long before written history
      The Deidir defeat a primal Ur-Beast
      Military: Battle

    • Long before written history
      Developement of fashioning marble through magic
      Discovery, Scientific

    • Long before written history
      Magical Bronze
      Discovery, Scientific

    • Long before written history
      Founding of the Pantheon Magistras
      Political event

    • When the culture of the second cities developed
      Beginning of political theory
      Scientific achievement

    The Second

    After the first city was established

    The time when the Deidir split to seek new lands, founding the second cities and their wonders.

    • Long ago
      Maned founds the second city of Untran

    • Long ago
      Founding of the second city Zatthun

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Vitukua travels into the region of today's Selversheyn

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Construction of Zatthun's legendary library
      Construction beginning/end

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Vitukua travels into the Wunnewalden

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Lirini and Gazezu found the second city of Intan

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Construction of Legendary Forge of Untran
      Construction beginning/end

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Gazezu founds the second city of Fruhdahn

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      First buildings of the great temple of Intan
      Construction beginning/end

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Zecod founds the second city of Fenoris

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The remaining Ur-Beasts declare war on the Deidir
      Military: War

      Additional timelines


    After the Ur-Beasts declared war on the First Folk

    • Long ago
      Apac and his army defeat the Ur-Beasts
      Military: War

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Apac becomes the first Deidir to ascend into divinity
      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Vitukua meets the Dragons
      Discovery, Exploration

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Maned creates the Manedir
      Artistic creation

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Vitukua ascends into Divinity

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Maned acsends into divinity

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Zecod and his followers find ancient sources of the Ur-Beast's power
      Discovery, Exploration
      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Zecod ascends into divinity
      Additional timelines
    • About 2000 years before our time
      Pact of the Nations
      Political event

      Gazezu facilitates the pact of the nations, securing peace between all second cities

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Gazezu ascends into divinity

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Lirini ascends into divinity

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The Ascensions have almost depleted the world's magic
      Geological / environmental event

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The Last of the Ur-Beasts have left the world

      Additional timelines

    Zecod's Ascension War

    When the magic of the world was diminished

    • Long ago
      Zecod slays Ganaha, one of the ascended Deidir
      Life, Death

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Multiple followers of Zecod are raised into an almost divine like state

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Apac and other divine beings declare war on Zecod
      Military: War

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The Ukanten Mountain Range is destroyed
      Disaster / Destruction

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Most second cities are destroyed by the war's destruction
      Disaster / Destruction

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The area around the first city becomes devoid of magic
      Geological / environmental event

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Zecod and his followers fall from divinity

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Zecod is banished into a meteor later known as Zecod's Tear
      Life, Relocation

      Additional timelines

    After the Deidir

    After Zecod was defeated

    • Long ago
      The gods destroy the city Fenoris
      Disaster / Destruction

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Evil energy spreads from the destroyed city of Fenoris
      Geological / environmental event

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The Fenoriten Swamplands develop from malicious energy
      Geological / environmental event

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The First Tearfall appears

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Princess Sabes organizes nationwide aid for victims of the Tearfall

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      Apac raises Sabes up to divinity

      Additional timelines
    • Long ago
      The first city Caratis is abandonned

      Additional timelines


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