Saurian Empire Organization in Avendora | World Anvil

Saurian Empire (Sore-ee-in)

Culture: Military/quasi-representative republic/technocracy   Overview: The Saurian race originated not in the Avendora Galaxy, but in a pocket dimension called Klal’El locked far away from real space. Saurians are so old as a race that even the earliest of records only contain hints of anything before the space age, and what little history that does exist is highly debated as to its authenticity. Billions of years and untold millions of wars and skirmishes have occurred in this pocket dimension, involving many more races that do not exist in our reality and likely never will. 
For millennia, Saurian scientists observed distant stars billions of light years away, completely unaware that their entire galaxy was locked in a pocket dimension. All anyone knew for sure was that any time a ship stayed too far from the bounds of their stellar cluster, it suddenly vanished without a trace. This baffled the usually imperturbable scientists, which was genuinely rare due to how advanced Saurian technology and scientific discovery had become. Then one momentous day, a renowned chief Saurian scientist, also a member of the Saurian high council, claimed to have discovered away to cross back and forth over the border between planes of existence without vanishing mysteriously. He had correctly deduced that their entire existence had been in a pocket dimension and had reasoned that he had discovered how to come back once one had exited the realm. This stirred the entire galactic empire into a frenzy. The high prince of Sauria, now known as Emperor Aku Va’Kai, took special interest, even going so far as building his own colony fleet to start the exploration and begin expanding the borders of Sauria once again, this time beyond even the known limits of their dimensional existence. 
Unfortunately, the once honored scientist had lied. It was all an elaborate ruse to cut short of the royal bloodline, which consisted only of Aku as the scientist had previously known of his enduring interest in extra-planar exploration. The second the exploration fleet crossed from the Klal’El dimension, their home galaxy vanished from both vision and all sensors. After trying in vain for quite some time to make it back in the way the scientist had said they could, Aku realized what had happened. Determined not to let the billions of Saurians in his fleet to patiently wait for the cold grip of eventual starvation, he directed the fleet to engage FTL drives and simply travel until they reached a habatible planet. (The laws of physics in the Klal’El pocket dimension are slightly different than our own due to different molecular vibrational frequencies and other such quantum issues, making much of the extremely advanced Saurian technology useless in this new reality).   Saurians in Avendora: Finally, after years of travel spanning light years in seconds, the fleet stumbled across the Avendora galaxy. The first race they made contact with, known only as “the Lizards”, turned out to be utterly evil and without morals, and quickly after realizing this harsh reality, Aku made the decision to wage war on them and annex the Lizard Cabals territory for the new Saurian empire. Tellingly, this came to be known as the Lizard Extermination Campaign. Total annexation was eventually achieved and communications were eventually established with the other races of the galaxy, leading to many interesting developments as well as a fair share of tragedies and both pointless and important wars. Several thousand years later, the Saurian Empire has become the second most powerful empire in Avendora, second only to the Walren Empire. While Aku has become quite successful, preforming his duties as the new emperor of the Saurian nation, he still holds out hope that one day his specially assigned team of top Saurian scientists will discover a way to once again establish communications with the old Saurian Empire, if it is indeed still in existence back in the pocket dimension so far away, though the terrorist group Broken Sword relentlessly tried to hamper these efforts with unknown motive.   Technology: The Saurian Empire is the most advanced race in the galaxy, having quickly worked their way back up the scientific chain with these new and foreign rules of physics and general science as well as previously unheard of materials and elements. Technologies other empires would consider impossible are commonplace, making war and even everyday life far easier. One major reason for this gap is the atomic scale at which Saurian are able to operate, discovering the smallest building blocks of basic matter and bending it to their will to accomplish nearly any goal. Saurians have even gone so far as to master technologies thar range from gravity manipulation to phase shifting to the bending of light to create invisibility. One special area of expertise is energy field manipulation, such as ship scale force shields, which has come in handy all too often since the exodus from Klal’El.


Saurian culture varies widely depending on which planet you observe, from the capital of the great nation with various diverse and stratified levels of culture due to its draw for tourism and general migration because of the massive wealth of the planet on the giant planetary rings surrounding the otherwise generally bleak and unassuming dessert planet of Sauria, to the aristocrats and wealthy vacationers underlined by the workers below on jungles and floating cities and tech tectonic of Acadia, to the myriad destitute workers and endless factories under the oppressive cover of toxic smog that requires all to wear rebreather masks on Tarvigrad, to the violent and brutal warrior culture in the now underground cities with stark spires like spikes clawing into the sky on the irradiated wastelands of Varn. Generally though, aside from these few extreme examples, life in the Saurian Empire is good and profitable with a focus on personal freedom and choice while leaving in the most progressive and technologically advanced nation in the galaxy.


Pre-education occurs between the ages of 2-3, Primary between 4-9, High between 10-13, and Specialized between 14-15 where newly adult Saurians are prepared thoroughly for their desired career path. This is the standard regulated education requirement through Saurian territory, though some planets go above and beyond these while others fall behind.


On the surfaces of Saurian planets, Magnatubes, large metal tubes running in and through almost every Saurian city, are the most common mode of transportation. In addition to providing nearly instantaneous travel between buildings and even other cities, these tubes can also be used as space elevators.
Fold Gates, Void Paths, Acceleration Bridges are the most common forms of travel for both passengers and cargo between planets aside from traditional or otherwise FTL drives located within Saurians vessels.


  • Tarvigrad
    aurian factory world.
  • Acadia
    Saurian paradise and metropolis world.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Holocredits were the standard currency of the Saurian Empire until the invention of The Ether allowed for a more secure hybrid phyiscal/digital currency now called Ethermarks.
Major Exports
AI, computers, Ekiurium, and access to The Ether are the main exports of the Saurian Empire due to their proficiency of manufacturing these items, as well as refined Syndalinn created by the unique Saurian Solar Forges.
Major Imports
Vantium, Davantium, Ibium are the main imports of the Saurian Empire.
Legislative Body
The Emperor and sometimes Surpeme Lords can change create and disband laws at will. Usually however, decisions are made on 4 levels; planetary, solar, sector, and national. The national governing body is the Emperor above all, but a designated council makes the less important and menial decisions. Below them planetary governors handle their planets while solar barons keep them in line and sector lords make the even larger decisions for designated groups of systems called sectors.
Judicial Body
The Saurian High Court
Executive Body
The Saurian Internal Inquiry Organization is in charge of all executive action and prosecution within (and sometimes without) Saurian borders. Some have questioned the methods of this organization, but as of yet no corrective actions have been taken, perhaps due to how ingrained the group is now within the bowels of the government.
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Organization Vehicles
Related Species



Cultural Exchange

Tenuous Alliance

Devouring Swarm


Peace Treaty

Fanatic Cult

Both the joining of and general presence of this cult on Saurian planets is illegal through the empire.

Peace Treaty

Peace Treaty



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Aug 2, 2023 01:04 by Rayla

Hi! I don't know if you remember, but I commented on your reddit post about this article. I wanted to come back for the Summer Camp reading challenge that's going on, one to thank you for liking following my world haha. Two to say how much I thoroughly enjoyed spending an hour or more reading through some of your lore, I've got to say I'm in awe of the amount you've created, and the passion oozes from it! I especially liked your article on Zarock, I think he's a fun character, and I love the art of him in his ship. I hope you keep feeling inspired to create, I for one, will keep reading!

Aug 8, 2023 00:26

Thanks a lot! And of course I remember lol. I must say I really love your whole Redstone organization as well, especially the quotes and other details like that that really bring it to life and make it feel like a real world. That timeline was also quite interesting and I can’t wait for you to develop more of that world, assuming you’re planning on it (please do).

Aug 10, 2023 00:32 by Rayla

Thank you so much! My friend and I have been talking about it a lot, so we absolutely will keep working on the world, we've got a lot of stuff thought up/ written down, so I'm beginning to start writing it all down into world anvil. Good luck with your writing as well! :)

Aug 10, 2023 12:40

Haha it’s the same with my friend; tons and tons physically written down and now we are transcribing into World Anvil. Good luck!